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[No title]

... DE.HNEss.-We hear upon most credible authority, that Mr. J. Rackham, Operative Chemist, Norwich-the inventor of the celebrated lint for the cure of piles-has discovered an unfailing remedy for all cases of Deafness, except from actual malformation. This is truly a most important event. So confident is the proprietor of itsefficacy, that he guarantees to send fresh supplies, if required, free ...


... FASHIONS FOR JUNE. 11 the Fashions >y for June, Le Follet says:— pj • e *a*our (e materials for t!ii* season are chit e plain, or Plain tattetao, I he colouri most adopted for the latter b. ing A, or dark blue, wi ll a satin net-work cerise, black, i r Check: ^>4ern* in I4r»y and black are also much worn. I#jj I*' all iliet, and very narrow horizontal stripes in •e«s 8D^ 0,er materials, will ...


... TIS K changes consequent on the retirement of the Earl of Ellcnborough are now finally settled. Lord Stanley has been placed at the head of the Board of Control, and Sir E. B. Lytton has become Secretary for the Colonies. As regards Lord Stanley, he is of a calm dispassionate turn of mind, that would well fit him for being the head of any department. He does not give himself out as a genius, ...


... MARKET INTELLIGENCE. TALLow.-(London, Monday).-Since Monday last very little change has taken place in the value of tallow, and the market may be considered steady. To-day, P.Y.C. on the spot, is selling at 53s. per cwt. Rough fat, 2s. lOd. per 81bs. CORN.-(London, Monday.)-Most of the country markets held on Saturday were but mo- derately supplied with wheat, in which about an average ...


... IT EIN GOMEBWYR CYMREIG. jr. rlaniata amser, na Ue, i ni gyhoeddi sylwadauyn wythnoio hett>d o? ycaniata ein terfynaM. XTTFD Y TLODION O ErSIAU FFYRLLINGAU CAIUL&V X YN NGHYMRU. Gwelais yn eieh cyhoeddiad diweddaf y modd yr ym- fldvJa'r Iuddewon tuag at y Cymry, yn eu pawn siopau ?nn \Tprtbvr, a meddvliais na wna eu cymydogion yn SLen, ganhvny, ertyniaf arnoch roddille i'r ychydig fSau ...


... WHAT MARKS THE COUNTRY GREAT? -An interesting lecture delivered to the Youou Men's Society, at thrir new room on Tuesday evening, by J. C. Fowler, Esq. The subject was the appropriate and suggestive one which we have plieed at the head of this paragraph; and the name of the lecturer will be a sufficient assu- rance that it was treated ith great ability, und in such a manner as was most ...


... In a note, dated May 2.), Lord Malmesbury fixes the amount of compensation which her Mhjestj's Govern- ment demand at £3,000; and in a subsequent com- munication of the same day's date, his lotdship says to Signor Carafa, the Neapolitan Minister :— Should the Neapolitan Government still persist in reo fusing this reparation, her Majesty's Government, in the strong conviction of their righ', ...

[No title]

... It is said that while at Coburg Prince Albert signed the document by which he makes over his hereditary rights to the Duchy of Coburg to his second son. The reigning Duke of Saxe-Coburg has no children, and Prince Albert, who is the nearest Agnate i is detained by his position in Englind. As there would some incon- venience in the Prince of Wales, who will be King of England, being reigning ...

[No title]

... FIRE AT LIMEHOUSE. —On Saturday night afire broke out. at Limehouse, which for magnitude and destruction of valuable properly has not been equalled by any con. flagration in the metropolis since that which destroyed Pickford's warehouses at the Camden-station of the London and North-Western Railway. '1 he fire broke out on the premises known as the life-boat manufactory of Messrs. Forrest and ...


... The Rev. Alfred Poole, the deprived curate of St. Barna. bas, has addressed a letter to The Times, strongly denying the truth of the charges brought against him by the Hon. and Rev. F. Baring, at the meeting in St. James's Htlll. Mr. Poole says:— 1. I riioit solemnly and emphatically declare that the whole of the filthy and disgusting statements which the lioo. and Rev. F. Baring has thought ...


... The population of all the world is estimated eight hundred and 6eventy«eight millions. A man in Glasgow has been apprehended on charge of beating his wife to death by bis fists. The work of restoring Hereford Cathedral is being vigorously pursued. Mr. Faraday has declined the offer of the chair of chemistry at Edinburgh. The five men and a woman charged with the robbery of plate of the ...