Birmingham Police Court

... N, inibigbaill Volict (Dart. YESTERDAY. Trrej, d Mlesses, C. C. S. Kynncersley and S. Buckley. SA VAGE ASSAULT IN Ena)BASbON STREEnr.-A decently dressed but baild featured cecil brutnl-lookiceg young woman, naimced Acne Ivrti, living in Martin Street, was placed ill the dock charged weils lbcing - drunk and disorderly. The disorderly conduct con1- sisted of the following bruttal outrage. It ...


... VICE-CHANCELLORS' COURTS, JULY 5. (Before Sir J. Stuart,) IlAY4Eh TV. IAI O-RD.This was a bill for the purpose of obtaining a declaration by the court that the plaintiff was entitled to an equitable lien on any palm-oil constituting the cargoes or part of the cargoes of any of the four ships mentioned in a certain delivery order dated the 20th of August, 1857, which should have arrived at ...


... - ?? pfiUOAY, .iry 30. Magistrates present: Messrs. K1. Ctstle and H. Prichaord. ~,Five ragged boys were charged With being found sleeping under thelbridge at Bathurst Basin. Four of thirm, whises first offenice it was, were discharged with a caution, tele fifth, who had been previously convicted of a similar offence, was sent to ae Bridewell for ten, days. se James Page, whose face was ...


... POLICE OFFICE, DERBY, TiURSDAY, June 1. I D -_.Ad L. - . .- a__. ?? _I of Luefore the MAYoi%, and Dr. BENT.) 'at WHOLLESALE Ronaxazza AY A FEaz~LFa-Matilda Peet, Ti. )re residing on Nottingham-road, Derby, was brought up on I oid remand from the previous Thursday, charged with seversl Ti Ont wholesale sobberles of wearing apparel. -It appeared that the mt nd: prisoner had been in'thle habit of ...


... POLICE COURT-THURSDAY, t (Before Sheriff Blackadder.) WARNING TO JUVENILES. Michael Bowmna , a youth of thirteen, pled guilty to committing the statutory offence of throwing stones in Princes ~Street, An the 30th June. The Court official produced a sling of peculiar construc- tion, which had been used on the occasion. The Bailie sentenced the young delinquent to receive ten stripes. PARENTAL ...

Law Intelligence

... 'LID &, 0, - - COURT OF SESSION-TcESDAY. efl WHIOLE COURT. Mr INGLIS presented his letter of appointment as se Lord Justicc-Clerk, and was remitted to aundergo his th probationary trials. ac MtiJ CHARLES BAaLLIr presented his commission as ta Lord Advocate, and Mr DAVID MuRE his com-tu i as Solicit-rr-GCcIIril, when both gentlemen toolk the onth de ,fideli, and were admitted to their ...

Nisi Prius Court, Tuesday, July 27

... Mr. Justice Williams took his seat in Court this morning at 10 o'clock. The first case was one of SEDUCTION AT LOWESTOFT. Allen v. Rambly.-Mr. O'Malley and Mr. Palmer appeared for the plaintiff; Mr. Power and Mr. Dasent for the defendant. .Mfr. O'Malley said the plaintiff in this case was a corn merchant. and also carried on the business of a haberdasher at Lowestoft. This business he mainly ...


... ,: ;U -.J bJ 1E1 UL n n Uk uil. j FWT-rnmAINweG THE POuIC--Yesterday at this Court, before James Craig and Peter White, Esqrs., I nstices, J olin Buchanan, spirit dealer, Carntyne, was accused of haviiigi on the 80th ult., entertained two constables of the I~Linark- sbire police while on duty, and supplied them with lijuor. ' The defendant, who is an elderly man, admnitted the charge, anid ...


... This Court met on Monday-the Lord Justice-General, Lords Ivory and Ardmillan, presiding. The principal case before the Court was that of Alexander Smith or Tazzard, who was placed at the bar on a charge of murder, in so far as, on the 28th May last, lie stabbed Charles Angus, a police constable in Edinburghl, and inflicted on him several wounds in the side and thigh, which proved fatal. A plea ...


... 1 _ _ '1 7 - | I3 3cm MICiirtby, ?? 1pldyoftZ gold iitttiag watch eu ;l~~I i shop f Mr. JIes Mqftold, - B * , The nstablwetete4it*: u colt i watce hlkaibastlei Jr'o, ant, iii-laetiut44h, ~ u tarlig P W ?? i dapper-looking indivldxzapj ji vant nut of placei #aI. by a oeryent wom ' e l t i robbed: her of a poo l ote, ritb whlebe wan off, when be ps asd. ?? nldiC# It tbat the coinp npinalt t nS ...


... TIO : Q R ; . . . . . . i I 0 T his (;WS ?? l: Y FoR3J-! NQ ; ! .~ . (FROM OUR 07( REPORTER.) TWELFTH DAY. to LONDON, FRIDAY), JuLY 2.-The Seleat oramitt a re-assembled 'today in room No.., , and'th a re t wa a very numerous lttendance of ember5 of pt ,lipment and the publi~rMr. Bagwell .piesided, bad the fallowing members of the coleimittee were present :-Mr. Sergeant Deasy, Mr. Maguires ...


... 1 . SUMMER ASSTZES. . . I (FROM OUR coOUsPOlNDHTs). : NAAS, WERDNESDAY.-The ascizes were opened this t day, 28th July, ia the Crown Court-house of Nase. I The Lord Chief Baron presided In the Crown court, I and the following grand jury were sworn befort his I lordship:- .arvey Lewls, saq, foreman s David O'Connor Henchy, Esq, M P; Wm Henry Cogan, Eaq, M P; Sir Gerald G Aylmer; Bart; John ...