Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... I Nalli'myttg liolut. YESTERDAY. BxrOnE 7515, REGISTRARt WsLSoNc. lI ye William W~atlkins, of Clorch Stoke, Soaop, ?? was 3 an adjourned meeting for choice of assignees. Mr. Knight said he had no assignee provided, and an adjournment sine die must take place' The balance sheet, prepared by Mr. It. Free, showed that there was due to creditors £300. 18s. 3d. ; assets in good debts, £164.s. 10Od. ...


... TRIAL OF TH-ER(YA;j BR-ITwsE BXNK DIlEOTOR.: i The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *, the ?? of 'the directors of the, 'oalafta British Bank commenced in the Court of Queea's has Benohon Saturday, before Lord Cambel t' =ce urY. The defendants are HM b ~Bro aftI Esdalle, Her ?? od row~ne (a1t4 deW olfea D obae hhr artley 'keanndy, the Wilame Dan ?? Sta6pleton, Heegh Innfes' tree ?? coawa esl codd n nM the bench ?? ...


... A dreadful tragedy took place yesterday, at Bir. f amnigham. A man named Harrison, and a lady named Chapman, who appears to have passed for his ,; wfe, took apartments at the Cinrendon Hotel, in that town. Yeteda, in what appears to have been ca fit of jealousy, he shot his coaapanion in the head, and comittbed suicide himself. The deadly weapon - had a fatal'effect in his case, but happily ...


... . x*. QUEEN'S BENCHI-DuDLS, SATUbDAY. IMIFORTANT TO MAGISTRATES. TIlE QUEEN, AT TIlE rnOSECUTION OF JAMES LALOR, V. THE JUSTICES OF TIE PEACE OF QUSEN'S COUNTY, In this case, which vvas argued yesterday, on the motion to quash the conviction by the magistrates at AbbcyleiX, on 15th August last, against Lalor, the Chief Jestice delivered tile judgment of the Court to the effect that the ...


... {7P ran -1. A- -A ?? _- . (From the Times of Yesterday.) The bill introduced by Lord Palmerston n Monday night is of so reasonable a character, that had it been broughtlin by the law officers of the Crown as supplying a defect in our Criminal Code, or as harmonisingtthe law of the two islands, no one could decently have objected to it. It would rather have been a matter of surprise that such ...


... A BOOYAL SENSE OT J ZTJIUcE. A trial lately cane on at Turin, which excited considerable interest. A small farmer, Antonio Costamagna, aged 63, father of a numerous fimily, was tried for using abusive language towards the King. The prisoner was dressed like a peasant, and had a very composed and re- spectable appearance. The indictment set forth that on the 1Cth of September last King Victor ...


... TIHE POLICE CO UBJTS. l GUILDHALL. George S1?verton, a dust contractor, 'Was charged with tbsowirg about two tons of ashes into the Thames. The defendant had contracted with the General Steam iaoligation Company to remove the ashes from their vessels, ,i it was clearly proved that he had on several occasions thr0wow the ashes into the river instead of into the ash.boat. Thedefendant said that ...


... Her Majesty the Queen held a Court and Privy Council yesterday afternoon at Buckingliam Palace. At the Court, Count Chreptowitch, the Russian Minister, had an audience of the Queen, and delivered his letters of recall. Rear-Admiral von Dockiun had ami audience of her Majesty, and presented his credentials as En- voy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from his Majesty the King of ...


... . .PO .CE . .TELLIGENO .1. .- l KBOW-STREET-YESERaDAY,' Wn'r BSITING.-An Irishmuan, nasied A1f$csanthy, was Iplaced at the bar befors Mr. Jardine, charged with assault- ing his wife. Catherine Nacarthy, whose appearance was anything but | prepossessing, then made her appearance in the witness- box. The oath having been repeated, the complainant commenced a regular Irish howl, and begged to he ...


... Yesterday a special court was held. THE METnROPOLITAN IRALINNVA Y BILL. D:eputy BoweR (the ectairmnan of the ninprovetnelit Corn. inittee) brought UP thle followixg report, which was read by the Deputy 'lown-Clerk - I yr Aldermen and To thtight Hon.1 the Lord 2ayo, Alemnat Coninions of thle city of London, inl ComiotConi asselibhledl.ofyu 0, whose names are herelunto subscribed, of your ...


... LA TV NOTICES-THis DAY. 1i1er COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN, at half-past 10. Mr. [Before the LORDS JUSTICES.] Mr. Appeal: Ds Sotbein v Bland, part heard. Appeal l~d motions . Williams v St. George's Harbour Company- as Jortin v South-Eastern Railway Coinfpany--Ledward v ked Ledward. ROLLS COURT, CHANCERY-LANE, at 10. To be mentioned : Re Ilminster School. Causes, &e. an Collier v Mason, ...


... COURT (011' ALDJ-fiEN. oesterdav a court was heldl 'or tile despatch of public business. THIE CITY UniTeR CSp T 'Ilie Loun MAYoR e1ca'.;ed the attenltion of the court to the followill coilliiuiiicstioii from the Cooiniissioiier of Police, which ?? reald his' the deplit' tiowi-cleik 'itv 1'olice-office, 0(1dJewry, Dec. 21. Gentlelleen-I feel it due to tile efficient working of the CitV police, ...