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Preston, Lancashire, England

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Pirkings from Punch

... 1 1 ' f r -I MiOTO ron TlEu MiNsrars.0*! Sufferance is the badge of all our tribe. (To be quoted by the Chancellor of theExehequer.) DIvoCEn.-Cattlng for fresh partners. BRANDY IN A BAD WA.V-ComnmercIal Intelligence from Paris states tbat Brandies.givenosignof lIfe. If thatisthe case brandy appears to be in danger of losing the title of ou dc Vie. EA RLY 1ISING.-I hold that it is not ...


... SPIGAND SUMMER. WiTh feralfa be a to With starry ts o'er with dew With buttercup Ora o thelea, Wtt lonely berebellgolden hue, WI A id loney haramet flresh and blue Wbusn thvlnge ?? 8 When last I was at Aldeidoy (0 The robes of Spring wore fiuged,. of Another dame is coming now, With golden looks and wreathbd brow to With fragrant breath and laughter free;- W Anid flowers beneath her footstepe ...


... j _ | EXHIBITION OF THE AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. We This celebrated exhibition took place on Thursday last, gol when the society was again favoured with most propitious m weather; the day being fine and warm, and not too sunny no for the comfort of the great numbers of people who make it a point not to be absent from this very delightful fes- thi tivity. The agricultural show, ...


... HopA BHO'.-One of our leadig prelatea ot Ong ago invited to his hospitable mansion in London a country rector, old friend, from one of the remote provinces. The sinple-minded gentlemnan came about ly o'clock, havig a notion that he should arrive about the dinner hour. Soon after he had taken his seat tea was oreoht round. Well, thought the rector, this is har living at any rate; if I had ...

Borrowed Crifles

... 11 I_.. ~ .. ~Uorrowtb .rifel. T*oTO - 'ONEWhat In the difference between a ship and a hen ?---Tie'hen lays otie egg, and the ship, lays to. lnever complained of my condition hut once, wben my feet were bare, and I had no money to bu) shoes; but I met a man without ?? contented with my lot.secd. . John, said a Yankee father to his son, when he caught him -shaving the' 5dovm 6ff his upper ...


... - l7OETRY._ OLIVER CROMWELL'S ANNIVERSAKT. S september 3rd, 1658% ?? two hundred years ago, mday I ~The asniversaxy of the death of 5 x istectordie~ of Englishmen, and the greatest of ait did this year, on the. very day on ?? hsdyffae On it he WOn tbe be allowed to pass without remark. on It he obtained the crowning gresict°orter;aaed'on It he died. While on his death. for his country's weal ...


... LINES of Jeremiao Horrocks, Curate of Hoote, hi godied A.D. 1641, aged 24 years. courts erewhile the youthful pastor trod, shesd r the word and traced the works of God; jknd urses of the stars prophetic saw- mjo d their order, and defined their law. And Yet a loftier view his eye would sean, r this lost world salvation's glorious plan For tiulasent of souls redeemed from night, The centre ...


... ViCUTfnS ftoln 1luxumib A MESSAGE TO BE WRIBPERED IN THE EAR OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.- It's never too late to mend. SOCIAL QUZSTION..If social science is independent of parties, what becomes of scientifie eoirges ? ECCLESIASTICAL INTELLIGENCE.- An Oxford gentleman ?? published Counter Thoughts on Church AMatters. Is this Ox- ford mixture ?-and if so, what is the next article ? One of ...

Borrowed Cristes

... 3BorroatD 't le- A PAsaDox.-A lady asked'a veteran which rifle casried the mairntum distane I The old chap answered, A Minip, murss :P., D. AND THE COOM ;-ZA New York reporter sent to the printing-oillce a notice of an inquest, an4 -P. D.,- meddliug wfith tbe.verdict, struck out a comnma after the word apoplexy; -ahingit read thUU : Deceased came to his death poby ex=. drinking, ...


... A GOOD SHOT.-Two stalkers, at the close of an unsuc- cessful day, were resting behind a knoll close by a brook. Three harts came down from the hills to drink. Immedi- ately detecting human footsteps, the three antlered heads lowered on the scent in a direct line from the men. One of them raised his IlV., Carod at tho nonom- huem, t 1fl was the only part of the deer he could see, and, to his ...


... RVIzEW OF lt. BRITISH CORN TRADE. (I~Eseo ,, t ?? BEprM). Frost again prevailed last-.weel%, till Saturday, with some severity, accompnied by a-3ight fall of snow. The wheat plant hasI now io0t its1 briht genaprnce for a darker hue, the gbei appe arancc'by thef chnes soils and esosed situapions have partly sufferedby the cutting win .butthe comrative diyness of the eason has preserved thq ...

Pickings from Punch

... icftng from iuncb. w A LrAsaED PIG PROTESTS AGAINrT THE CHARGE Op GR ?? THus:- What I choose to eat, is snout to nobody. TEE RlIGHTr WORD--A spade Is very properly called a spade; but a soldier's dinner is very properly styled a mesj. IHow TO MAKE MONEY. -Get a situation in tho Mitt_ Economnist. TuE LAST CASARD.-There was a strong rumour on the Stock Exchange that Sir Robert Peel had been ...