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Leeds Mercury



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... F-TIGTICKETS of ADMIS- bO l01et0,~ iway be obtainred hr the Rerpiloitors on w NiS the Iftfofrin Iegistration-ellico, Bandi-street, * ~ fll *~Jul5). between the hours. of twelve at soon f ?? r 210-~ 011R to110 H' I llrcit esily), ?? ii *l 'aif-I Ft 1e15 ill the foreslooiS. awx11i00ir, 1856 A 17132 TO'NN HALL CONCEiUT 8OCIETY l1SIAiIj, will lbo performed io thle viotoria Hail, a8 VOCAl [bSa Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... public NKottucs. AT K ft A T IoN OFDDIVLSION.-WE'Si 1RIDING OF V,10.KNIIIac To trItAPLLES HYcG ULY siiC ?? b ec for ?? Riding of th-r, 1 CntyfYo. Wie, thle vvudeeegri enibeo se MajesY' CArtie of the Peace, acting in and, for the'- I'inWties Eriiri oftee t ?? Putsuance of thle acts Ninth George thtorh bittst fctytie, aridl Sixth XWilliarrr tire Fourth, h aianrtdls o th Wattierpvega-11 latron of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lirer' and Tmpvrtant Sale of Irish Linens Linen ?? y0 and Single [Samusk Table Cloths, in ?? (oetOo DCll5lOf i AUCTIONtEIRS' ilROOS fl1~TYSTTT LEEDS. Isiet Messrs. HARDWICK are favourva wtitl ?? from~ Meenre., South. Wier. and Co. tho einimieut Ielfast Lined MnlV11facturrem, A Idlehakn tsyl, Dniiciitrn l'smll ej M to Sell by Auction, (in0 Nonal netth 71ul ?? * ?? ,,v does, until the tc is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At tho S.Orl~oin~ Ald9thledlih~O 3le3STS. UALDlWi7iK 001(11 'lite.ic to ?? AuctIOn. oil it e10111 11010 Ith Pi~ecl',l Cl , off J'ulo inosoll, in ti.0 Socble-l ard (if ?? BAYrs~ol M11401,- ?? IC) bands high ; has been . ,&oesslene, to harneil c A rhe a1'e to tako place at twelve O'clocek at inoon. D 5027 H ECKMfONDWiK.E. A .In the, Lodm, Ijiitrict Court Of Bankruptcy. I Ina ',ne Alatter of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEWHITS UN DISPLAY. For the Whitsun displey, ito hard to exprear- Wliit BARRAN'it achieved and has done. To prepare and complete the elegant dress. On show at famed Number One. With an eye to reform, at prices to low. Prevailing throughout BARRNrsa'smy, With confidence all to his famous depot, Invite for the Whitsitn display. The Whitson display. foir ocience and art, Foir skill, for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... liTHAT SAITH. THE FgORIpTIJRE ABO)UT TV THE MAN 0CH'UIST JESUSV N GREAT GEORGEB'S.STiPERT CUHAPEL. TO-MORROW £IE 5KG, 6:30. ~~ROB, K. BREWER, Paetor 6th Marchl 1350. D 31 rHE REV. C. it. sPUGEO~N will Preaoh A. TWO SERMON'S in the FIE IHALL, HkLIFAX, on~ 'Wedireoriry, Aprcit the Seventh, 1820. The AfterCnoo Ssrvace to com-t metcca at two o'clock the Evenrinr stevere be obtdlne AsmisoNare ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERT31S21FENTS. Adulteration jR thi addeeg to an article some other subsetauce to increvee qutantity, and it is elralae tbhoith true that Tea i-* 1etely tillee tfeit Jl: , ' v-;I lite ?? ee, l:;WQV. r. 101p GeC 8;eL;C oif e oreneeinv the prilnl, talke the late grewvq oearse and brown leavesn which are unsuited to foreign ruppir. nod artidfiially fane thense ith lowdenl coinetr, three ...

A ~,T~llt.J-cK n uf

... D T V I~Q SwrT To ~losl,50 tO F,.i51iOX }EyEquiie, Cleric of Clio Peace for p the West Itiflal Of the CO005'y '0f borl. We.t~cliler~itosI,11000foot (If Hfer MajeosW. Juticeo ?? thle 1'.i Peace, acting tol tfinr tls t 16t Iiil of tile counrty of York, t a ?? a c, ,o 0 of parlianient, 1101011 hIdI P110d it) the& pioh rse i- tof rtni tfills hlio. ~IijeHy ls~in Georgel the Fourth. lilt intituled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0WXUAlEEDS.D-THH8EE 1AiUSIOAL orp ?? of tics LF,.rS9 DIS;PENSTY i Vil bepyn o te 2).21nj.and 23Srd at ocloer,' insiteadl of the Hoe ?? plib,~ ondth of October, as pwroi-circt adlvertisedI.) thk. pattlion- 14th ?? apirearl, a future ac1vsoeteenrut. The ticketj ccili be ,~a ahwekl by the Sec retary at the Town-Hatll, at th e flt-( lo hf a~lrery ?? )tyo-IIIDts ?? A. Is.N Ton al A ?? ?? 110T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5boics bp 1J rbate eontract. 0 If DISPOSDOoeCHIPPING, and W i' , Itkpg MACHINE,, nearly new. with shafting aind- j gr r co1pete. For particiulars apply to M~r. Wmn. Iswowsrtb, PiU udseY. D-1070 S be SOTD, Six-horse Portable Agricultural a ~ ENGINE. lasheen atworktivelvemenonths. can bie ,vlr uev day. Tbe parties are dispoojug of it tomake room f ~laer. D119 Leeds.D116 ~~ 0 be SOL~~D, au ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (1LOSING and LAST GALA.S at the LIhELS 1 ?? GARDENS. 2 (,isaturday. June Twenty-siw-Ai, 1858 there will he one of the largest IV ?? ant DRUM BzUND CONTkI;SI2S that has taken place in ,,,dholre. And o Mondays~ .Tuar Tirenleighth. 1VW. SMITH'A CELl0-- IjltATl-Ul MODEL PIRIZ9 I, Q41) awl MIIIUL.NS SPLENDID t jirlAoS BAND oire cintiled to play in the Gardens durnnd tue pI .1 jeesiansod Chornsee, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TiE LOND 1; 3MiSSIONARY SOCIETY.- Fer jet) D TI I I'o1 Ii,-cneto ?? AUXILIARY. mryl' fol tu bv Au.I' ry ill t1l? town0 of Loolte. OII Lordl'bo y, A C ITO t IODI'' ?? Aro~ ll,i',i l'S1 UM~NI willibe loro~ched j~i 61 Oh 1T-P t C II k I'JL-iu I 1 lia lorarllg at 10.30, hy the Shv.' 1 jos m~1l ,I U.LLF:NS. l.A., f~'oo r oin Calcutta; inl thle even- I1),( Ingeat 6:10 hey t~ll Her. I1 I D. ...