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Exeter Flying Post


... 1' isl At the Central Criminal Court, on Tuesday, thle mae Recorder passed sentence on three persons who had pleaded huir guilty to dealing in obscene publications. Two men were A sentenced to six months' imprisonment; but Mary Elliott, awal having repeated her offence, was sentenced to twelve mouths' corn imprison meet. Rail Mr. George Thwaites, a cotton-spinner of Euxton, dres near Chorley, ...


... DEVON INTERMEDIATE SESSiONS. These Sessions, for the trial of prisonere only, commenced fa rat the Castle of Exeter, yesterdia (Tuesday), before J. bI - Sillifant,Esq.,chairman. There were also presenton the isI i Bench, W. Miles, Esq., J. -Milford, Esq., P. Hoare, Esq., and of r; G. Smith, Esq. w The following gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury: oi Messrs. James William Bunce, Stoke ...


... AC~m EIMS, OFFENCES &c. Ri~hird_ T~iy_14r letter earnrir at Hrahfax, forevan of I df'th'e corporation&~ brigadie, and a teetotal ad~vocate, has of I been setit to Yorkl~Goal on a charge of staln letr. A e good -deal ?? was found at his houese .H awils WoV detected by stratagem. rigi PoAcmrNGu AyLrAy.-Tn a poaecling~ affry ?? wet Bpverley, one nh%~ili been killed and anotbhr,it isfeareis qUV ...


... CASTLE OF EXETER-WEDNESDAY. m- .. - 1 I ?? ,A. I- VXmQ I .Ufl 'jL Xflf-f-l - l * ?? Before C. Gordon, Esq. JOHN TROUT was charged with rioting atBroadelist. It appeared thatthe defendant joined othersagainst the county police stationed in that locality. Stones were thrown, some of which struck the officers ; then they secured the defendant, and the others made off. The officers, in answer to ...


... - TIVERTON. COUNTY COURT,-TcuesDAY. ea I LoossmonR v. FoBwAnD.-The plaintiff is a solicitor of we a Tiverton, and the defendant a labourer of that -place. The Ar a claim was I 6e 2d. forprofessional-services. The defendant lig e swore that be never employe40tW6 plaintiff or any other at l attprney in the cases, for conduelidg,whiah the present action wi a was biought; and that he waasnever ...


... TEIGNMOUTH. P.C. Essery, of the County Police, has been ordered by the Chief Constable to be suspended from duty until further enquiries have been made respecting his conduct at the Lobster Inn, on Sunday, the 17th nit. TEIaGNN0TH PARoCHIAL SCHOOLS.-On Saturday last a meeting of the governors and subscribers of these schools was held at the Assembly Rooms, for the purpose of receiving the ...


... EXETER COUNTY COURT-TUESDAY. ul (Before J. Tyrrell, Esq., Judge.) W, ,PERtRETT V.OLMER.-This was an adjourned case. ti The parties reside at Christow, and the action was brought to bt recover the sum of £9 Bs., for oider supplied in 1854. Mr. h Fryer, who appeared for the defendant, contended that the tb cider was supplied to Willism Pinwill, who had taken the t benefit of the Insolvency Act, ...


... EXMOUTH PETTY SESSIONS,-TH-URSDAY. by -. -- nxc -elo-r oW - - .A W- V. O.I. and Before the Rev. J. T. Boles (chairman), and NV. C. Cole and O. K. Holmes, Esjis., magiBtrates. S.AMUEL DAYMOND, of Woodbury, was summoned by Mr. J. Barrett, of the Globe Inn, Woodbury, for an assault. It appeared from the evidence of complainant that on Saturday, the 17th of July, the defendant and a young sailor, ...


... This trial, which began on the 13th ultimo, was brought to a conclusion at a late hour on Saturday night, having ocenpied 13 daysof about eight hours a day. The court sat at twelve o'clock. Long before that hour hundreds, nay, thousands, of persons congregatedin the vicinity; but only ansmall portion of them were enabled to obtain admission, and they comprised parties personally interested in ...


... _NISI PRIUS COURTiWEDNBSDAY. i ?? ?? ?? - %TtVV TVAIZ(lFP I TEE FIRST CASE UNDER THE NEW DIVORCE ACT. TAPLEY v. TAPLEY.-This was a special jury Case. Mr. Collier and Mr. Igsrstake were counsel for the petitioner; proctor, Mr. Herbert: and Mr. M. Smith, Mr. Keralake, and Mfr. Turner were counsel for the respondent; proctor, Mr. Rothery. Mr. HARBLARE opened the pleadings, and Mr. CoLLIEn stated ...


... EXETER COUNTY COURT,-SErTEPIBER 28. AFWICAN SHERRY. HOLDERNESS V. WVARE-The plaintiff, a gentleman of this city, claimed of the defendant, an auctioneer and R builder of Paris-street, 12s. Sd., on account of certain bottles . not being according to sample, and for a deficiency of one. e twelfth in the quantity of sherry which they contained. Mr. I Stogdon appeared for the defendant. The ...


... EXETER COUNTY 'COURT,-DEcBIaEPm 21. Beifor-e J_. Tyrrell_, ?? iudge, THE COUNTY POLICE.N WOLLACOTT V,. HAMiLToN.-This case it will be fe remembered had been atdjourned several times for judgment. b The action was brought by the plaintiff, who was a third. of class man in the County Constabulary, to recover 1us. bid l., part of a month's wages, which the defendant, who is the d chief of the ...