... THE BURIALfOF THE OLD YEAR. TH3E BURIAL OF THE OLD YEAR. At . -- -- - _ 1 v . _ _ -. THE BUMIAL UI ?? H ij yj AE. B1 We were a mighty multitude 2 That, mourning for the Old Year, stood, 2 The great, the poor, the wise, the good, h The wicked, and the fair; No matter for their rank or place; P The beggar; he of noble race; S All come to pay a farewell grace a To the departed Year. d It had ...


... 9 itt ra t u t. 'Tim APOCALYPTICAL HISTRoY, Contained in th o Book of Revelation. Solved upon an Entirely Ctel New and Consistent Principle. By HARCOURT br BLAaN, Dramatic Artist of the Theatres Royal,br Edinbu~rgh, Glasgow, &c. Edinburgh : Paton & des Ritchie. Glasgow: Mlurray & Son, trot( Mfn Gc,L.,Tcsrox, in a recent debate in the House of ds Comnindulged in some humorous remarks upon dfsc ...


... I Seldom, indeed, has it fallen to our lot to have to record so brilliant, and, at the same time, so perfectly legitimate a triumph as that we witnessed on Monday evening at the Theatre Royal, on the oooasion of the representation, by the Pyne and Harrison English Opera Company, of Balfe's new opera The Rose of Cesltille. Fresh from the triumphs they have achieved during their late operatic ...


... WHE EXHIBITION OF THE A1T MANUFAG- THIEF ASSOCfIAMIWOW : [COXCLUDXNG, NOrtE.] . - E 0xLLA1NEOU:. Takingparting glance at the contents of this interesting and'instrds'tive exhibition, we notice;a variety of articles which we propose to deal witfi under the comprehensive head of Miscellaneous. 'As contributions,-to'arehitecture, ,we would recom- mend the coloured drawings by Mr -iwen Jones, ...


... FASHIONS FOR JNUARY. (From Le Faet.) We have not yet arrived at -the cold aeason, when fur becomus absolutely necessary, but we already observe that it is much used asea trimming for bas- quinee, paletote, &o.; and certaioly nothing can have a more elegant appearance than a handsome pardesaus of velvet ornamented with this material. This basquine is made shorter than those of taffetas worn in ...


... FASHIIONS F OR JANUARVY. ('toest ILe JBotlet.) WE hftave not yet airived ait tit ?? season, wh0en fitr becoies absolutely necessary, bitt le already ob- serve that it is much used as a trinnining for has- qulics, paletots, &e.; and cortainlyt nothing cam have a nuore elegant appearance titan a liandsomse pardesus of velvet Orinaiuenited with this material. The bas- qeuine is madc ...


... NA VAL AND MILITAB Y. TROOP SHIPS ARRIVED AT CALCUTTA. Nov. 11. Barham, withRifleBrigade, 13. Nub4 with Royal Engineers. 14. II.M.S. Melville, with det4s& ments of the 23rd, 82nd, and 93rd Regiments; John i (es), with 38th Regiment; Victoria (Es), with 82nd Reg. ment. 16. Alawick Castle, with 19th Regiment; Adre. ture, evith detachments of the 19th and 12nd, and 6l, Rifles; Octavia, with ...

Fashion and Varieties

... (4flubl'oll Bill Paridim, T ll E CO UR T. WiXDson, T'UL;DAY,-TIe Judge Advocate-G erreral had an audience ofther Mlajesty yesterday, to submit tile proceedings of some courts-martial, Tire Portu- giesae Minister and Countess de Lavradio arrived in the afternoon onn a visit, and in tire evening dined wvit her Majesty. The party also included her Royai ligliness tire Duchess of Kent, her Royval ...


... TiE FASHION TO BE POOR. The Par's St'cle contains the following amusing romarks: ?? The weathercock has veered round ! At this same period last yearnnothing was to be met with but millionaires. The goddess Fortune went through every street dispensing I her favours. When by chalice a can was met who was inodrat eoniugh to avow that he had not yet deposited a millions in the Bank of France, he ...


... music. ly HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. le All that we have got to say about last might's It performance of the nwacata is, that the house was crammed th ,r from the orchestra stalls to the cailing with an audience, a 39 large portion of whom probably saw for the first time the e. It great stars of the evening, Piccolomini and Giuglini, and 5 It were accordingly most vehement in their demonstrations ...


... _ I THU KneG.Op PauesuA's health. is so badhtst the twill rot, it is thought, be able to vlsit England onte25th janua. Wemy it, therefore, expect the presence of ?? of Prussia at his son's mar- rigse with:lhe Prinicess Royal. T The nuns of: Pau, .who have, earned a world-wide fame for their aurcesa'in embroidery, have received in- structions: t6 farnish a large quantity of handkerohiets, ...

Christ Church School Private Theatricals

... Christ Chuxoh School Private Theatricals. On Tuesday evening last the boys educated at Christ Church Cathelral School gave a dramnatic entertainment to their friends, in the Theatre belonging to Mr. Tonikins, in Magdalenastreet, the gratuitous use of which he kindly granted for the occasion. The Chaplaius of Christ Church, as well as other members of the University, arid many of the principal ...