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Leeds Mercury



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... AY 01? IALIO ALTEIOED. ToS~. WITIIOUT RES~I' Utsh lIN Mccoy ',OAlRlit'M 1led Others. ?? Exteci~ C cet c~ 'hiceExaioo Gr~nIhOTIee Plant, ?? ioneco'.Pii 'rli ?? O'Ledli. T i'j Meesre H~l l sic o.toucted by 51I .josi Verachaffelt. the j Meminent A) ?? (Shee li'o to seil by Auction, on 7hera- bc emaet, e Fb :i (ItnoA it, (cm t nol the 11th as previonslycoe advaytle Pt ir (Ilola 'iiyaie.le an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I __ __ ?? ?? ale 0A REGUTLAR NORTLI-EASTHE. Mei% Time was once, Co old folks any, When Footer tideanod spLilig,T * . Brought furth Insl~ler Ml~glt and gay, fielh To nusher ?? in. ?? now o lard it hion an aui nowp, helee will thoe cold be dIone? km When s~hal] we change nor winter clothel, .i With dres from Nljatimn, OsrE. When Bpring's bright e13r, as joon they W!c0- Our heansl once mnnee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVER'IMSEMENTS.] No MEDICINE FOR TllE Cuau OF ASTHMA, CONSUNMP- TIOX, AND COupHs, was; aver attindeil with such speedy and unfailing R:cceaes Dr. LCuc(o 'us Pu.iMGSIJ W.5FLns, In every newspaper and periodical in the kingdom moy be seen testinials of their wonderful efficacy. To singers anid patlic speakers thes are invaliable for clearing and strengthening the voice. They have a pleasant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *alte bp suctfron. Prelimainary Advertisemenot. Iteportant to Builders, Factory Owners, and Brosere. M1r. J. BUCKLEY SHAlt? has received instruction~s to Sell by Aue- tion, in the New Iou-yard, Bradford, at an early date, MIS6CELLANEOUS sok ossigo A st~. an escpe ~pin,, seamvalves, two very powerful cranesl, large liron safe, and a quantity of ether goods, Offices, 8. Park-row, Leeds.C50 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ?? ITAKESPERIAN READINGS.-Philosophical- h lalt, Leeds--Mr. BARR~OW BLAE.5 Dramatic Render, will give setectiono *rom OTHELLO and the MlERCHAtNT of VENiICE, ori ;;tiday next, *Sixteenth of Atpril, 185S. Adariosion Is. 6d., 1s3. 6d. Comnmerice 3t eight o'clock. B 81268 ITIOLET.-A Letter of importance to address of s ' your initials awaits you at Post-office, Leeds. A bO9 1 -kTOTICE.-I, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7RP E BAPTISM QUESTIO0N. - To.jlforrOtV Mrbi -t enislce, at 6.3, tice Rev, Rt. K. BEl'1WEg Veil1 deliver the Last r Dinore o ?? at Great GJeorge.tet Chpl Leecl' o BaptiRm as required by Theery.'-Lt'0dB. April23 17 1)527 WOUODHOUSE CARR BAPTIST SUYDAY ~Yli~tOOL.TW~l ERSI~fS ani irepreaced iii the School Room, anl Sunayil, April lf~icrlrl1r: inr tile AtlerSooOS ?? is eqcirt*r past tceo, by thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1NDEPEN D .NT OH A PEL, Fottc1`Iiolt0-- A SE1IION vnil lbe preached on 11eil'tedo551V Erveliilff, Ike P'0or- Ireenlt irisi., by the R1ev. lDe. T11US. ARCHliER, OfI L,0ldOu. O Service toc etinaleit, atbhalfrpast reven' orloeik. On0 No cocOollcii. _ - 48 Th~A w oitTH N E 0jN 0 ?? It A P FN JON ANAThh On Fri~loti, April Ontttil ?? ?? h 5v Seceotary f the t ailfereiive %I ill Itmrievi at, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DAZAAR at the STOCK EXCHANGE HIALLJ. ~ iw ie 'cceesw~tc has ttened th pa n twodaysg ?? pnTlffS, DAYV at eleven, as previously advertised. B 5918 p~ssP l{'rS obtaied frm ?? Office, I. ad VIAS pocurd prmptl andexpeitiously, same as at LooenItyJOH I)AUSand CO. Badfrdageuts for Turnver and Aiise.ts, Ksg~tret.Donin-stee, Lndn. Travellers are thus ised te etieeedetysandtroblewhih ais at London, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -DE~OPLE'S CONCERTS, To-Nkjht.-S PE0AL B~E NEFIT PERFORMANCE in aid of the RECREATION oCTYFUND, under the patronage of the Right Worehipful the, jaeor, Peter Fairbairn, REq.. Juetices, and Corgration. tletweoll the First and Second Perte of the ureort. the Honorary seerptarY will reed the Annual Repo~rt, and Addressee will bte delivered ,yteprokideut, John Howe Shaw, Esq., the Mayor, Rev. G. W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1OTICE is hereby given, that RICHARD BYNTON ChIC'V110.of ter Mttjct5'ARsylNv, ?? and PHILIP SALTMAIARSIM I.of Salt10arslao in ?? rt EthuOS, Devisees in trait uinder thevwill of Ralph CreYke. Of Rsweliff` 11llai, in the parishr of Snaithr. in the county of York, Esquire, deCeted: THOMAS SHEARBIURN, of susith aforesaid, I k I hd Ave~ DURHAM, of Thorny. in thle oeunty of Ysirk, Ciril nOghseer, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T.GE OR GE'S-HA LL, BRADFORD.-The S ?? Protestantl A soltiatis,, have enizaged. Tllt)'1til COMMIO, Esq.. p1 Iolonisa anthor of Tit Purgatory of mulocidles,' Aldermson Railphl. tc. &Re. to) dellver FITYE L.ECTURME ii, the above Hall, foatiudtlitY, On Mafy HUIh, Ilth, 12th 13th, tud 14 il. Arr entotlt are holng maolls for Speclia Tr~ano.a and full particulars ' l ptrinfuture advertiseeintsb. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to j4 ROGERS, Milliner, ae aR sea tp L)VlER) SIRlNE CONVENIENT PlrxinsE, No. 20. Five IOor, higher nyl Usarley-atreet, liradf i1. W!Ije ladieu may depiewl onl seeing a first-clams Stock of Goonds, at very wo~lerats, p'ngeR. 6jnnetonisil if ato Clialtedland Altered to the present fashion.- C 4318 rp,)MANTLE, STAY, and CAP MAKERS.- LSF~~t' (0 3 A1IINS.-J. i. I. RCE, bogs respectfuslly to ~ thoe ...