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Leeds Mercury



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... EAST-PARADE CHAPEL.-The Rev'. 1]E11 .ARRY NOLDS, B.A., will Preach In 'he rIbl'offt, Attd the FM,. IiNOCHI INILLORN. AlA. in, tire Evening of next Lordes-fty. when 0Urn. gl-ioits ivill be ulades on brehalf 01 BEITISU II lrrSO?S,- Service commencring at half-past bttu and half-pant six. C 13274 UEBY-TRESTCl-A PE in-SWRNH MNSwill be neach IintJUi3 Chpil TO..~f1f0?1IW~F, Iai the Morning by fire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LEEDS MERCURY IS PUBLISHED THREE DAYS A WEEK, N AlIELY, ON TUESDAY. THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY PRICES. Th08TA5IOE D. S7'.bl1OED ON TUESDAY AND TnURSDAY ?? 2d, 3d. ON SATURDAY ?? . 3d. 4d. TO SUBSCRIBERS. PB1 QUARTERvc (CREoDIT) ?? . 8s. Od. 118. 6d. Do. (IN ADVANCV) ?? 7s. Sd. 11i. Od. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Tvilst qt'C &'tcx grcat care to secure thc correct printing. of ad(terlit sencita, 00 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W KNTED, ?? TV mao in alolir iirle'l. hpa thel ruferiroees ar of the 1119J815 Obarlietir'. Adde, C 21.3I rCqrvrd.fiOO, LeedoB. oi14 JIVERPOL Gll~tES~ iiSTITU The above ]i~lnstituOO; Ii0 1101111. ool verv u0tiderate tereis, to 3islngaged aid oidy ee'5i ,(lweruw.i ?? ?? dirog t'he Yatatcotl mi1 to Wel1l illvtkil I 10M310hV, of itO edoseaitages. Far particI irso, Itol Lady ttlitin~ibluet, 76, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ju;t poblisetld. price 4d. ~LIZNBET j 0U'I, I- E, successively a Sunda ceila. ' ervtot nt i iottid.Iorplf n Ittjrrespotleleo~. Do'Irrld Ith lirtl o'r~ tile boirough of Leeds. r .i.atl 101100 tA Ortt.?Iti'14 t0 Itd tilookstl0ers. 1) 147430 - 'justb puobolsed1, Pric, 0010 Pennty. THEBANs) of !l01'E ANNUAL for I u9 0,oiri I Porrli-tfO on(til Co., 1itrsbrrollw AMlot Ila. Leet't, flubt l'obii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sales bp AXuctfgln ~o~te c ~ 11GF I'ETERGAT113 CYBNET FURNITUtE. C111INEY and PIER GLASSES. PIANO-'I FORTES, bV BroadweesId and Solls: H EP % rard; Ausica Box, Brsurels and Kiddertifneter Carglets [1,A CHjNA, Worcestorahire Chi~a in servi~ce, ~richly CUT GLAvs ChinS, Pariall, ]Bronze, Alabaster, and oth~r ORNAMENTS under Glasa Shadnes; SI OIL P`AINTINGS. WATER COLOUR DRAWI`NGS and EPN- GRA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TfrE MAR1T, DARILEY.STIIEET. BRADFORD. Vooctgnment of choice Works if Art, is, Sculptured MAcnbl and Ala- barter, ibesigoed in Gr tlltj FigisresO, VosBe, Fnflt%,Vazzas. Animal', and Cise lSubjerts. bly teleeted A'eti:-t, from the original Works in the Aesunselo of VInems Naples, turd Florenice. Meseers. 1MAR])WICKS and BEel' kes received instrneliorc from the iturorterw to Sell by Aucironi, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JJEFEDS AUXILIARY BIBLE' SOCIETY.- PATROON-The LORDE BISROP OF R.IPON. A.Ori4In ElE11NLO of this Auxiliary will be held in the TOWN II ALL, jfored,, FVelitti'0, OCtObg) an'nsnh rtrcnidOA 0toe1ru Society. lao kindly vonsented to take the 'InotrelI-tRIiioYt AD-DISON, CIA., Iecrtrof Collyhiurst; the ?? 6iT( Efl, LL. A., of Mancheeter, Canon of Cheoter;I i,. 11 YV N( tI.TSS, B.A.. of East Parade ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVER'IMSEMENTS.] No MEDICINE FOR TllE Cuau OF ASTHMA, CONSUNMP- TIOX, AND COupHs, was; aver attindeil with such speedy and unfailing R:cceaes Dr. LCuc(o 'us Pu.iMGSIJ W.5FLns, In every newspaper and periodical in the kingdom moy be seen testinials of their wonderful efficacy. To singers anid patlic speakers thes are invaliable for clearing and strengthening the voice. They have a pleasant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T~~lE PARSONAGE,~ IRKSTALtTJ 005r 1,1EEDS. IMP( Tllr PA~~~qO~khE l I liVCIUlt;t'l'URE, 0hMm- TheItoialin- Potio ofho iittUSE'L doo tbect3, andt other ney ?? lIiC Carpet, ut Properity thro Mro Zileor q DaFWICIC love realied ioatrtictho' fo.tile ropreocnta. te t ?? i r' oe liver' of th)t Rev. J.,. yn ?? (*Iell,0 bd the Th7ird 0110, lf 311 ?? iii- ieoOJiiiO, kceltl, near Ileeds. A l maen i' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JJ EEDS MUSICAL FESTIVAL. Itt AID of the FUND i of thle GENERAL INFIRMARY, at To be held in ttl uXEW TOWN HALL. 0n T'LISDAY, WRDINESDAI 1, THIURiSDA Y, actt IltDA ?? Scjctetetttr 7it S-b 9th, O t at 10th, Under I is . Iittelto Pa'rttaizee of HER MOST '}RAOiUSit I MAJESTY TUE QUEEN. PutttHn)ENT The Right Worshiptfl t-io MAYOR of LEEDS. PETER VA I RtBAIRN, EE4. Pnt'NCss'AL, I'tLFOttMttS. itdinae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XIETHODIST FREE CNj1U[Ci1-, Wkfed Thle SERMONS In coniaretton with the OTPENING of thle aboet ?? Of woarsh t' will be 1rreached as followe ?? 1'o'inrr,tro Jt111 At Fifteenthl, 1UK8 at blolf.part two pot., fry the lvic. IlXLXiIIFTT. ofV Newvvmc tie oet.iacattr (,Li Une e Idr-tlroait Free tiwhE ce); and at l 8OvCO P.M.. by 1t~V. J. VP C110WN1 of lireilfoerd . ~ . on sa'rlduv, J1,01 Eigle lrtrrit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rDEOPLE'8 CONOERTS.-There will to NO PERFORMANCE this e'ening. Nest Saturday, a Concert as genii. particulars of which will be dulyanucd J. N. DICKINSON. Hors. Sec. 0C99 MARRIAGE 0O' THE PRINCESS ROYAL. t fjRAND FESTIVAL CONCERT, in the Music- GX - hail. Leech. January Twcnl-fth. 1818. Iunder thre management Of the Recreation Soniety's Comminttee, and Patronloed by4 The Right Worshipful the ...