... A SCENE IN THE INSOLYEN DEBTORS' CoURr. II ~~ - ?? r,- -- .-Tlno .2 I o IN RUe HILLUTPE 1YLF0SSE -11ilS slSolVetil, a FIa Frenchman, who described himself as a commission agent and lodging house keeper in Queen Strcet, rai Golden square, applied to be dischei'ged. sot ldr. l'ead opposed for two credito s, and Mr. Salgood the supported. N, Thlie complaint was that the insolvent (who had Mc been ...


... ATROCIOUS EURDER AT IPSWICH. A murder attended with circumstances of the moat fearful character, was perpetrated in this town yester day morning about six o'clock. The unfortunate victim is Susan Studd, aged 47 years, wife of Henry Rolve Studd, a baker, earrying on business in Carriers' Arms Lane, St. Mary Elms, and who has lately occupied a cottage at a place known as Ward's Court, a short ...


... ten ift,OniODY (Before Mr. Coennessioeeer Skirrow). the fl THOMAS DEWDNaY, Bathford, Rag Merchant and Paper bes Manufacturer.-Thia was a aitting for choioe of assignees. ver Mr. Stone tendered a proof on behalf of the Westof England by and South Wales District Bank, which was objected to by Mr. Abbot on the ground that one of the securitiee held by the bank vith was a bill of sale given in May ...


... THE HAYMARKET MURDER.-EXECUTION OF LAN-I. cc Oi Monday maorning Giovanni Laniii, the murderer of ilicloise Thaubin in a brothel in the Haymarket, expiated his critue onl the gallows inl fronit of the Old Bailey~, in the pre. souric-as usual at all public executions ait gewgitte-of at vast concourse of people comsposeud of both sexse, of aill ages,, land of all stations-ii societY. W.The ...


... ILIERPOOL POLICE COURT. ?? JLIX.AIL.L4Jj IX.L 5 I. 'J Lsx1JL:4 lJ. 5IL JE. 19 57 'FRIDAY, AP5RI 3-0. 38 BEF0ORE AIR. JAMES AlKIN. 14 IrLLoA3taX PaLsnerro. -Thomats Philltbgham, a young man laite in the employ of Mr.%Wood watelissater, 64. Ruossest- I street, was charged with having pledged the tools which hadt been entrusted to bini to performuhis work. Mir. Woodstated that the prisoner's ...


... PO 0LIC E. Monda.s, Tuesday's, and .Wednesday's police. reports inv be found in our Sixth Page. THURSDAY.-Before Major Travers, G. Gillman, A B. W. Carter, and C. Crassweller, E sqrs. r, Daniel Marsh, a sailor, was charged with assaulting and resisting Police Constable Moore, in the execu- tion of his duty. Last night the prisoner was in 1i. Queen-street, dunkk and assaulting several persons, ...

BANBURY DIVISION—Banbury, April 26

... BAN BURY DIVISION-Banburyj, A1pr 26. Before Major Goddard, and H{. Norris, Esqj. Frederick Leyland, commonly called Coventry Fred, was again brought up, charged with endeavouring to obtain charitable contributions by begging letters, containing false statements of cases of distress. Bridget Ward, a lodging- house keeper, at Neithrop, who bad just been released from Oxford gaol, where she ...


... THE LATE ROBBERY ON MIBSAS. HUNT AND ROSKELL--CAPTURE OF THE THIEF. We gave, a few days since, some particulars of an imilu- dent robberv effected on the above eminlent fitut bhy :s womian of r~epectable appearance, who, having first succeeded In inducing Messrs. Hunt and Xoskell to send several valiable articles of jewellery to a furnished house in Radlnor-place, Hyde-park, for thepretended ...


... Si . CONSOLIDATED NISI PRIUS. DUBLIN, YESTERDAY. (FROM OUR SPECIAL REPORtTER.) (Before Baron PisNNEFATJIIR and a common jury.) 1*ENiYB' V. O'CONNOR. TinE p1lintiff ii this easo is a general merchant, and the defendant a trailer in Belfast. The action was brought to'recover a sumi of £20 3s., being the amount due to tie plaintiff for goods sold and deli- vered. Mir. E[. Fitzgibbun appeared for ...

Lam Intelligence

... IKalu 1Intelltgchce. I NOTICES-THIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCE-RY. LINCOLN'S-iNN. Al IiocEEcoRRs -nEs Loun, CHANC&LLol AND Trip LORS JSTICArrs _A-d eiti: mgv. String,. part heard. By order; Lendon and Eaaturn . -trnrTOP. LoEDrS JusrTices-Bty order: ito Meletiant and RLLS( COURtlT, CHANCERT-LANE. Al ii -To be riwoti-o-no-1: MItacaren v. Staintoto. Unoprowed peti- strr i-rI y orde: Earle v. lioskoen. ...


... JLLAl.- r l. g PETTY SESSIONS-WEDNESDAY. Present, the Rev. W. Price, the Hon. and Rev. G. G. a. Talbot, the Rev. F. Discee, and E. Waller and G. C. c. Goodwin, Esqrs. BURGLAny.-Thomas Mustoe, a ticket-of-leave man, of Lower Guiting, was charged with having, on the 23rd of Apiil, burglariously entered the shop of Mr. J. Carpenter, of Hazleton, and stolen a quantity of drapery and grocery goods, ...


... - LAW A^ND POLICE. I TuE ExxECvrTION or GrovAssrr LiAr.-The last penalty of the law was inflicted on Monday morning, 0 at eight o'clock, in front olte gaol of NTcwgate, upon Giovanni Lani, a Sardinian, who was convicted t at the last session of the Central Criminal Court of the murder of lieloise Thaubin, a Frencliwoulan, in the Ilayiark~et. The prisoner was a remarkably muscular young muan, ...