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Belfast News-Letter



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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... CARROTS. D AVID CARLILE HAS A CAROO OF TIlE D bhcst RED CARROTS arrived to-day from tile South of' Scotland, Which lie offers for sale, in quan- tities to suit purchasers, at his la), Yard, BALLY- MACARRETT, Belfast. i093 BELFAST WVATER RATES. XTOTICE IS f1IEREB5 GIVEN, THAT THE BBooks of Applotlent for Water Rates are ready for lispectil. att thoe Water Commissioners' Oflice N. 8, lloscuIlary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRENCH MODERATEUR LAMPS AND PURE FRENCH COLZA OIL, AT VERY LOW PRICES. RIDDEL & coMPANY, 'l,'USItllX;: ANM) MANUFACTULIUNGi IlONMoNMMSR, u4, Iliy/k Street, Belf(st. 3865 T O 13 U I 1, ) ER S. UTAN'l'i I). A CONT'I'\CT'OR, TO BUILD A ]t HOUSEI, t )lnlIdrilml, Cotnty Down, accord- ill to lalns and Specifications to he seull [It tile )owlislile (Illice, llillslJooligh. T'elTles Wvilll le rceived ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OL 5'0OOD SELECT ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADEMY. r M1R. StEPIIERD, OF EDINBURGH UNIVER- l SITY, respectfully intimates that lhe will open the above Acadely, on MONDAY, Jan. 4, 1658. ,-roslpectuses of Studics mnay be had on application. TO BUILDERS. ,V:TDNTEO. A COlNT lACTOR, TO BUILD A lOUSE, at Dunudrunn, County Down, accord- itg to 1'lans and Specifications to be Scen at thle Voswnshie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOWN HUNT. THE DOWN HUNT WILL MEET AT NEW- T OWNARDS, on the 12th day of January, 1858. G7 J. TEMPLE REILLY, Treasurer. ,$alos h11 3ArIWID DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. To be Sold by AUCTION, on FRIDAY, 15th Jan., 1858 (if not previously disposed of by Private Sale), IHE INTEREST IN THAT OLD-ESTABLISUED TlHouse in the Confectionary, Pastry, and Sugar- boiling Trade, where the Proprietor has carried on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LURGAN MECHANICS' INSTITUTE BAZAAR. UNDER THrE P .RONAGE OF LADY LURGAN, On IWEDNESDA Y and THE! SDA Y Next, Gth and 7th January, 1858. OPEN fromn TWELVE to FIVE o'clock, COLONEL GRANT HAS KINDLY PER-MITTED V tlhe B.ND of Th Kitlg's Own Liglit lifitnftry to attend on both dalys. The REFRESHMENT STALLS wvill beprovided rith all tho delicacies of the season at moderate charges. Tiho Ulster ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. WE have not space to insert the Lecture on India for- warded to us from Castlewellan. [BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH.] LONDON STUCK EXCIIANGE-JAtC. 4. Consols have been steady to-day, and closed at the opening, 944 j. OPsNINO PIlolws.-Consols for M1oney, shut; ditto for Account, 94i 1; Now Three per Cents., 941 l. Noos l'arregs,-Consols for Money, shut; ditto for Account. 941 j i; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE MISSES ROE'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, 6, Clarence Place, Donegylt Square South, Belfast. I 5HE MISSES ROE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT 1 tile duties of their School will be Resunied (D.V.), on THURSDAY, January 7,1868. 84 PORTADOWN. LECTURE BY DR. COOKE ON INDIA. A LECTURE WILL BE DELIVERED FOR THE A Portadowva Young Men's Christian Associatio by the Rev. Dr. COOKE, of Belfast, in the TOWN IIALL, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OVERCOATS, DRESS, FROCK, AND OFFICE COATS, &C., &C:, &C., I at the ITEIAlATEM PORION, = 45, il1ykl Street. J. ARN O LD, PROPR IIETOR, E A k'rJC Stock of iWoollendrapery. 3;572 FOR SALE, , CONI)ENSING STEAMt ENGINR, BY COATES A & YOUNG, 24-inch Cylinder, 3 feC) 0 inches trokiev Clpalle of driving iimarrsI5 Of O0 indicated olrses ponwer. This Eilri-ie canl be sell at Nvork till the 1st of of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM UNDEIR o0 IJ)A`YS TO AUSTR~ALIA. Nil rrI LIVERPOOL AND pa 1-4-7-1~rAUSTRALIAN NAVLGA- ~~~ ~TION COMP'ANY'S Ceilebratetd -' .rSeanclippers, ill COnjunlctiont with tile EAGLE' LIANN (IF PACK ETS, 1 ARlE iDESPATC''IEA) MIONT'rHly. ,ro i 1 h. coilisinintlf t (il, muirr'I, BROTHERS, & W C'O. Ii'N EII-OT E iE OW RIN ASN 8 UTO All.1 PAt~F (IS F 'The (I ipp ti Shiips of' the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. TIE letter of Agricola, on Railways, is a little too strong for insertion. [ItY MtA(GNETIC Tl:LEORAIxII.] LONDON STOCK 1XC'IIANGE-JAN. G. (Consols have gradially advanced during the afternoon, and closed very firm, at 9'15, rather buyers. Tho share market closed biruLn 'at a slight advance. Orexiso Plfrces-Co'nsols for Money, 1't 4; ditto for Account, ¶l4;9 ew 'Three per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (ENUINE HAVANA CIGARS, &c. EDWARD & OEORGE I'M HAVE PAID DUTY on t One Case superior HAVANA CIGARS, ini original Boxcs, containing 100 cach, and have on ti )ands CABANAS, sunperor' Brand; also, One Case ( genninc CAVlNDISHI TOBACCO, of finest quality. E 27 & 29, Hiulli Sill. 41)(3 N OTICE IS IlEREl'Y GIVEN, TUAT A fi separate Builling, Illtit(ed RAMOAN MIEIETING- liOUSEI, situatd(l ii the ...