... POLICE IN TELLIGENCE. MANS10N-HOUSFIYEsTBRDAT. W. H. Chadwiack was brought before tile Lord Mayor charged with having robbed his employers, Messrs. Smith, Elder, and Co., the estensive publishers, of; No, 65, Corn- bill. Mr. Wontner appeared for the prosecution, and stated that the prisoiier had besi in the service of the-firin above two years and a-half, and has cosmnitted in that house a ...


... The Sessions for this County were held at the Sbire Hall, Beaumaris, on Tuesday last, before J. Wil- liams, Esq., chairman, Sir R. B. W. Bulkeley, Bart., M.P., AV. B. Hnghes, Esq., MTP., Major Hampton Lewis, Revs. Jas. WVilliams, Dr. Owen, Dr. Jones, W. J. Poole; Major General Hughes; and H. Prit chard, Esq. The followving were sworn on the Grand Jury*- Mr. Thos. Ashurst, Beaumaris, Foreman; ...

Local Police

... ?? lolice. THE VALLEY, MONDAY, Aprill2 Before the BEvds J. NV. Owen, James William, and WV. J. Poole. John Grirnith, of Holyhead, shoemaker, was charged, with assaulting hsis Wift,-Cormmitted fot' four mionths. Owen Evans, railway driver, was qimniond, for re- sistiztg thle ?? costs, and caltiosedl. Uobert HowellIs, Holyhead, was finled tis. Mnd costs, for' drunkennossz. Hti.gh Thomas, ...


... be i Act late hoer on Wednesday information was received At B ra Liie chi-f City police station, and from tbence forwarded Aftt en ait the metropolitan stations, of one of the most dlaring Lea and E',,traordieeary eubberies that had been committed for was maeoe y ears, From the information given to the Police higi -uthuor'ties, it appears that a trustworthy messenger, who an iad been in, the ...


... _4- COURT OF QUEEN'S .VENCH-YESTEHi)1AVy [Sittings at N'isi I'rilis, at Guildliudl, before Mr. J estice COLEiiIDG3 and Comlmon Juries.] This was thle firs-t itting in London for ihe present terma. The list contained e n entry of 22 causes, of which seven were remainets. WOLEc V. rOOLE-ASSAULT. Mr. Edwin Jamies and Mr. Hawkins were counsel for the plaiintiff; Mr. hlanisty and Mr. Petersdorft ...


... t COURT O BAY.VRUPTCY-YYT])DAT (Before Mr. Commissioner Evit l IN 50s THOMAS HOLLAND. The bankrupt was a tobacco broker. of Fenchurch-st This was the certificate neatineg. The accounts ha ready been published. Mr. Fiddey opposed on behalf of the si33ignees. The state of the balance-slteet at once gave an insight into the course of trading pursued by the bankrupt evepcsince be Chad been in ...


... LA IVT NOTICES-TaIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN, at 10h. [Before the LORDS JuSTICES.] Lunatic Petitions: Re Elwall-- ?? Hainntond-Re Browne-Re 13ishop-Re Nesbitt-Re Fry-Re Arnold and Arnold-Harrold. Bankrupt Petitions, 5. Appeal Frerne v Brade. ROLLS COURT, CHANCERY-LANE, ait 10. Causes, &c.i: Wall v Regent's Canal Compaiuly-Attree v Sherwin-WIeyrick Laws-Hoegard v M1uckez.ie-Afeik- ...


... EXETER COUNTY COURT-TUESDAY. ul (Before J. Tyrrell, Esq., Judge.) W, ,PERtRETT V.OLMER.-This was an adjourned case. ti The parties reside at Christow, and the action was brought to bt recover the sum of £9 Bs., for oider supplied in 1854. Mr. h Fryer, who appeared for the defendant, contended that the tb cider was supplied to Willism Pinwill, who had taken the t benefit of the Insolvency Act, ...


... II1 _ PE1rTY BBSSIONS.-TUIKSDAY LAST. INDECENT CONDucr.-John Joyce, an Irishman, had been summnoned' for behaving' in an indecent manner in Bengal-street, on the preceding Sunday morning. As the defendant did not appear, a warrant under the Vagrant Act was granted' for his apprehension. THROWING STONEs.-Thomas Martin, a lad of ten or twelve years of age, pleaded guilty to having thrown stones ...


... THE GREAT SHILEWSBURY CASE. . H 5fOUSEOF LORDS, APRIL2O,-COMMIrTEE FORPBrVTLEGES. That Big) f This wasthe clain of the Right Hon. Henry John Chet- wa . wynd Talbot to the earldom of Shrewsbury. The claim vas the 8 , Dpposded ?? Edvad Howard, the jeeond son of the ?? k wll of Norfolk' who: claiuned the estates as devisee under ad athe wih ofthe late earl, by the Princess Doria PFamphili and ...


... SATWT)AV AI.TT - SATURDAY, APRIL 17. BEFORE MiR. J. S. AULtNSFIi'L.D. CMUGeitiA(iL5Usr TlHE PvmCz.-A man ,a.s'ec Tl-mnsn Eatolln weas placed ij the dock on a charge o' hoV, g a' the police. Oler 58 otated that tleolirisener WOS druiik an diprerlerlyin BIootle-laueon the prev;nlu. eu-enln:g. Uhonl he ltteipted to take him to bridewoll Ili rCsistd, lut oilicmr 1t having colic to his algistmrice, ...


... BANfKRUPTCY COURT. int MONDAY. lsa (Before Mr. Cosnmitsioner Ayrfon.) RE SAMUEL BuRcoxii, Littledean, Grooer.-This wasaa cer- rth tificte meeting. Mr. Crosby, for the assignees, offered no ied opposItion, and hia Honour grauted an Immediate certificate of the third class. ?? RE TAYLOR AND SEAGEB, Soandwell, Prussian Blue Mannu nid facturers, and JOHN SEACE1, Bristol, Mallaster.- The ...