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Freeman's Journal



Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal


... I IFASHIONABLE IELLI-GENCE W Y ,e a-e much gratified to learn that our ex- cellent Lord Maiyor has determined to entertain Mr. Bright I and the principal ofiolilas connected with tile Atlar tio Tale- graph Company at dinner, at the Manslon liouse. Eis FN- celiency the Lord Lleutenatnt has grecioualy accepted an in. vitation to be present on the occasion1, end hes~fixed the 1st September for ...


... ' The Marchioness of Waterford has arrived at Di Newtown Anner from Curraghmore. ff The Earl of Donoughmore, Vice-President of to tle Board oS Trade, arrived by the four o'clock train on Fri. 1 day evening from London. His lordship, who we were deo tb lighted to observe ranuch Improved in health, proceedei mme- diately to Knocklofty, whore the counteas has been for some 0t weeks stayin3g- ...


... Jo I 7t A . . , A ,- X . CuLLOIIILL -At this fair, on Mlonday, tle Eshowz of hioried cattle was Ema!l in the extremne, and there were but few blyers for etock; bat the EUPjly of Pheep and tambs was very large, and thle demand very great, gau U. cu'aiy fuor beecing ewves. at conrs nveraged from Si to 121; new milch cowe not to be had ; very fewv two year oids and yearlings, and not Eought fur. ...


... | QUEE'S ROYAL THEM&TE. I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - Amongst the many clever iripersonation3 of Mr. King, perhaps that of Brutug in Shakepeare's tragedy of Juliua er- Cre jar Is the one In which his histrionia power Is made A. most manifest, and his faults as an actor least eotspicuous. .He appeared In It on Tuesday evening in the presence of ry. a crowded audience, His conception of tie part was bold ...


... | bro I - . The'Rarl and.Countveen of Liehfield are at present on a ..visit to the 5fr&~~ and5~ oarchloseld ofe Ater corn at Baron's court. count yrqui ?? Marnheo.ess of Aber. .he Earl and Countess of Craven have re turned to Ashdown Parl from a tour of Visits. The noble earl and countess are entertaining I saelect circle of friends. The Countessi DDwager SpenCer arrived in London a few days ...


... BALLINABLOE FAIR (EROX OvU COBRESPOwDENT), BALLINAOLoE, Five O'CLOCB, Pi..-Thle was a very late fair, though the usual supply of cattle and sheep was on the green at an early hour, still from the absenoe of strange buyers nothing wag done up to ten o'clock. Set. le.s we' holding out for high prices In the morning, tnt wale obliged to yield in the ocourse of the day. Few sales were efieoted up ...


... THEATRE ROYArL. The success whicic has attended the presentenigage. ment of Mr. nnd Mrs. Williams we may truly esay is without preoedeut. Night after nigrht umbers of persona ?? obliged to leave from the actual.nmpoasibility (and we use the term literally) of obtaining even standing room; and if the moat unanimous plaudits 'and hearty laughter be an indication of the popularity of uotors in ...


... T The Earl of Roden and -the Alsses Steele !YavO arrived at Tollynore PaFi t from, DUiudalk Hlouse. Lord und Lady Clermornt liave arrived at !Rostrevor from Ravensdale Parko. Lord D)u'ktlitn, M.P., arrived in Galway on jriday, and ig Btaying at Ardinore, tbe residence of T. M. Ferase, Esq.,J. P.* ?? Tuomas and Lady Redington anid suitel have arrived at their seat, tiicornan liouse. Tiue Doll. ...


... F~snIONABLE INTELLIGENCE.. TJhe Bart atid Countess of Elleesmere errived House all Monday evening from ?? ?? orlear cobbarn, Suiney.Y ,fug, F rl and Countess Craven and, family .Vrir I, London on Thursday :from Ashdown PeAr, c ?? and Major Massey 'hue Micea, and propose renmaining in Italy for ~eaecea O~ntl'5 tf Waldetirave an d Mr. ve~.,wllby Stravvberry-hill, in a few days for TheEar ?? ?? ...


... | FASHIONABLE ITELLIGENCE. ._ . ?? .A . Jrffince Altrea will accompany tbe Queen and Prince Consort to Prussia, and remain at Bonn to pursue his studles. The young Prince will be estabilshed at the Univer. sity In much the same way so was his noble father. .LOcjD EGLIXTON AND HIS TENANTS-The 4yr Adrertier reporte that the Lord Lientenant of Ireland haa invited histenantry and dependents on the ...


... | QUEENIs ROYAL THEAdRE. I .. s - ?? - . I wse extravegauzs of PFoto and Proserine, which was presented here for the first time on last Saturday night, qi hab turned out a managerial trump, or, in other word8 P' a decided hit. The parts sustained in it by Miesee Keeley and Thirlwa I and Mr. G. Honey have won for these clever performers well merited approbation from the crowded audiences that ...


... 'FASHIONABLE INTJ.*LIGECEN -| I. . . a i- i .. ?? = - . ?? .. I V;ICERIGAL. CouiST.-His. Excellenc the Lord Lienant cevtertliked'afi'licri; on Wcdne daytiafo . Iowianf@,h'>ersonagesT hli:ke and itches8 of 6Xangl rtr. the E 'I of Bssex and 4ty AdelaCepel, D.r, and M! WI IIIasn8' ;.the Countessiff. Layo;tl~e,.}tonsl ,8rke, (lolpoel, Do.le, Coloel Dnonae, Mis 3Noakes, Mrjiivirl.r'6. haln. ...