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... MURDER OF A4WFE -ATRkQ TE I On Sunday wmkring, at au early h.ixr, a murder was committed in RZo.hester, theu ViCtiaO,)aeing a womenansn,.wd Mary 'Turner, and, the tmurderer her husband., The scene of the occurrence wae a house in St. Margaret's. street situate behind- a' public- house known by the sign of the Telegraph, aged bceu. pied by labouring people. The husband and wife; ;who frequently ...


... THE DUBLIN POLICE OUTRA sE. y [RXTHE DlUBLIN EKVKENG MIAIL.] c, At the Sitting of thle ?? in College-street on Saturday morn-1ing, it was decided that the informestions 4o taken in the case of Colonel Browne And the different ?? police-couetables who wrere indicted for- riot aind assault, it should be sent for trial at the commission of oyer sand Io tes-miner, which will Ile held on the 9th ...


... Henry Warbertoon, a well-dressed andl respectaile.i , ir young man, vho has stlldiousl2:y avoidedr to ill account of himiself, by which hie might he tramcd, hu1t ii, is suspected to belong to a gallg of expert Iljici comniit extensive robberies at Pllblihlc-loe nutlipc - shops by means similar to that adopted oii the pl urile casioni, was brought before the Roil. (G. i2. ?, a Lambeth Police ...


... I OLD COURT. The learned judges, Mr. Justice Crompton arsd Mr Justice Byles, took their seats in this court yesterday at ten o'clock. Mr. Tindal Atkinson applied to their lordships to post- pone the trial of Giovanni Lani, for the murder of Heloise Thaubin in the Haymnarket, until Thursday morning. l Mr. Justice Crompton said he supposed there was no oI - jection to this course, and the case ...


... YESTERDAY. NEW COURT. [Before 3Mr. Justice BYLE.] Wilitam Henry Parker, 32, dealer, was indicted for felonivusly setting lire to a dwelling-house, with intent to .defraud the Westminster Fire-office. Mr. .,odkin, Mr. Giffard, and Mr. Orridge prosecuted; and Mr. Sergeant Parry and Mr. Sleigh defended. The prisoner, a well-dressed gentleimnnly-lookialg nian, pleaded not guilty. Mr. 130dkin, in ...


... PUBLIC-HIOUSE ArPEALS. The court eat on Saturday at Clerkenwell, to determine appeals against the refusal of justices in qetty session to grant or renew licenses for the sale of exceseab'e liquors, under the act 9 Geo. IV., c. 61. There were 19 cases on the list. The Assistant-Judge presided, and the attendance of magistrates was very numerous. The following appeals were ?? West, against the ...

Lam Intelligence

... Iabo Inttitten.X I_ I NOTICES-THIS DAY. C COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-flN. a An ?? TBiR Lo~Rs JUSTICaS.-Appeal: Firlpp v. Bd~dgwater je Canall, Part heard. appeal mnotiorB: Wheelhouse v-. Calvert-Cavanpbell v. Calveit-London and Bucks Railway, ex parte Dayreli and Lowndelv ROLLS COURT, CHAN CERY-LANE, U Av l.0.-Causes, &c. : Jaillonv. Evans, part ?? v. Lindley S -Giealer v. Jotes-Pyno v. ...


... LA TV 7fOTICES-THIS DAY. COURT OF CHA.NCERY, LINCOLN'S INN, at 101. [l3efoxe the lions JUSTICBS.] Appeal : Tripp v Bridgwater Canal, part beard. ROLLS COURT, CH ANCERY-LANE, at 10. For judgmsent: Camllbridge v ?? v Page (2). Causes, ?? Jaillo0 v Evans, part heard - Lindley v Linlcly-Gicsler v Joues-Pymn v Lawsie-Watts v WVatts ---Naisl- v Bryant-Ellis v Eden-Attree v Sherwin- Mayrick v Laws- ...


... POLICE IN TELLIGENCE. MANS10N-HOUSFIYEsTBRDAT. W. H. Chadwiack was brought before tile Lord Mayor charged with having robbed his employers, Messrs. Smith, Elder, and Co., the estensive publishers, of; No, 65, Corn- bill. Mr. Wontner appeared for the prosecution, and stated that the prisoiier had besi in the service of the-firin above two years and a-half, and has cosmnitted in that house a ...


... _4- COURT OF QUEEN'S .VENCH-YESTEHi)1AVy [Sittings at N'isi I'rilis, at Guildliudl, before Mr. J estice COLEiiIDG3 and Comlmon Juries.] This was thle firs-t itting in London for ihe present terma. The list contained e n entry of 22 causes, of which seven were remainets. WOLEc V. rOOLE-ASSAULT. Mr. Edwin Jamies and Mr. Hawkins were counsel for the plaiintiff; Mr. hlanisty and Mr. Petersdorft ...


... t COURT O BAY.VRUPTCY-YYT])DAT (Before Mr. Commissioner Evit l IN 50s THOMAS HOLLAND. The bankrupt was a tobacco broker. of Fenchurch-st This was the certificate neatineg. The accounts ha ready been published. Mr. Fiddey opposed on behalf of the si33ignees. The state of the balance-slteet at once gave an insight into the course of trading pursued by the bankrupt evepcsince be Chad been in ...


... LA IVT NOTICES-TaIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN, at 10h. [Before the LORDS JuSTICES.] Lunatic Petitions: Re Elwall-- ?? Hainntond-Re Browne-Re 13ishop-Re Nesbitt-Re Fry-Re Arnold and Arnold-Harrold. Bankrupt Petitions, 5. Appeal Frerne v Brade. ROLLS COURT, CHANCERY-LANE, ait 10. Causes, &c.i: Wall v Regent's Canal Compaiuly-Attree v Sherwin-WIeyrick Laws-Hoegard v ...