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Warwickshire, England


Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

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Birmingham Police Court

... . I Nirmjlq?kolm VDH(f &ud. * YESTERDAY. Before Mr. ?? £7. S. Kynneraley. A REMARKABLE CA5E.-A youth, named Edwin Priddyj, residing in Wrentbam, Street, woo placed in the dock on the charge of Attemsptiog to steal a breast pin, from the person of Joseph Brookes, a lad of superior appearance, residing with his parents in Vincent Street, Ladywood. Thecircumnatances of the case wereof a somewhat ...


... Tho protracted investigation into the charges affecting the character of Chief Superintendent Stephens, was brought to a close, so far as the Watch Committee are concerned, yesterday. The Committee met at two o'olockcin the afternoon. Alderman MAcToe presided, and there were also present Alderman Lloyd, Councillor IE. C. Osborne, Smith, Cooksey, Goodrick, Dee, Ludlow, and Brown. Councillor ...


... Tlcese Sessisos were held yesterday at the Shire Hall, before Willianm ljeikino,, ?? Chairmoan and Sir T. CO. Skipwith, Bart., Ilice-caleircecsi. 'thlere wvere also oil ilee benchl tile Right. Hion. Lord Leigh, Lord Lieutenant ?? County M Aeosro.F. 0. llecehus, IV. Wills, C. Milwardl 'T.Lloyd, ?? C, S. Kynncrsloy, G. T. Soith, ?? Baulibery, R~ K. Rozherihaco, IV. Sand.i Cox, C. IV. Hfeskycc, J ...

Birmingham County Court

... Nirmillg4pill 6DIllitg 60110. YES'TERDAY. BEFORE LEmoss TsRlAFIFORD, ESQ. IMPORTANT TO P1IN13TE11 AS TFO PRicE L5oi's FOR TRADERS. -Dire v. Clarhe and Co.-This was a matter of interest to tradesmen and factors requiring price lists to be printed for the purposes of trade. Plaintiff is a printer, Samner Row, and the defendant, formerly of the Atlas Works, Sheeld, is now a gas- fitting, &c., ...

Warwick County Court

... Ictililirluid, (f, olulty 60tirt. TUESDAY. BEFORE F. DBiSDALI, ESQ. The cases set down for hearing were numerous. We give the list so far as it was disposed of, bat at nearly six o'clock the Court rose, and the remaining cases were adjourned till ten o'clock yester- day morniag. DISC'!IAstOED ON DAIL UNTIL Tuzen HEARINCS. -IMoses Smitll, Green Street, Biraiogham, ironfounder; John Culley, (the ...

Birmingham County Court

... girlllill?tplll 61 -ollatv 601irt, FRIDAY. BEFOeRx L. TRAFFORD, EO~Q. IMPORTANT RIALWAY CASE.-Jaekssi V. Great Wesft'a, Rnleficall Coajsystsi.-Altt~loghl several cases of sinilar nature to the follow- ing aveconi beorethe our, ths semsto ise a very interest- cningned ao to a poit as to ithe dei er byriwy Bf~erasoyab goods. gaP nr ?? s1 laintiff,'ortie Mi.Hikiid'dae i'ndsaie.- son inghfru.It ...


... SPIES AND REFUGEES IX GUERNSEY. In the Royal Court of Guernsey some days ago, before ithe Bailiff and Jurats, the curious libel case of Morin s. Cohln was tried. This was an action brought by -M. Edouard MIorin against M. Benjamini Colin, both parties being French subjects, to obtain reparation-ill uiatnages oln account of the following letter, inserted in the Guernsey S!atr newspaper, of ...

Law Intelligence

... spite ?Itttlffqtlla. COURT OF PROBATE, JULY 13, THE PRINCE OF OUDE if. MUSEEH-OOD-DEEN KHAN 13AHADOOR, In this case the Prince of Oude petitionedforadministra- tion of the effects in this country of the late Queen Mother of Oude, and of the late brother of the king, both of whom had died intestate. The ptoperty consisted of money, jewels, and wearing apparel worth altogether, according to the ...

The Metropolis

... gilt Ptropolio. EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF ELOPEMENT AND ROBBERY.- At the Worship Street Police Court, on Saturday, Jobn Budgin, a gawky-looking youth, 17 years of age, was charged, under peculiar and aggravated eircumstances vwith having feloniously appropriated a large quantity of house- hold goods and wearing apparel, the property of his late master, Mr. David Kimpton, an upholsterer, in War- ...

Birmingham Police Court

... cli% irlllilt?ljallt plia CP Start. SATURDAY. h c fore Mr. tleYrrerslly, and 3s. PUMPiso ThirE WIRE, WonKER;' TuRNOUT.-TfURRl5TENON A WoRK- nmAN. -A decnatly-attired young fellow, named iichardt Hicellrc, splbtrtet the I ?? of Messrs. Cornforth, Berkley AStet woreet oug uil p Ron cargste of andellO work- m Tn, I'm c oodotk, witether it oobjocki o inducnegl lan ato tlog- alled ?? ...

Birmingham Police Court

... ?? intiltylplit ?? ?? Out. ?j YESTE1111AY. Jlefore Mfr. F. C. Kynnsrsley and Mr. H. Fan Wart. POCK0ET Pscsxoa.-Joehui Jones,a lad of fifteen, a brass filer, living in a court in Lichfield Street, was charged with stealing a handkerlcief from the pocket of a geatlesnan at the corner of Bradford Street, about half-past seven o'clock on Tuesday night. Mr. T. F. Griffiths, of Braldford Street, ...

Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... prmiuy4aul phrqtq 60arl, YESTERDAY. BFeoRm AIR. COMMISSIONER BALOUY. The followhig certificate meetings wtere fixed for to-day. In re John Bowers Sinith, Rugby, ?? bankrupt came up supported by Mr. Ure. Mr. Hodgoon appeared to oppose on behalf of the assignees, and in doing so called his Honours attention to the fact that the report ot tie oflicial assigsee statesi that the bankrupt commenced ...