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... RHYMNEY RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE is hereby given, that the EIGHTH ORDINARY HALF-YEARLY MEETING of the PROPRIETORS of the RHYMNEY RAILWAY COMPANY will be held at the Offices of the Company, No. 28, GREAT GEORGE-STREET, WESTMINSTER, on SATURDAY, the Twenty-seventh day of FBBBUABY instant, at Three o'Clock in the afternoon pre- cisely, to receive a Report from the Directors, and for other the ...


... The Prince & Princess Frederick William of Prussia entered Berlin on Monday. Thep were received by about 200,000 persons who had congregated in the streets and who saluted them with hearty cheers Con- spicuous among the specators where a number of Englishmen, who stood together under the union jack belonging to the English Consulate, and who gave the Princess an unmistakeable British Cheer. ...

[No title]

... DR. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS.—Extract of a let • ter From Mr. J. Frou> Chemiet, Dorchester. Gentle* men,- Having just received the following, I beg to haud it to you, as a further proof of the excellence of Dr. Locock's Pul nonic Waters, which are generally spoken of in this t)eightJourl,ou'¡ in terms of rhe highest commendation. gentleman, a clergyman, called on me this afternoon, and ...


... LONDON CORN MAEKET (Monday, Feb. 15).— The leading country markets on Saturday were but moderately supplied with wheat, and nearly all kinds were in improved request, at a slight advance in the quotations. Fine barley and flour changed hands steadily, at very full prices; but all other produce met a'dul1 inquiry. Throughout Franca the trade for both wheat and flour con- tinues devoid of ...


... I FAI^S, said the Times lately, are the result^in a majority of cases, either of fraud or imprudence. A strong assertion, but one fully borne out by the numerous failures which occurred during the commercial panic of 1857, and are now unceasingly occurring. Young tradesmen start in life with a small capital, barely sufficient to pay the fitting up and contingent expenses. No sooner have they ...


... LITERARY V A 11 I g T IU S The man who W:1- ïilIel with emotion hadn't room for fiis dinner. Brave actions are the substance of life, and good sayings the ornament of it. A man may be great by chance, but never wise and -rood without taking pains for it. It is said thit no fort ever suffered so much from a single battle as the pianoforte from the Battle of Prague. What is better than ...


... CONTINUATION OF EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. (To the Editor.) v Much has been done and said about agricultural improvement in this town and dis- trict within the last two years, and great praise is due to its prometers, who doubtless see in it a means of elevating the tastes and desires of our townsfolk and neighbours; as also in these na- tural objects of bringing this vastly important locality ...

THE CARDIFF & MERTHYR GUARDIAN ....''''v-.,'VHV',-,,-,v'.',JJ-.,-.;,...-

... THE CARDIFF & MERTHYR GUARDIAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1858. GTrTTFYl^G^Tl^TE L LIGEN C £ T TAFF VALE RAILWAY COMPANY. t are much gratified at being enabled to state that termination has been arrived at respecting the disputes existing between some of the Freighters on the Taff Vale Railway, and the Company. It appears that it was agreed by both parties to consult Mr. awkshaw, the eminent ...

[No title]

... Marshal Pelessier is expected in a few days to he Bp. pointed Governor of Paris, a post which existed under the first Empire. THR REFORM BILL. —Arguing from Lord Palmerston's known predilections on the subject, we anticipate that if it be possible to tide this over the present session in talking over the Reform Bill, it will be managed. This game suits Lord Palmerston admirably. He winks at ...


... ERIAL PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF LORDS.—THURSDAY. Earl Granville, in reply t > Lord Carnarvon, stated that ,e Government intended to introduce a Bill during the j'Ment sessions for Parliamentary Reform, but that the when they might introduce it must be left to their d,, ...


... Snow.—There was a heavy fall of snow on the Brecon. eture bills on Sunday and Monday morning last. The hill* to the north of Merthyr were covered with snow the Brynmawr omnibuses came into town completely enve- loped in white flakes, and the road between Merthyr and Brecon was to completely blocked up at certain points as to be impassable. Ten or a dozen men were engaged to clear away ...