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Law Intelligence

... ?? v, ?? - t - ( .. ok i COIURT OF SESSION. TcEsimsn. FEOL5uARty 2. FIRST DIVISION. REPORT Dr ACCOUaTANT IN BANKRUIFPTCY AGAINST JAHES SOLE, TRUSTEE IN J. D). INCNTER AYD CO.'S SEQUESTRATION. This was a report by the accountant in bankruptcy against James tIre, accountant in Glasgow, trustee- (;:1 thc sequestrated estate of J. D. Hunter & Co., tool and machinery agents, Glebe Street, Glasgowv. ...


... POLICE COURT-MONDAY. (Before Sheriff Hallard.) Alt EiPENSIVE LARP. Thomas Anderson, a ?? fellow, whose expres. sion and general appearance indicated familiarity with John Barleycorn, was charged with commit- ting an offence, alike obnoxious to the lieges and High Street authority. While staggering along Bristo Street, late on Sunday night, in a state of in- toxication, one of the street ...


... THE TWRAL OF THE ENGLISH PrISONERS I I X NAPLES. l The Salerno caspondent of the Daily Nears, under date January 3o, intimates that on the pre- vious day the Sapri cause, in which the two English engineers are involved, and in connection with which they have been imprisoned since the 28th of June last, came on for healing. The trial commenced in the military barracks in the suppressed Monas- ...


... (Before Sheriff Hallard.) th( The examination of Alexander Smith, corn-factor sin1 in Leith and Aberdeen, was resumed yesterday. Iar ca: The Bankrupt ?? attention being called ja to pages 83, 365, 424: and 570 of the Aberdeen ha ledger, No. I., containing the account of Mr James 18 Roy, jun., Aberdeen, and being requested to point thi out in that account the entries referred to in my de- wl Cu ...


... POLICE COURT-FBIDAT. (Before Sheriff Hallard). POCKiET-PICeITIG. About eight days ago, a lady was walking up Scotiand Street, baving just emerged fro.m the station there, when she was accosted by two suspicious- looking young fellows. They inquired the way to the Post-oilicc, and were directed to one close at hand ; but, signifying their desire to get to the General Post-Oflice, the ...


... POLICE COURT-FRIDAT. (Before Sheriff Hallard.) PUBLIC-1IOUSE CONTRAVENTION CASE. A man named Thomas M'Neill, and his wife, were were charged with contravening the Act for the Better Regulation of Public-houses, in so far as, on the morning of Sunday the 7th instant, they supplied whisky to a number of individuals in their premises in Toddrick's Wynd, without having obtained a license. They ...


... BANKRUPTCY EXAMrNATIONS. EDINBURGH. - IN THEt SEQUESTRATION 01' ALEXN. SMI3TH, S5ERCItAIUT IN LZITH AND ABERDEEN. (Before Sheriff Hallard.) Y'estcrday this balnlkrupt appeared for examination -The sederunt was as follows :-Mr F. Carter, ec- countant, trustee; Mr Beveridge, ?? agent in the sequestration; MrLogan,advocate, and Mr Murdoch, S.S.C, agents for Messrs Renny, brothers, and other ...

Law Intelligence

... 2101V 'bWfigat. TEIND COURT. in som, WEDNESDAY, FE-BRUARY 17. tions v .SJGI(ENTATION -ttK¶. ROBIERT STEVENSON V. TitE an Coll ISERITORS 0F DALEY. oi Dairy is a populous atd largely-iucreasing parish Miller. in Ayrshire. The last augnientatinwsgatdi o 1837, when the population was about 4000. At the Mortor census in 1851 it was 8S55, and now, it is about 10,000. The rental, which is ?? Ti much ...


... POLICE COURT-TnusnDAY. (Before Sheriff Hallard.) FOCST PICKING., Neill Bryson, James Cavanagh, and Edwayd Mac- Abe, alias M'IVilliam, three youthfal crimninals, were charged with attempting to picklthe pocket of a lady in Princes Street, on Tuesday the 22d inst.. aggra- vated in the case of the two former by several previ- ous convictions. The evidence showed that on the erening of the ...


... POLICE COTJRT-%vED SDAY , ESD-&. e- (Before Sheriff Millard.) ad AGGRAVATED CASE OP THEFT. )se A servant girl, of respectable appearance, named. le Barbara Lumaden, was charged with absconding frour. rs the house. of her mistress in Tobago Street, -on 'he- he 24th uilt., with a dress coat, a cloth vest, and a silk et, velvet bonnet. She pled guilty, and the Courts e, official stated that she ...


... BANKRUPTCY EXAIMINATION. (Before Mr Sheriff Bell.) bro Examination& of vohli Taylor. u The examination of John Taylor, late manager, of hall the Western 'Bank, took place at Glasgow yeSder- bet 'day, in Mr Sheriff Bell's chambers. Thero wire pre- bao sent-MrJ.7W.;Guild,:trustee; M r Adam Paterson, con law agent in the aequestration; MrAndrew B~nY- he natyne, for the Western. 3Bank'; Mr noi, ...


... C OURT- OF SESSION. WEDNESDAY, February 24. FIRST DIVISION. R. N.--wILLIAM BROWN V. JOHN RANKINE. In this case Rankine, the pursuer (residing in Fal- kirk), seeks to recover from the defender, Brown, a grocer in Lanark, the penalty of L.100, provided by law for attempting to bribe or bribing a voter at a Parliamentary election. The case arose out of the recent contest for the Falkirk burglhs ...