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Morning Chronicle


... SPORTING INTE Y, 11.8 I .TA.TTERSALL'S-Yg,,?FilO,, to Oigto counter-attractions very f,,11 a few of speculation took place onl futuree ?? ett beni Dui-ring the. early part of thle aftertIM Fit, oo.hacked for thle St. Leger at 4 to ?? td y, and monkeys being takeni in one bet ?? a per- the highest ofiler at the close. t kfjl taken about Toxopliilitc. Cilje~nie, 'l.J in tile impired. after ...


... z )I t t , INTELLIt'E I ilyv ?? l'l bevyolld thle set- ?? -1 erhy ?? little blisi- 'i~ ;'ie ?? I'otCWottliy mtoveements I l ,; itl- lO atld tho Knight of the .,eepleshae, 1 eil of whom were ?? Petitlaketl flre'I%) i 0' -rileur )tiken tiil iit okf the l freely) b:I -u lt ttileheilt : ' : ; ,il(,llel: Ktli-ll ' i 1 i. t' i . (thu ii : . 1 i ah..hi huh. it~tiel . . i lutib I- ta;leti I th o u i ...


... TATTERSALL'S-YESTERDAT. The attendance was exceedingly scanty, and speculatio0 the reverse of active. For the July Stakes 4 to I was offered en the field, and 5 to 1 bar the Black Bess colt The Worces~tershlirS Stakes were not named. Physician the only animal named in connection with thle Liverpool Cup, weas in somve demand for that event. Windward was backed for most mnoney for the Goodweod ...


... SPOlRtTIG' NXTEUll'iGENC. WEIGHTS FOR THE CHESTER'CUP. Thetfsiowig i~iights were announciid 'yOstrday at five p.m. Their publication has 'bedn ex peate4 witb snuah aoxieby, tgid altogetifer: the Handicappei: hafi dis~charged There are 164 sa calbera to the'etake, bub only 160 hoerses have been handirdcapped-three en-baorlbera niot having naed, 'an'd the ominatio of Ghn'mma di Vergy being void ...


... STOCKBRIDGE RACES-TLUISDAY. Third Year of the Eighth STOCSKBRlDGE TRIENNIAL STAKES of 10 sovs each, for four-yr-olds; Colts, 8st 101b ; fillies, 8st 51b. Certain penalties and allowances, Two miles. and a half. *3 subs. Mr. Payne's Sentinel, 8st 71b ?? ?? (Flatman) 1 Mr ?? K Coopers King of the Forost, 8st 71b (Charlton) 2 Betting: 5 to 2 on Sentinel, who led from start to finish, and won by ...


... ROYAL THAMBS YACHT CLUB. The second regatta of this great club took place yester- day, with the advantage of a very, large and fine fleet Of yachts for the Mostipart so evenly matched that the cog- -nosceata were at a lose to discover, with one exception, which to'back, nor was their dificrlty relieved by the shifty and uncertain state of the wind, which blew from all points of the compass ...


... a of ULCHFIELD RACES-MONDAY. ,urof [ADDITIONAL PARTICuLAR9.] Tine CPELAN HANIICAI'of 5 0V5Iech, 3 ft, Wl ~d led. Wnners exra. One iead a half. tj Mr. S~nder55 Maser Baot, 4yre, at 7i (Ke~ndafl) ieW- Mr hiesGimeal,4 r, s wi. Iillcde) 4 orge Betting 2 to 1 onl Master Bagot, 4 to each agst Edl,, Ict id Sobieski. A fine race in,,won b a neck;a cw 111,between the second and third, elenale was ...


... SPORTING 1NTELLIGENxCE MANCHESTER AUJTUMN RACES pj,, AY lee The (,'Hr8uiFuc:.; HANDICAP Of -5SUS ay e ' aiti e, Iwided, for t sn-yr-ol& Cer~tan WeIno ,rs ' 'p sicolil to save hid stake. Thiree-qluarterS 5 j '20 S1us.8.we Mr. C. Pock's feiannj Deanis, 634t811, ?? td- r. ?? Stwe,7st lii1, ?? Mr.EL. TAsSr~rs ,511)ib'itw . Ing rtcher Lad shibn,'. 211) l~alloner1 MrP-'' 7l Awful, 7st IN1t ( ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENCE, YORK AUGUST MEETING. SUBSCRIPTION ROOM, TUEDAY NIGHT. The room was well attendod. For the Ehor Handicap 6 to 2 was taken about Vedette, and 6i5 to 1 about Geinnia di Vergy; 8 to 1 was offired agst anly other. For the St. Leger Toxophilite was in some force, and at one tinii as little as 7 to 2 was taken about hin. CLOSING PRICES. EBOR HANDICAP. 5 to 2 agst Vedette (taken ...


... SPOR.TING INTELlIGENCE. TATTERSALI,'8-SATVRDAY. ST. LEGER. :3 to 1 agst Toxopbilite (takev freely) 7 to 1 - The Hadji (taken and offered) s9 to 1 - Volta (taken) 0I tn 1 - Felips6e (taken and offered) 1 to 1 - Governess (taken) 12' to 1 - Sunbeantl (taken and offered) 20l to 1 - Blanche of Middlebie (offered) 20 to 1 - East Langton (offered) 50 to 1 - Knight of Kars (offered) 1,0C0 to 10 - ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGp\(N ; l, aI e N EW.MAiEKET HOUGHTON ET', IIANic'AiP PLATE of £5,'0. Caiiil~id i Baron cl,;ld's Schu,4y, :dr. J2. 4)dxornt's 'Irabuco, 3 ~ ro, - ILordliL.g,' filly, by Teddiiig-,i L~ ,ur yr4 5irt WIb ?? ,li mr. LaI Slr' Bel Esperailca, 4 yrto, t;,t i- Tliw fulluwhig alio ran ted Lori ( liftieno Fadladoen, 2 yrs, *8-t 'I iit. lfii .i3 Lord Nelson, 41 yri t , L oil ...


... TATTERSALL'S-YESTERDAY. For the Two Thousand, 4 to 1 was effered against oClydpdale, and 100 to 15 against Brother to Marohionesh; 7 to 1 wuld have been taken to mosney about the latter ,10 to 1 w~as offered ag~ainvit a ,y other ; 1,000 to 30 was taken about Clydesdale winning this event avid the Derby, and i 1,000 to 15 about Clydesdale winning tbis evint and Sed- bury the Derby. The D.rby ...