... THE SHOOTING CASE IN THE HAGLEY |POAD. We have already given the brief facts of this very serious matter. On Saturday last, at the Public Office, West Bromwich, before A. iKenrick, T. Boddington, and W. Sharp, Esqrs., John Arkinson, the watchman at the Lightwoods, H1agley Road, was placed at the bar charged with unlawfully wounding one John Male. Mr. W. J. Reeves attended to prosecute on ...

Birmingham Police Court

... girlldaq?am volict dout. YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. IT. Wills, IV, L. Sargent, and T. Lloyd. DoIS; DAI) Ao i:{ A PUBLIC HousE.-A young rough-look- ing fellow giving the name of Jamses Darifl, a gun barrel borer, living in itet CowV Yarfd, was charged with this offence. The evl- dence wont to show that the defendant, in company with others, went a few nights ago into the Blae Pig Ian, Moor ...

Birmingham Police Court

... Nlialiagtilal volia (fourt. YESTERDAY. Bcforc Messrs. T. h'litllips and R. If. l~ipeild. 1NCITINUa TO STEAL BY A Boy-Janes Grnnel, aged fifteen, of Kenlion Street, steel-pen maker, was charged with inciting a child, nine yeirs old, tailied Thomas Whiter, to steal some tobacco Ira ?? fatlher's shop: he was also charged with receiving the tobacco. The little boy, about whose being sworn there ...

Birmingham Police Court

... Nirlllhlg?nlll plict aurt. YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. Jr. Sands Cor, H. Wrsighit, and S. ThorsItot. A D0SORDESLY JuiRoR-Thsssas REvans, a paviour, living in Fezeley Street, was charged with assaulting Police-constable Hid- son, Coroner's Summoning-officer, ouWednesday. Evans had bean summoned as a juror at an inquest. He attended the enquiry in a state of intoxication, and was committed by the ...

Law Intelligence

... Raw Intelitsenm f- ?? 4- - NOTICES-THIS DAY. BANKRUPTCY COURT, DASING CALL-SIREET 13oax li. CoYlesrssasoelaaovuvau.-J. MuxileB stJmulnation, ot 11-IL Tatleane cholec of calges, at li-isllropand Glaig dobtor,, at U1-i. Amith, last examinatioss, at 12-L. Zucker, private. as ,1Y-W, Thorn,' last exaination, at 1-C. Chrbstmas, last esmlaton, at 2. ; . ADMILALTY COURT, DOCTBS'-CO1MlNS. l 17; Prl~day ...


... I _ ._ I OLD COURT.-ArGtUST 16. The sittings of the above Court were resumed this morning before the Right Hon. Sir R. W. Carden, M.P., Lord Mayor of the City of London; Thomas Chambers, Esq., Common Serjeant; Aldermen Sir C. Marshall, Farncomnb, and Sir F. G. Moon, Bart.; Mr. Alderman and Sheriff Law- rence, Mr. Alderman and Sheriff Allen, Mr. Under-Sheriff Millard, Mr. Under-Sheriff'Parler, ...

Law Intelligence

... Vaw futtlHOMIC4, NOTICES-THIS DAY. V1C&Ch'ANELLOLRS' OHAMBERS. LINCOLN'S-INN. BSrors VOCE-UrASCELLOU 81s J. V. 1rTVcA.-A to K-At 11: Brown v. Thomnpson-Earp v. Lloyd-Cotton v. Butters-Cox v. Wil- ?? v. Herzewell-Gould v. Hugbho-Hay v. Wall-Pill v. plymouth Great Western Doik-Green v. Green-Head v. Godlee- laroland v. Murroll-Cottonv. Butters-Crots v. Maltbiy-Hawkins v. Bennett-H odson v. ...


... LOCAL AND DISTRICT N3W9;. . its Iae I bil as le bt le VI It]l h l'G b CI 'VI In ce a., dl III Iii id Li IU (CONTBD.) ?? 'nt PORTSMOUTH POLICE. ing MONDAY.-Before Major Travers, B. W. Carter, q. nd, J. F. Pratt, Esq.,. and Captain Maitland. l thb James Wilcox, for stealing apples, the property of [rs irb Elizabeth Casher, growing in an orchard at Fratto o ted Sunday afternoon, was sentenced to ...


... JURY COURT-SECOND DIVISION. 3 EART, OF WVMYSS AND IARCH W. CAMPBFLYC OF MONZDCE r- This is an action arising out of a process of reductio, and repetition, commenced by the Earl of V emyss in 185G, in I order to obtain the reduction of a eub-tack of the deer-forest E of Dalness, with exclusive right of sport and certain other t t shootings and salmon-fishings, granted to him by Mr. Camp i t ...


... LIFE ASSURANCES ANDSUICIDE | _ Assurance Societies, from the time of their establish. mont, have generally sought to guard in. their life poli- Cies against three kinds of risk; that of death by duel- litug, by suicide, and by the hands of the law. In refer- ence to the last point, many curious cases have arisen. ?? F euntlroy's case, an assurance effected by him on ehi3 own life, sustained in ...


... NORTHERN CIRCUIT-LiVsERPOOL. [Bli-fore thre LORD CHIEF BARONi.] ROBBERYT FROM THlE LIVERP5OOL POST-OFFICE. Thrroos Ifar-tin. 26, described as a letter-carrior, ;vas indicited on tire charge of having stolen cert'ain post letters belrtrrgirrg to her Miajosty's I'ostrnaster General while in transrrrissiori through the Liverpool Post-office. His fm-&ipi, :IH passing sentence upon the psisoner, ...


... TRIAL AND, SENTENOCE OF BORROMEO _RA FOR BIGAMY.- AN EXTRA RDINABY NARRATIVE. Atthe Central Criminal Court, on Monday, Alexander :Charles Borromeo, 29, was indicted for bigamy. Mr Sleigh conducted the prosecutior-,.and, in openiog.the case, said the came was a very simple one. The prisoner, who represented himself to be an Italian, and whose real name he believed to be Charles Tucker, and who ...