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West Midlands, England


Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

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Birmingham Police Court

... N, inibigbaill Volict (Dart. YESTERDAY. Trrej, d Mlesses, C. C. S. Kynncersley and S. Buckley. SA VAGE ASSAULT IN Ena)BASbON STREEnr.-A decently dressed but baild featured cecil brutnl-lookiceg young woman, naimced Acne Ivrti, living in Martin Street, was placed ill the dock charged weils lbcing - drunk and disorderly. The disorderly conduct con1- sisted of the following bruttal outrage. It ...


... A court-martial assembled at Portsmouth on Thursday, to try Ensign John James Scott, of the 47th Regiment. Colonel N. T. Lake,' C.B, Royal Artillery, was president. The first charge preferred against the prisoner was for misconduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, in having, at Portsmouth, on or about the 30th of May, 1358, when on the sick report, and undergoing ...


... IM12O1UTANT QUESTION TO CREDITORS. An important question was raised at the Liverpool Bank- ruptcy Court, yesterday, affecting the creditors of Deane, Youle, and Co. It was a sitting for the declaring of a for- ther dividend upon the estate of George Deana and Frede- rick Youle. Mr. Hall appeared on behalf of several credi- tors, and applied to put their claims on the file, stating that it ...

Birmingham County Court

... girlllill?tplll 61 -ollatv 601irt, FRIDAY. BEFOeRx L. TRAFFORD, EO~Q. IMPORTANT RIALWAY CASE.-Jaekssi V. Great Wesft'a, Rnleficall Coajsystsi.-Altt~loghl several cases of sinilar nature to the follow- ing aveconi beorethe our, ths semsto ise a very interest- cningned ao to a poit as to ithe dei er byriwy Bf~erasoyab goods. gaP nr ?? s1 laintiff,'ortie Mi.Hikiid'dae i'ndsaie.- son inghfru.It ...

Law Intelligence

... spite ?Itttlffqtlla. COURT OF PROBATE, JULY 13, THE PRINCE OF OUDE if. MUSEEH-OOD-DEEN KHAN 13AHADOOR, In this case the Prince of Oude petitionedforadministra- tion of the effects in this country of the late Queen Mother of Oude, and of the late brother of the king, both of whom had died intestate. The ptoperty consisted of money, jewels, and wearing apparel worth altogether, according to the ...


... WORCESTER SUMMIER ASSIZES. The commissions of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery for ties city and county of Worcester, were opened on Wednesday afternoon by the Hon. Sir John B. Byles, one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas. The learned Judge arrived at the Slerb Hll Satin, fom xfor, aouttwo o'clock, and was recive ?? Ssecff,(SauelBakreo. oftFeornogonwe, ant ...

Birmingham Police Court

... -Nirmiu#4,jant vol4t dourt. YESTERDAY. Before Mr. T. 0. S. Kynieersley. Twr STREET BEOGINCO NuiSANCE.-A filthy looking fellow, with his sight urin ina sling, named HeseryFatewt, a brassfounder, living in Edmund Street, was placed in the dock charged by Super- intendent Glossop with obstructing the free passage of Newhali Street, on Tuesday afternoon, by exhibiting his arm and begging. Mr. ...


... An inquest was held at Dover on Friday on the body of John Oppey, a diver employed .t the Admiralty Pier works. Isaac Smale, a mason by trade, and a helmet diver in the employ of Messrs. Lee ant 'on, was the first witness examined. He said: I knew tne deceased, who was also a mason employed upon the Admiralty Pier works. Yesterday, about one o'clock, I went down in the ordinary diver's dress ...

Law Intelligence

... cl, ,11I iv a INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT.-JULY 20. IN BE LORD GcEORIGE OSBORNE TOWNSSENIJ. I This insolvent, whose ease was reported on the 12th I instant, appeared from the Queen's Prison for final hearing under the Protcction Act, On the present occasion six creditors appeared in person. Mr. Evans, a poulteror, near Hmiuiersenaith, who had opposed before, wished to mention a circunitance of ...

Birmingham Police Court

... (iffurt. YESTERDAY. B'fferr Messrs. IV. Wrills and ?? Lloyd. ?? R1nUBBEITY FROM Ti TII'F Pictsoa.-Joshi Josles, alias jIilljitosn,, aged 20, a clerk, living ini Lower Cregoe Strcet, and tarolble senile, aged 21, of Essex Street, werecharged with stealing a cold watch from the person of Mr. T. F. Poncia, of Union Pas- sage, onl Wednesday night AMr. Harding prosecuted. Mr. Poncra deposed that on ...


... IMPORTANT PATENT CASE. (From, ?? Reporter.) COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-YErST'R.DAY. Sittinsgs at Nisi Prius, at Guildhall, before Lord Chief Jss-stir Cocklburn oust a Spdciai Jc'y. WEBSTER AND ANOTHER V. SMITH AND ANOTHER. This was an action brought by the plaintiffs to recover damages for the infringement of a patelnt for thle manufacture of wire for piano-fortes, and other musical instruments, ...

Birmingham Police Court

... palite Garl. YESTERDAY. B~efore Sir Joln natdiff, (Alasor,) and Messes. IT. Vant In i I. Ltewy, and ?? Tlrasioss. ROBBuERY BY A PORTIRIC AT TThE GENERAL HOSPITAL.- Winln'a ScphICits, IL middle-aged mal, living in Hospital Street wise clharged with stealing a quavtity of lend, valule Is. 9d., fron; the above inslitution. The house steward at the Hospital, Mr. Alfred Peter Holland, stated that ...