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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ez37ius x, S W _ = =E B YVI US. MARRIAS. & DE ATSTI. re N 1O notice of Marriage or fletith can be ?? 0AU albth r-ttated by the name an- alede cz the eei'Cr.- 1. Nottece ?? Diet abid for ,alvertieeJ~tL BMRrTS. 3 a NOVBht3- a _3ridseo etreet, .be w:-e of mr. Andre- SLgg, of ;e dftuIAtPIC4F Nov: 2° a' Seckvile 0Srce iuiroa by the Rev. Mir Sliti-an. y lirorrs r 000-toed, Evertoutio 2-fha Eli?,% at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... y~ BHUAI'1S, XARRiAUEb7 & D.EATRl'H. i * * NO notieot of Masrlage.or Death can he inserted unless t authesatcated by the name and uddrees of the sender.- 6 Netice8of Brths must be paid for as advertisements. e . BIRTHS. f Tig 1e the wife of Mr. Williams, chief officer of the ship Lt. er. of a 'diler ;t Bingioam^, a., - Parliament-street the wife of John i MRRIAGES.t SnPt, a- at Christ Church, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... et i BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATIS. A *e No notice of Marriage or Deathbe ins authenticated byth ame od 9Addrs BIRTHS. d, Aug. 4, at 3, Upper Baer-street the wife Of the Rev. Win,. IL Arthur, A.B., of a daughter. P MARRIAGES. la At St. Paul'%, by the Rev. Mr. Rtead, Mr Ths m d Globe Inn, St. Andrew-street, to Mary, eide r oodws_ ý'~dugbter Of Air. of Robert Prestwich, Fairfield, near Ashti.. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... telr: LATEST BT. - ' AND ?? TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. 3 0 22 33 DEATH OF THE REV. JOHN la oCLAY. 0 0 This much respected gentleman, who about two years ago tendered his resignation to the magistrates aca- of this county as Chaplain of the House of Correc- and tion at Preston, in consequence of his failing health, ; expired at Cheltenham on Sunday last, where he 57;.had been residing for some time for ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE MYSTERIOUS DEATH or A FEMIALE AT LLANDUDKO. The additional particulars obtained up to Thurs- day confirm the previous opinion that the lady caine by her death by foul meass, and it is strange that utp to that, day no person has made any inquiry in reference to her. The description which Mr. Kerry (who saw her sitting with a nan eon the rock) rives of he-r person exactly corresponds Fwith ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS t t N Ho notice of Marriage or Death can be inserted unless s authenticated by the name and address of the sender.- r Notices of Births must be paid for as advertisements, . BIRTHS. e May 15, the wife of Mr. George Bayliff, of a son. MARRIAGES. b May 24, by license, at St. Bartholomew's, by the Rev, Thos. r Robinson, Mr. Robert Johnson, mariner, to Miss Mary Ann 6 I ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e. iLigcsi, .Lrew, r oot!, onl re BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS, f let. Be ?? No notice of Marriage or Death can be inserted unless n authenticated by the name and address of the sender.- re Notices of Births must be paid for as advertisementse S re- BIRTH. on he May 1, at Altoll-terrace, Oxton, Mrs. Archibald Tweedie, of d. a son. se ~MARRIAGES. he Lately, in Nebraeka city, a Pawnee chief, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? BIRTHS; MARRIAGES. & DEAT 1S. and ng No'notiee of Mariagd or Death can be inserted uaites authenticated by the name and eddress of the Sender.- ised Notices oS Birthe must be paid for as advertisesuent3. t an BirTHS. ;to ?? pro- The ltaldioa Mctdfral G(wete states tbat a woman, aged 20, e'ivered of fie daughtlers on thle 8t-h nil at Rovio, ped ?? regnlancyof seveu months. Onelived oly two 3 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B ]IRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. vi NO notice of M'traoor Death rae, be ineerted unless L autenicaedbythe name and address of the sender.- Et BIRTHS.pot Marcoh 18. at Halifax, Nova Scottle, the wifo of Mr. Thoma i, Broen, late, of lWrkdis'i, of a eon. Oe Mar ?? April 2, the wi~fo of (Japtaiu R. Y. Willim, of xiauher Apri 8,. at 13, Mileq-street. Totatth-pssrk, the ?? John uahuck p~revision ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jal. BIRTHIS, MARRIAGES-, & DEATHS. se, a** *No notice of Marriage or Death can be inserted unles ty authenticated by the name and address of the sender.- a oties ot Births must be paid for as adveursements. rARRIAGBS. ~'Oct. 25. at Ll1andlaillo. Mr. William Kolsall, of this town, to 9g Miss H. A. Roberts, dlaughter of the ate Mr. John Roberts, inaltster, of Llandialljo. P. Oct. 25, at St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ct _ es ?? No. notico of Marriage or' Death can be inserted unoless I IS, ' authontlcated by the name and address of the sordet.-' G or' 'NoticebofBirths must be paid for ase'advertleemente.'' 6 te ifeof BIRTHS. . Feb. 6, the wife of Riohard 3t. Minton, REqi, Church-street, te Birkhehead, of a eon, . -G In Feb. 9, at Ramsey, Isle of 'Manj the wifoeof James Patter- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... itugo hoer MYSTERIOUS DEATH n of OF A port FEMALE AT LLANDUDNO. td be an lee; Last week we published an account of a female m liet: having been killed by failing from the rooks at the he r the Great Ormshead. At the time the paragraph was e written, evidently little was known to the writer of I' the circumstances in connection with this mysterious j s the i but from wat has been gathered ...