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... THE NEW GOVERNMENT. *'• Derby's first appeal to the country has not been made llot All the Ministerial candidates have been re-elected, with at a single defeat, but even without opposition. a thing is almost, if not altogether, unprecedented in our Witl lan??ntary history, and affords a certain proof of the favour winch the new ministry are regarded by the people at H co the slightest chance ...


... ROBERT OLIVHB JONES, ESQ.. our new newly appointed Stipendiary Magistrate, took his seat officially on the Bench in our Police Court, on Thursday last, and gave judgment on the cases. His worship the mayor, C. C. Williams, Esq., oc- cupied the chair. The petition of Mr. J. Box Stockdale, superintendent of our borough police, inserted in our last paper, was presented in the House of Commons, on ...

[No title]

... THE DEPARTURE OF DR. LIVINGSTONE.—Dr. and Mrs. Livingstone arrived at Liverpool on Thursday, and their departure was expected to take place on Saturday. The beautiful neA- steam-ship Pearl, in which Dr. Livingstone and party will sail for the Zambesi River, arrived in the Mersey on Thursday morning from Glas- gow. As she h.y in the middle of the river, the Pearl excited great interest, and her ...


... GOOD NEWS.—Mr. William Davies, our borough treasurer tins morning, Friday, received a letter from the Treasury at Whitehall, informing him that the Paymaster-General had been authorized to pay to him, as borough treasurer, the sum of £ o70 Os. vd., being one-fourth of the expenses of the pay and clothing of the police of the borough, to the 29th of Sen- tember last. LETTERS FEOM INDIA.—The ...

LONDON C A T T L E - M A R K E T. - M o s D A T

... LONDON C A T T L E M A R K E T. M o s D A T The supplies of meat at the market to-day were not heavy, but nevertheless the general state of trade was exceedingly dull, and the subjoined prices were with difficulty obtained, except in a few instances. About 3,900 head of be3sts wpie offered, and sold slow!y, the top price being 4 ...


... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. THE WATER WOnKS BILL.—The b ll for supplying the town and distiict of Merthyr with water for domestic and sinitory purposes, passed through the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on Tuesday last, is now before the House of Lords, and will, probably, soon receive the Royat assent. I.OCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. The u8u1 fortnightly meeting of the Local Board of Henlth ...


... THE EXECUTION. The last scene in this dreadful tragedy has now (Satnr- March *20) been enacted-the chief actois in this ^aiua of real ijfe have p iid the pen ilty of their evil deeds i having their lives sacrificed upon a public scaffold, in 6 plesence of thousands of spectators-a fearful warn- to all (hose whose unbridled passions carry them on- ward in a career cf vjce aIlj sin, and telling ...


... EWPORT DOCK EXTENSION. CELEBRATION OF THE OPENING. On Tuesday last the Extension of the Newport Dock is made the occasion of much rejoicing, and the ent was celebrated by a public holiday. Business .s entirely suspended, and the day was passed in wonted festivity, as the following report will shew. ;fore proceeding, however, with our record, we may, rhaps, be excused for giving A GLANCE AT ...


... An adjourned quarterly meeting of the Cardiff Town Council was held on Tuesday last at the Town-hall, the Mayor, C. C. Williams, Esq., in the c'.iair. There were also present Aldermen Vachell, D. Lewis, and T. Morgan; Messrs. Langley, J. Pride, 11. Cory, Evan Thorn is, Lewis Reece, W. T. Edwards (M.D.), G. Watson, W. Alexander, C. W. David, and M. Grover. Absent—Aldermen Coffin and W. Vachell; ...

[No title]

... It is said that one of the conditions upon which Lord Derby accepted office was that he should have a carte blanche as to a dissolution of Pailiament. Lord Stanley's acceptance of a seat in the new cabinet is the first instance of a father and son sitting iu the same cabinet since the time of the great Lord Burleigh and his celebrated son Sir Robert Cecil. IMPORTANT TO ALL WHO SING.-From S. ...