Fashion and Varieties

... ?IL;15biull aO U, arldio. T 1lE CO URT. r w r~nsoit, TriwR'SDAY.-'i'ire Queen, accoulpanlied by tile Prunce of Waels, erleo in the ridling-olrose tins 1rorriring, ittended by tire llion. Lnrcy Kerr,. His Rtoyal Hlighnress thle Prince Con%6rt wvent out shoot- leg'. The Prinmce of' Leininrien accompanied his ]royal lhighneuss. Nor' Reovil Highness thet Princess Royal tisre horronred Mrs. ...


... THE lEBTITH jM. | When shall we launceh our Leviathan ? Frota day to day, and from week to week, we live in an atmosphtls of abortive attempts and false alarms on this most interesm t subject. Theevent, wemusthope, will resemble Mr.1 acre4d positively last appearance, a thing often announced, and often put off, but which actually did take place at last, irhol everybody had given over the idea ...


... X it )I a t. T17E HISTORY OF ENGLAED, FROst TIM AccEssioN OF JAxsE 11. By Lord MACAULAY. Vols. I. and II. Loudon: Longman & Co. I} is hardly necessary to state-the fact is so widely known-that MIessrs Longman are now publishing a revised and corrected edition of Lord Macsaulay's brilliant and fascinating history. The work is to appear in seven handsome and handy volumes, at a moderatesum, so ...


... LIHERATURE. I ?? * ~th T7he Wfestminster Review. No. XXV. Jan., 188,58 of Chapman. ar The table of contents of the new lfestminster tes- inl tifies to its bc~ing- in a thoroughly wide-awake mood be this time. The number begins with Dr. Livingstone, 1I of course, and goes on to a subject'which occupies til much more of the mind of our people than the press is at all willing to represent- ...


... 0 THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF ART. riT, Po lical Econgigy of Art; being the substance (ditt, aol~tiowq) of two Lectucres delivered at ,4(cfiaster, J1dY 10 ?? 13, 1857. By JOHN ilsrai.N, M.A. London: Smith, Elder, and Co. This volume professes to be the substance of two lectures delivered at kauchester in July lqst-at the periodl of the Art Treasures Exhibition. The ,pbject s one that has as yet ...


... THE WRECK -F THE EARL OF1 CARRICK.| NrARRATIYVE OF A IStURVfl VOR. 8 (Fronm thse Ayrshire Express.) We are indebted to 'the courtesy of Mr. John Lyon, one el of the two survivors o6f the ill-fated Eartbf Carriek, who fr arrived in townonT'rtday, for the ?? details a, of the ?? issforsnantwent belowat half-past ?? morning, whenthe steamerwas midway betweenthe Mull of Galloway and the Point of ...


... DUBLIN UNIVERSITY. The number this time begins with the first part of a tale byHarryLorrequer, a tale of thelastcenftry, I founded on the proceedings of the Jacobite party in Ireland. Passages in Irisl. Ethnology, by that most competent writer on such a subject, Dr. Lath-am, forms another article of which the interest is essentially Irish, as it is in an article on the Earls of Kildare. The ...


... jLITERA1RY GOSSIP. Professor Agaqsiz is publishing, at Boston, a worki on tbe 'Naturtal History of thle United States. The sum of the subscriptions, if we may believe the Americanoiuirnals, aniouts already to onc ma nl a-halc millionl do11 dllars. We iiilerstaiiit that, ere January is out, , Gott- nod's new opera, L L Medecin ialgre lui,' will be produtced at the Theatre Lyrique. Mr. Charles ...


... FAIR$. CLONES (COUNTEY MOXAoIIAN) WVINTER FA.R.- CLOXS, JAN. 1.-This fair, which is considered the leading one of the County Monaghan, was, as usutal, well supplied with every description of stoc]c in the different departments, except in that of' sheep alone. Tue downward tonderney in prices of stock still con- tinues Althouigih there was no lack of buyers, yet the sales were languid, and a ...


... Tflr IIANDOWRITING ON THE WALL. 11 I ' lbr'tialy on the Wall; at storw* By L g A 'ERSTON, author of The Fall of § .ee &c., &C. Lon(oI: Richlrar Bentlev. h the reailer who takes the title of this book in = etioll fivithat of the ea^]ier work of Mr. g ] stone iuly suippose, 'The Handwriting onl the 11efelrs to the great epimode in Bible history * hL co ntainis the prophecy and fulfilment of ...


... I . This exhibition, which will be open -to the public to-day, was last night inaugurated by a convesiazione, which was nunerously attended by the members of the profession land their 'friends. The drawings, though lot ho numerous as last year, constitute a very splendid collection, and indicate a visible progress in the skill and dexterity of the designers. This was to be expected, because ...


... We have not yet arrived at the cold season, when LI e fur becomes absolutely necessary, but we already in observe that it is much used as a trimming for bas- it quines, paletots, &c.; and certainly nothing can £1 . have a more elegant appearance than a handsome 2n pardessas of velvet ornamented with this material. iv] ,- The basquine is made shorter than those of taffetas olh ig worn in the ...