Advertisements & Notices

... 'Oxforojztn ETCALFE, BINGLEY, and Co.'s PER- HaL 21 U FIMED AL.MANAClC for 1858, Gd. each. POOIIET PElItiFsIME PjUNT.AINS.S d. andIs.each, NEW WINTER SOAP (oatmeal and camphor), a 'l'aelets, 6d. each. 1ti METCALIFE'S ALKALINE TOOTH POW 1)ER, Ss. per box. PIElRFUMES, in cedar-wood cses. Gs. 6d. and IIs. ,has 13il and 131. Oxord-street, W. W 1xT I N T E R C L O T H I N G. 7 V An imrmenso Stock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * V IW#blVO IotitI AYRSHIRE SOIREEAND BALL. - W.THE Committee request, that those Parties desk- JL ous of being present at the above SOIREE and BALL will please secure Tickets, as only a limited number has been isnsued and are being rapidly sold. WM. SI8ITHSgCretarY, UIR CITY CHIARITIES.-In compliance with .n 0 influential and numerously signed Requisition of the Citi- Glasgow, (see ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRAIIA.-BLACK BL iE rts Ship. RegIS±tr. I aptains. To Saill i3 ~ Chiti .1,052 Buehban Feb. S. 0- JatcoCheto ,03 Bryan lTeh. 12. Pij The abovqlie 1000 ono,:edof thelIrga, Tthe trnst. and fastest ob~sj In the, 'WotidO hav een ?? by themot celebrated builders of th enole M f oaongea Athe above anoda e dereggel rwebt toesl venla nte asedys. ?? m=a beon ?? rvious ssth the whole of their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l.M* 3AGE MAONEY ,d+1l AND UPWAMMS VIlHTE STAH'lt.INEP OF BUtITISIt & AUMTRALIAN EX-ROYAL MAIL PACkKETS, SAILLNG iiirwFveY LIVERPOOL &MELBOURNE On the 20th and 27th of overy Month, And fmvotoedinowg Paoagera by Slteamers at Raala through rates to all parts of Auitrala, To the eoo lz mig ent of H1. T.Wilbon anmd on., Melbourne. Ship. A CpaIitiii. h&g. hiur. 'doBal. AM UCtC ?? ?? .1010. .51 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTUJI)tAY EVENING CONCERTS. ueNClERT HALh LORD NELSON.Si1RFJT. ONt SATURDAY EVENINE: N1?EXT, Fr3BRUABY 0, MR. HENRnY PHILL:IrS AVILL .17VE A NEW MUSI(CAL hNTE1PTAIN-MENT, ooUNTrTLgiD silE:COLLECTION>S OF PAST TIMES,1 Adrlodiou: Body, 3d; Sde Galleries, 6d.; ?? Seate, Is .; 0 ?? at Eight O'lock. FRENCH CLASS. A rILnhCfI CLASS. for Beginners., every MNr,& tvenings oz ?? O'd]a, under the ?? OX ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L e n n ?? is pub- The BIRMINGHAM DAILY POST, price one Peffy~ spb lished every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings, at the offices, No. 38, Ner Street, Birmingham, and is ready for delivery to news agents at six o'clock. Arnzngeincilts have been made for the delivery of the posy to subscriers in Birmingham by eight o'clock, and we believe that all news agents will ensure ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Monday, lst February, 1858. p U B L I C B A K E It Y, CHURCH STREET. 1 I (EiTABLISIIEA I 1800.) Price of Bread tids Week:- HIOUSEIIOLD 41b LOAF . ?? ?? 5.d, EXTRA SUPERFINE 41b LOAF, . ?? Gd. 388 TO -3I 0 It It ) WV. CHURCH M'IISSIONARY SOCIETY. DOWN & CONNOR & DIIOMORIL DIOCESAN ASSOCIATION. INDIAN CRISIS. CPECIAL GENEIRALT MEEITINGS OF THE S Socie(t ill relbrelnce to ?? INDIAN CRISIS vwill I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D UTCH and other FOREIGN COUPONS now I due are PAID on presentation at the Banking asd Bullion n~ces, 79. Lembard-street ADAM EPILilM Xa m Co. C IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. t Travellers roceeding to the Continent, Olonles, Axserloa, oe hasa bave OIBOAB NOTES of £5 and £10e eaeh, ayable at all rlnadpal towns; also Sfselgn leales, at the Banirni tes, 19. Lom- I rdestreet. eS PIEL3UNN and 00 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW CLUB. r rr'{E ANNIVERSARY MEETING of the T NE CLUB will be held on MONDA.Y, the 1st day of Ee'rury, at Three o'clock P.15. DAVID HOME, Seeretary. ,j;P1aurgh, 18th January lSGS. tCOTTISH TRADE PROTECTIONSOCIETY, 11 BANK STREET, EDINBURGH. T r¶HE SIXTH ANNUAL GEN-ERAL MEETING . 1 of the MIE3IBERS of the SOCIE3TYwill be held T .DAY, at Half-past Three 'clock P.MS., in the HALL of - the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE SALE of the PROPERTY situated at No. A T 29 Glasgow Road, Rutherglen, is hereby WITHDRAWN. v TOLMIE & REID, Acconntante, at 8 Prince's Square, libel Glasgow, 30th Jannary, 1858. the POSTPONEMENT OF SALE Cop AT CLYDEBANK PRINTWORKS, FINNIESTON, GLASGOW, OF TflE DRYSALTERIES, MACHINERY, ROLLERS, refea BLANKETING, &c., .Adverffsed to take place on the Works, an Monday, Tuesday, and - Wednesday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E OR the CAPE of GOOD HOPE, with imme- lisle desoatch, hosing greater part or her cargo engaged, ttte ?? British-bUilt clipper barq'ae DBEADROUG?, Al, 830 tOIlS old, 038 tone new register, corn era I and copper-fastened. WttLrsi SIACDOxALO, Commander; , gte lsailis8 in the Lotitton Docks. This well-known vessel has actoennedation for thief cabin psaacngem.-Ellis, Son, pick 54, 1 oRT II ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FOLLLOVING ADVERTISEME1NVTS RAFACAED US TOO LATE FOR IMSERTION IN OUR :ARLY EDITION. PIANO-FORTE, AND 2UUSIC ROOMS, 42 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW. SECOND-HAND PIANO-FOP.TES. JT MUIR WOOD & CO. have at present FOR SALE O. a considerable number (upwards of Fifty) of PIANO- FORTES that have been more or less used (during the past seatson. Alargo portion of these are Instruments of the best ...