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Advertisements & Notices

... H AL F-lOURNING LIGHT FABRICS. H Aledsri. .JAY have the honour to announce they bave rectly importtd from lyons Black. Black and Grey, and 0 rey ?? IAck (}ItENADINlE 3RESSES, of novel designs; and 8oins allU CrY F brics for Ladies who are not in Mourning. Messrs. JAY bhave also hbd prel,ared Barege and Muslin Dresees French and lBritish, for the warm sesson. These dreese are received direct ...

Advertisements & Notices

... South Western Railway, from Waterloo and Vaoaxha~llbrid e Statiofla ~iHRP FST ORDY EXUF.o20'OSto he SEA SIDE, ISLE HEA FAGST, PTSUMSAUTXI0SONS to PN, or WINC0HES. eornosenclng on Sundayi May Sind, at 7.40 a m. TER, ovotry amr. for Sou hamlpton or Winches- ter. Pares there alad'baeh-4S d cavered, ?? n carS I ?? ?? I odextra. ?? MMxrigo. Itt 05o igt20 %r station) evrST na AlntAldershot Great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRURY LANE THEATRE Lessee, Mr. M. T. ..ith MrOMWAY. and during the week. ITALIAN OPERAS dats Reduced Prices of Admission. Rapid Oncoeselon of the loset popular operos of the daY. mupporteilbe mnuA ?? Donatelli, Madaneeoldehatdti Sledmne Furcagatll. MedamoREdltosio ;'Slgsoo Badiali, Montolol Dineflli Charles Br-hee, and Signor Ntandin (the gra tenor, i fistda appearence), Darng he acoupweek,- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T da, 9 vos. post See, 2IF. TIST ORICAL and BIOGRAPHICAL _J~j ESSAYS. By JOHN FoasTEc. a I.The Civil Wars and I. The Debates on thneI V Oliver Cromwell. Gad Remonstrance, Dne ?? Nra~nR~dTC IV. Dne ) ?a I oI . Th l~tgutand Dec.16 e V. Sir Riehard Steele. ii. Thepianeag ast nd te VI. Charles Churchill. Tudors. VII. Samuel Foote. John Murray, Albemarle street. This day, post Svo, IGS, 6d. T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QT. JAMES'S 'HALL.-Herr Fischeck, Signori DraxoflO, Sslaras, Luc hiose. iorsoni-NMorard-MC5O-5. Jules Lefort, elnss, teirhart. flepret. o.; Mimes. Gassier. Ituderedorif, Fleshi. A, C.. ali .Itta ?? L~PRSSRdOONDRES.TO-SfO0RROWY Rvis~y , ti~ 25th f nea. 'Theorchtra will comprise the irrin- eripl rrr ereof er lsje'y5 Teate. oyal it-,lian opera. and Os-ora I'iee lrena. ordrit~r Meur. Blafe. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A USTRIAN tnd other FOREIGN COUPONS M now becomng duwenePrAID on ?? at theelee, k iand XWIloD offices,1. Lomn d-straet.-ADAN SPIELMANN and I . IRCULAR NOTES and FORE:IGN MONEY. Travller proeedig tothe nentlin Colonies, Americ ac, can n hace CIRC ULARg NOE~tTSt of£5 arnd *210 eachbpayable aterall vrinlc4al towns;ralso foreignrmonier. t the Bpankiine iflo~~ss fitOem. bard-strect. ADAM SPXELMANN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Part 25,. 'rel, 8id.,.end Dielsion 16, DdT~e Is. iuE-xSSUB 0F JOEN: CASSELL'S POPULAR Y~LDUCATOBR. TE Rre-lasne of this EdacaSonal Work has. met with a siuc- Tcses equal to the first publication. TheS P~r VIjost publlhhed completes VOL. 4,-wlhit map be bad, bound in cloth, price 4s. Md.; e6assfor -bind]Igj,'is.3d; We cordially recozinmend'thes-'rrk to the continued approb ation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O, the CAPE, of GOOD HOPE.-The new ?? clipper yacht ilARTllX aid EMILY, A 1, 194 tons register, ; i. iri0e Dock. T'hin beautiful vessel, modelled i ?? he ;, cowos, interded for the China coasting trnle, I b 'l iiihld ilmtisidiately, and bas acconmmodations for a few i0,g'r^9;otih ;obial.Ellis, Son, and Fickling, 132, Leaden. 111istrees i;( ?? onOMBAY direct, with immediate de- WFpitch, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT EXHIBITION of 1851-COUNCIL Ge EDAL-EXPOSIT10N UNIVERSELLE, 1855.- d eai4dMEDAILLE d'IONNEUR.-GALLERY of BRONZES T._F. BAIIBEDIENNE, and Co., of Paric, respectfully torn the British Public that . complete Collection of their I THEMATIcAL REDUCTIONS, by the process of M. Col- the Gol tl eice *-d'oeuvre of Autique and Modern Statuary in tthe Louvre, Florence, and Bore, Museum of I ad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jr ONDON LINE of AUSTRALASIAN U PACKET 8HIIPS.-The following first-la shipa, noted for ei fast-saling quates, have most supertor Lcnommodatious for Wsensers. isnd wil be ?? desirable opportuaitles for shippers: Tone Tonu Shim _ Register. Burde. Destinatlon. Ejbtof the Age. . 1,287 2,100 Sydney. JIeo . ?? 703 900 Port Phillip. Indian ?? ?? 1 1031; 2,100 I'ort Phillip. Azuwze and Meline . ?? 330 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V URNITURE and DECORATION. JL MEDAILLE D'IONNEUR EXPOSITION UNIVEFlSELLF. 1855. PRIZE MEDAL GREAT EXHIBITION OF 1851. JACKiSON anl GRAHAM invito the nobility, gentry, andfamilies about to decorate or furnish to visit their spacious SHO1W-ROOMS Galleries, and Manufactory, at 35, S7, and 38, OXFORD-STREET, and Perry'o-place, Freston-place, anld Newvman's-mews adjoining. OOD FURNITU1RE is really ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SWEDISH PROVINCIAL MORTGAGE LOAN I i5for 450,000 sterling. negotiated by jteeer,. Painer, Mac- kiltop, Dent, and Co., and Messrs. Charles Tottle and Sonls,- Tihe Gotheoburg Mortgage Association herebly inform thle ho ders of Bonds of the above Loan that the HAL 3wYEARLY DIVIDEND, I doe on the let ofrune a next., will be PAID at the C oontin-ihouse of their agente, Messrs. DENT, PALME t and CO. ...