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... WELSH CHARITY SCHOOL.-The 143rd anniversary of this Charity takes place on Monday next, as advertised in our first page. The order to add Mr. Ralph Ormsby Gore's name to the list of vice-presidents arrived too late. It will be seen that Lord Dynevor is the president. II HOMO. -Ueccived on Friday Morning; too late for this week. ...


... We believe we may heartily congratulate our borough on the appointment of Robert Oliver Jones, Esq., Bar- rister-at-Law, to the Police Curial Chair at Cardiff. We have reason to know that the wishes of a great majority of the ratepayers have for some time been d:rected to this result, the character of this estimable Magistrate being well known to them. His proverbial integrity and impartiality ...


... COMMITTAL OF THE ACCUSED ON A CHARGE OF WILFUL MURDER. On Wednesday morning last, the inhabitants of Swansea were thrown into a state of excite- ment by a rumour that, on the previous night, a brutal murder bad been committed within the immediate precincts of the borough, and that two men had been apprehended on suspicion of being concerned in the commission of the crime. Subsequent events ...

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... The whole amount of contributions to the Indian has reached the sum of t3429929 18s. 4d., of which the but some £ 20,000 proceeded from subscriptions in a United Kingdom. Of the aggregate otf^iing* foreign States France alone furnislu-d upwards of fourths, the list beiug headed, as our readers will ieme^ ber, by the Emperor and the Imperial Guard. The newspapers will not be allowed to publish ...

[No title]

... The mildness of the season has induced many in this neigh. bourhood to begin gardening operations unusually early. Early potatoes are being planted, and the seeds for the early crops of green vegetables are being put into the ground by inert of toe early gardeaers, ...


... GENERAL NEWS. EASTERN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY.-At the an- nual meeting held on Friday, at the London Tavern, Mr. Hope in the chair, the report was received. The Chair- man in his address, referred to the difficulties and delays attending the launch of the Leviathan, and congratulated the shareholders on her ultimate successful launch. At the request of the Chairman, Mr. Brunei said he ...


... LONDON CATTLE-MARKET.—MONDAY. There was a Urge supply of beef to-day, say about 4000 head of beasts, of generally fine quality, but although there was a good attendance of butchers, trade was very -o/mutton there was again a moderate supply, the numbar, of sheep being about 16,500 head, for which there Was a very sale, and the subjoined quotations were much difficulty realised. Many head of ...


... Out of this evil seek to bring forth good.Milton. THESE is many a tragedy enacted in humble life, by the majority of us overlooked or un- known. A little home is shattered never more to be a home again-the stay, the support of a family is wrecked, founders on a sea of misfortune, and is borne away for ever, and forth from some humble dwelling go the widow and the orphans to seek the cold ...

[No title]

... WELSHMEN IN THE UNITED STATES.—While the sons of Erin carry abroad a fierce and dis- loyal hatred to our Imperial Government, and have by their restless proceedings in the United States raised a powerful party (the Know- Noth- ings) against the ad mission of such emigrants to the rights of citizenship, we find the New York Herald admitting that the 100,000 Welsh- men who have transferred their ...


... TAFF VALE RAILWAY COMPANY. The foriy-fouith general half-yearly meeting of the proprietors of this company was held in the large room of the White Lion Hotel, Bristol, on Tuesday last. Lord James Stuart, M-P., Chairman of the Company J. Poel*, Esq., deputy-chairman j W. Done Bushell, Esq., Cardiff, with other directors and officials were pre- sent, with a very full attendance of shareholders. ...


... The Board met on Tuesday last. The members present were Mr. James Jones (in the chair), Mr. R. H. Rhys, Mr. P. John, Rev. T. Price and Mr. P. David. The Clerk having read the minutes of the previous meeting, the tenders for the scavenging were considered. Eighteen tenders had been sent in, and the Board accepted the three following:—for scavenging the Aberaman district, Robert Backnell, at ...