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Leeds Mercury



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... TEIMPEACHMENT-oF thD R ~IN k 1. On Tlrrriada Eveonil rext, Atiosts Fifth, Dr. F. R. LEER will y deliver a LECTURE in George-Siroet School Room. Hiudderesfeld. eSubjeot- The Impeachment of the DRINK TRAFFIC, as Incon- latent with our Industrial proseprity and social welfare.` It I ~~~The Chair to be taken at eight o'clock. L- Dr. Lees will also ?? a Lecture On tile Physiology of Tee- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i Ic Notfus. C G to cii ESLEXAN NEW CHAPEL and SCHOOL, ?? Uc OllToT. near Pontefraot.-OPENING SERVICESt. - AC tll urId, the Rev. F.3. JO. SON DOD., of Brad. :Ncr ~ i at I eleve o' lock in the morning, ati the lev. ,n1151'1r zl~tYN5 IN UX~of Leeda, at three in the afternoon and ,ii. nll/lf the Revit S. D. DWADDY, of Sheffieldl, ?? tess'l oloct in the nioroing and at six it the B 'c[a . iiti Tn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To thoze whomn it mayl Concern. J011N DACRV gill Sell 1bY Auction, wivthoi t reserve, on peeosit dar Of A~vii ?? 1898, at Ripley StAtion, onl thre Nvrth Eaetorn111 Eltiaway, ABU.TUJT 14 Tons of Squared OAK TIMBER, Inutab~e for Ship or Boat Builders. In iota to suit Puirciarers. Sale too Ilatoeocokano ~ales bp v ibatc (!rontv1trat. rpHREE lHoUSES, wvith kitchiens onthe ground *T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JJ EEDS MUSICAL FESTIVAL. Itt AID of the FUND i of thle GENERAL INFIRMARY, at To be held in ttl uXEW TOWN HALL. 0n T'LISDAY, WRDINESDAI 1, THIURiSDA Y, actt IltDA ?? Scjctetetttr 7it S-b 9th, O t at 10th, Under I is . Iittelto Pa'rttaizee of HER MOST '}RAOiUSit I MAJESTY TUE QUEEN. PutttHn)ENT The Right Worshiptfl t-io MAYOR of LEEDS. PETER VA I RtBAIRN, EE4. Pnt'NCss'AL, I'tLFOttMttS. itdinae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XIETHODIST FREE CNj1U[Ci1-, Wkfed Thle SERMONS In coniaretton with the OTPENING of thle aboet ?? Of woarsh t' will be 1rreached as followe ?? 1'o'inrr,tro Jt111 At Fifteenthl, 1UK8 at blolf.part two pot., fry the lvic. IlXLXiIIFTT. ofV Newvvmc tie oet.iacattr (,Li Une e Idr-tlroait Free tiwhE ce); and at l 8OvCO P.M.. by 1t~V. J. VP C110WN1 of lireilfoerd . ~ . on sa'rlduv, J1,01 Eigle lrtrrit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rO SOAP ATANITi (CTtCIVi'i.S AIMErS, AND O~IBS CAItL't6N cO.At. Nyjii1i( loive Miles front Wck~tield, Four AMills E fern Leeds. The iso.. ipsioutc Pom. istocr . Peope 11anure. Utrusileh of Thopide. iroedrerflc r~lsow Ciocs.tired crPi' Narrow-wheeledl Carts, Cart leric, rw I,.1 Bictucrtic, u. i IOca nu hleaO I~D ili5l roe Itiseted Ic ,,sr Woecflbral and Stifsf to Sell hy AuctiOnl, on1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r. ANN'S CIATaTOLLII ~jURCf,. Pntrk-I o, Le Jede. 2'O.MCB~tfQW (;ft.,rarlo As~t Itire lyrst.O there wl ~seSOliilN 11011 ~tle n ths Ubrchat eriven o'clock. The Kyxia Gloris, Oredo0B Se . snort Ngnus Del of Iffdn- Grand ltAceND. I!. will bteneefurtole Icy a fll Choir. I At O a ferto n to 30 er A an -- atirs lel. omiron ato S bt theirt Ma aer. prititlpal Soprano pof whi-chni o doduotin ol bmo. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBBRS. We have had numerous complaints that the Me.r- erv and St pplem)tent, when not bearing the im- pressed stamp, require two stamps to cover the postage, owing to the weight exceeding 4 ounces, We have therefore adoptel a paper which, whilat of the same quality as before, ia slightly reduced in weight. It will now be found that the Paper i and Supplement, when thorougidy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AKE W[NI)ERME1RE I{YDROPATHIIO JLA ESTA-iSrAS1IIlENT, W~estmoreland. Proprietr ?? L. HUDSON, AT.R.C.S. Prospeatnozesway beba-doen appticatiun to the Surgeon of the htee. iD IANOb OI{TES & HARMNON) UMS, by Broacl- .Lwvoodi, Kirktman, Codby, Alexoandre, Bretti, &oa. &o., attlie lttt'rat rerratlirativte yrire', at J. W. SYKUS'S, ciorner of flouiletreet, Leedie. Tile PsAt;xOol~RTll TAUGHT by J. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just prralisisatl pri~e al., THE RELIGIOUS DIFFI~CULTY in TNATIONAL EDUCATION. By B. Tearplar. Master of thle Co.; Manchester: Fletchser ansi Tubb.;; Edinburgh: Mlaclachlan mid St e w art.0809011 This slay is purblishedr, Itrice Sispeoce. E PITAPFiS turd THOUGRTS for a, VILLAGE J CHIURCHYARD L. By M~rs M1%achell, Marton V~cacnge. S~oclston-Jenttettnwrl Co. 31 KIM1 AN APPEALfor ROYALTY: a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... foil. ~ or rglRE MISSES ?? a~ Vcoc' 3Aolic ciiilteo eopenced (Dv.V) 0`0 Tuesday. A4ueask !Tlii1 2. ari~'is('.LezdO. JIIlY._ 135 * 1c o _-_'FthI14FIELD LOD(GE. 1Wl e juik IsSSTOOTAV'-1 morning Schol ?? .AP I oeon''eceIAyilTsi.Vacanc0ies for a few Boarder . open Oil 'UCS(I,, AU9148t errill1)9297' Ditties of the M SI 1STivelT aqhnd 7 1,1TIPS Scmnical dvl ?? o, unerc2.Orc'Oli. VaranclirO for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FINE ARTS.ujv ae Tihe follovdaingsall collection of extremely fiue Ge~nuine PICeT are nowon View,.and tea beOLD bYtPRIVATE OONTRACT. by the I )Ieasra, HARD WICK, at their Roome, in T'Iraty-t eat, Leeds. tileI AMOUNTAINOUS LANDSOAP on the A B ice f th Air, wih waerfal, cnicbridge, and trees of macentgrothby atickNaymit; alare ndimportant pictuesro. .Abooat~h Pece bythelae M. Cosieof Norwich ...