... Liberalism. After showing tire feeloleroess of Whig legislation, and rejjoicing at the advent of tire Derby Adlminiotration to power, from Whinch lire expects noucla noore really liberal messures than fruom ony Whi.g governmsent, tire writer gives some valuable ...


... stupidest Whig as a much better man than th: moat accoosplisbed Tory; and that because I hadl been told that the Tory creed was antagonistic to everything like liberty. And even now tule same game, to belngplaycd. In February last thle Whig in5 gover'Oment ...


... semiltedlitical' paper, unmasking the Whigs, And demolishiog 'their pretensions to be con- 8idered libaral and disinterested'ooliticians. It purports tD be written by one who has no- WMith in the political into. grity of Whigs or'Lberais. . ' AN I NDEPENI)ENT ...

Fashion and Varieties

... . Arranlge Itouits tave been made for advancing and protecting Conservative in erests in the registration eourts, and the Whigs 'ill find a strentuios opposition offered to them vhenever a vacancy occurs. SAn1ATII RAILWAY TatmVIx IN INTDIA.-A letter from ...


... tbs private worth of a gentleman froma whose political opiniosa he differedt- Jutly Stb, Isis. MY DEaR DE. GrsnY-When thoe Whigs, in addition to their crimes against tenant.-ight, eight years ago, made the attempt to abolish tue viceroyalty as the beginning ...


... LIERmAL PAnRT.-.Bnt the grnAdlsin l of the day, and that which ought in every wa obeeps ed, is the monstrous figment of the Whigs, tha hr xss~ -sr has existed for some time basck a United Liberal Pary I castibelieve in the existence of theSaSreti h ti Krakoss ...


... whom he had connec- tion, Mr. Otway replied in an oral addrsss, in the de- live7g of which the learned gentleman was much ?? Whig. NEw Z Lt&snD-AUCKLASD.-The folltsvng paras graph is from she New Zealander of the 20th March - The fifth anniversary :of ...


... also disagrees with Earl Grey h about the use of ministerial patronage in securing nO a parliamentary majority. In short, the Whig al theory, according to the stricter traditions of the vi Party, is consistently asserted. PO.EM IN AIRENISH POL YGLOT. T (From ...


... a compound of villanous smells that beats the twenty thousand stenohes of Cologne. Here it is that Radicals and Torys and Whigs assemble, and under the soothing influence of their cigar forget their heredi- tary animosities and amicably discuss the p ...


... LITERA TUBE. The Quarterly Review. July, 1858. Murray. Whatever may be said as to time having effaced the distinctions between Whig and Tory parties, there is no doubt that it has wonderfully sub- dued the political animus of the two reviews tra- ditionally ...


... had in the evolution of crcunratsanswgra- dually come to rapsesent-one of these distinctive tendencies and doctrines. The whigs maintained that the polity of England was full of abuses which ought to be swept away, andgthat the popular element in our ...