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Birmingham Police Court

... sirmingam jigact (Load. S ATITrDY to{ ?? Artl.' C. Ar. s eeore. !,i~eu IlS)S oi,si~ M ?? rnspector Coopes applied that two bind-quarters of beef, in a diseased and 'unwbolesose con- dition (being full of cow drinks), might be. destroyed. The meat was sent into the borough by Thomas Hubbard, a butcher, from Uttoxeter; and was found by Cooper, in the Slaughter-house of- William Wildsmith, in ...

Birmingham Police

... sirmillg4aill volict. YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. TV. Wills, J. F. Ledsam, and TV. L. Saganft. REMANDED CASES.-Mary Jotes, aged 17, Liclifield Street, japanner, was remanded till to-day, (Friday,) on a charge of steal- a piece of cotton print from the shop door of Mr. Adcock, in Bull Street, on Wednesday evening, about six ?? Jones, aged 15, who was described by Inspector Edmonds as an incor- ...


... CAPTURE OF A REFUGEE IN ENGLAND. ARREST OF AN ENGLISHMAN IN PARIS. The Chambre des Mises en Accusation on Friday received the report of M. SalIl, substitute of the Procureur-G6nfral, on the attempt to assassinate the Emperor and Empress on the 14th January last; and it afterwards decided that Joseph Pieri, Charles de Rudio, Antonio Gomez, Felix Orsini, and Simon Frangois Barnaid, (the latter ...


... i CLOWN COURT.-YESTERDAY. I BEFOIII: lM. BARON CLANNELL. t TscsRoWsUcsN A ToReCI UPON A RAILWAY CAMIAorE.-Charlest Sadelrsssa, collier, was indicted for throwing a lighted torch upon it carriage on the North Staffordshire Railway, near Hardcastle, at a qilavtur to four on the morning of the l1th of December. Evi- dence wras adduced clearly showing that the prisoner did throw the torch, which ...


... STAFF ORD A S S I Z E S . i l CROWN COL 1, T. YESTERDAY. BrcsLoltO ?? JusTICE BYLY-.- cix,c Os'. ?? ?? were this morning called ?? fomc .eitvtce: 1Udlsstr Ward, sawver. for stea.ling a quantst~i joissi Hill, pusidlerO. and S~srsissei Bssilevs miniter, for assaultting Lace. Kowley~ at ltistofl. an-I stealing fromn her ~t. 2.s., onl thle 3In july:; ktughes and Bailsey six years' penal ser-vitude ...


... THE LATE RAILWAY CATASTROPHE NEAR D , DEY. EXTRAORDINARY SCENE AT THE INQUEST - - ~~YESTERDAY. - SECESSION OF THE FOREMAN OF TH UY The enquiry before T. M. Phillips, Esq., Coroner, touching tile deaths of thirteen of the persons who lost their lives in conse- quence of the late collision on th Oxford, Worcester, and Wol- verhampton Railway, was roesumed ycsbday morning at the Bell Hotel, ...

Birmingham Police Court

... 9, rt, fitmiqtam Vdice 1904 YESTERDAY. Before T. 0. S. Kwucersley and S. Buckley, &aqrs. THE EXTENSINE ROBBERY OF SHOES AT DUDLEY.-It will be recollected that during the night of the l3th of February last, Cile shop of ir. John Beardsmore, boot and shoe maker, Dadley, retas burglariously entered, and a hamper, containing upwards of thirty pairs of boots and saloes, was stolen. Some title after ...


... IMPORTANT POST OFFICE PROSECUTI (From Punch.) A well-dressed man, aged about 58, of somewhatarr appearance, who gave the name of S1Ait7f, but who I frequently assumed the alias of Vern.on /was placed at bar, before Mr. Pdmeb, charged with purloining a let the property of the President of the Board of Control. Mr. Bright, of the eminent firm of Bright, Slasher, Badger, prosecuted for the Poet ...


... On Wednesday afternoon Mr. Wakley, the Coroner for Middlesex, held an inquest at Hampstead, on the bodies of Mr. William Asheombe, a surgeon, of 5, King Street, Cheaplside, and of Mr. Edward Prior, a hosier, at 13, Finsbury Place North. The deceased were in no way coss- neoted . but there was this coincidence between them, that, being wholly unacquainted, they had gonc to this suburban village ...


... S T A F F O Rt D ASS I Z E S . NISpjllS~ CoUiRT. NII YtHTERDAY. BecFOic Mci. JUS-r5ci Dm55it. THEI SWINFEN WILIL CASV6. LCoNTCLUSIO11 OF TIME TILIAL.1r Tire hearing or this case was reseccoeri0on the opening of the Cour at nine o'clock, and the exanaiflittl oftewtc'55 o h oec woo4 proceeded Witle FIIIry, King deposed to belieg at Swinfena froes October, 1851, to Octoer, 814,and ccril~iilIY ...

Birmingham Police Court

... girulbiff4aill ?? dourt. MYERDIE AY. Be/F6e- Mr'. T. 0. S. KVAesCrsisy. UTTERING COUNTERFEIT CoixN-Another charge of this nature camne before the Bench to-day, in which a man named Witiias, Sens, ho taed hathecam frm Traato, i Nrthampton- shir, b trae aeadderwasaccued f uterig acounterfeit l~veshilin pice, t te Tnrk Hea, WrceterStreet, on (Toeeday,) which was A QUEER CHARoE. ...


... THE SUICIDE AND ATTEMPTED MURDER | If AT THE CLARENDON HOTEL. ADJOURNED INQUEST. The adjourned inquest on the body of the unfortunate man, F. J. Harrison, was resuned last ought at the Clarendon Hotel, before Dr. Birt Davies. Mr. E. Greves attended to watch the Case on behalf of the deceased's family. As previously stated, the enquiry was adjourned for the purpose of taking, if possible, the ...