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... TRWO COURT OF CRANCERY. DUBLIN, YESTRERDAY. (FROM OUR SPEOIAL RlPORT91t, ME5Ss4S. WILLIAM DRunY, M.A., Barrister-at.Law, and William Dwyer Ferguson, LL.D., Barrister- at-Law, were sworn Into office as Joint-Registrars of the Court of Chancery, before the Right lion. the Lord Chancellor, by Ralph Cusack, Esq., Clerk of the Crown and lIanaper. It is ramoured that Richard Wilson Gamble, Esq., MI ...


... THnE case of Yescombo v. Walter Savage Landor, ?? in owr columns yesterday, is one which cannot be coiflfnlited upon without pain. An old man, and one who has 9iled a prominent position before tile woild, in the cvening oflids life, forfoits, by conduct the most malignant and detestable, tbe respect of Ills country, disgraces tihe profession of literature, and lenves upon every page lie has ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTERDAY. - (Before WMr. S. TRACY, Esq., R.M.) - FURIOUS DRIVING. George Rennie was fined lOs, and costs, on the complaint of Local Constable M'Farlane, for having driven a horse and car furiously on Peter's Hill, be- tween four and five o'clock on Saturday evening. The prisoner was under the influence of drink, LARCENY. A lad named Robert MOCartney was charged with ...


... COURT OF EXClI]EQUER-MONDAY, (FItOMI OUR SLCOtAL REPORTER.) (Before t?1e Full COURT.) THlE BELFAST TEA FRIAUDS. TFIl ATTORNIEY-GENERAL V. ROBERT IIRiNLaY. This case came before the Court on Saturday npon demuirer to the informationi filed by the At- torney-General. M;I. r .7%,\1:eiCiAN opened tile demrurrer. Tho infor- mation had been frled to recover three several perial- ties of £4132 each ...


... . x*. QUEEN'S BENCHI-DuDLS, SATUbDAY. IMIFORTANT TO MAGISTRATES. TIlE QUEEN, AT TIlE rnOSECUTION OF JAMES LALOR, V. THE JUSTICES OF TIE PEACE OF QUSEN'S COUNTY, In this case, which vvas argued yesterday, on the motion to quash the conviction by the magistrates at AbbcyleiX, on 15th August last, against Lalor, the Chief Jestice delivered tile judgment of the Court to the effect that the ...


... DUB.., YESTERDAIY. [FROMt OUR SPECIAL RE>PORITE .] [Before the Lord CmIIl.-JUSTiCR, and Justices BALL and Mo.Gul.] WM. DAVIS V. JAS. IRILAND AND VM. 3'NE'ILL, Tilms action in this case was broughit by the plaintiff, an attorney residing in Belfast, for recovery of aln ink-stannd anl candlestick. On a former clay the de- Cendants had iuoved for leave to plead double matter and the court ...


... BERLFAST POLICE COURT-YI;STERlDAY. (Before IV. S. TItAC\r, Esq., .mM.) There were a few of the usual cases of drunken. less this imorintig, which his worship disposed of II a short tilae. OFtiEUNG A III.L AT Trill IIANK. llamilton Johnston, a coop-r, Il idiig in Grattan Street, was charged with having Olhered a clqllue at the Beltast Batik for the sum of £2,) for which lhe required cash, the ...


... ENCUMBORED E'STAE'JITS COURT'U-- MAY 28. Mr. Commissioner IltttiituAVF sat in tils ?? to-day, at twelve o'clock, anid ?? of the followv- ing property:- WILLIAM IBLACIIFODI) AND OTIIEAtS. OWSHXItS; unol3OR1 DUNNSt, PETITIONER. C O U N T O OF CA A V A N . Lot 1-Corratawney, 318A.; yearly rent, £18 19s.; sold to Mr. C. Nixon, fbr £1,400. Lot2.- Corracleigh, 837A.; yearly rent, £58 ls.; to AMr. ...


... IfousiEa OF CoiMtONS, TUESDAY.-The Select Coin- mitte2 on County Rates (Ireland), appointed at the instance of Mr. AIACARTNF,, M.P. for the County of Antrim, met yesterday and finished its inquiry. The committee was appointed to inquire into the cause for withholding certain grants sanctioned by Parlia- mcnt in the year 1840 for the following purposes:- Maintenance of convicts and convicted ...


... TIlE GREA'r BREACH OF PROMIlSE CASE. BIIISTOI., W\rDlNESDAY. [Before Mr. Baron CJIANITEEL andl a Special Jury.J MIILES V. laGAs, Ml'. Tills was an action for br each of promise of marrlmiage and from the position of thie parties tue proceedings were looked forward to with great interest. The plaintiff Maiss Ellen Miles, is reported to possess great personal attractions. She is cthc daughter of ...


... 1 ROYAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY. TENTH DAY-SATURDAY. THE Cominissiorrers took their seats in the court to- dlay, at eleven o'clock, and proceeded with the in- q'uiry. MIr. IRI.A, upon entcring the court, said ho would wish to be examined linmselr as to the tone jiies nod. as Ile would have to bo cxariined in reference to the settlement, ho was thinlinrg it would be as well to reserve the ...


... _NDJ ??]'ES' COURT. Wr,. he,1 in if. r to & jwpi n',at a'lnce interesting and inmjortont, iral by Mr. John Locke, .,r the Irish E ncunl. ered EsleS' Cotrt, at tho recent mceting of tho NatiUnal Assciati m for the Pronmotion if Social Seinco, at Liverpool. Mr. L',udo is already well and the. yurebir known, in c pisiixini with publica- i;one; on li&e subject of thle Encumbered EntSties' ...