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Birmingham Police Court

... . girluiq?a.m volia. crourt. YESTERDAY. Defore Messrs. IV. Middfomore, W. Wills, and W. Sharp. OBSTsRUCTING. THEa STrEaTs-Henrij Haines, of Stafford Street, was charged with causingan obstruction inthatstreet,on Saturday, by exposing crockerywaro for sale. The case was proved by Polite- constable Dipple 247, and the Bench inflicted a fine of Is-., with costs, 7.s. Sd.; in default three days' ...

Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... , It I urt. 'AMIMA0111111 9 1111C tu, 4 YESl3ERDAY. BiFonte Mr. CO3acSSIONEo n BALOGEY. .tsa-v* j07n Dilehuog of lflolverhametpOn, ?? bankrupt applied for iis certificate, supported by Sr.Johin Smith, ans op. posed by ir. llosds.,on for the assigues.9 After thle VvellknOthe facts of thle case had heen re-states', hise Honour awarded tile bmiokrupt a ?? certificite. itt re C. fI'$11l'ii, of ...

Assize Intelligence

... -15?ig ?Iltdfiyllct. HORRIBLE CASE OF DOUBLE MURDER. CROWN COuRT.-WELLS, MONDAY, AUGUST 9. Before Mr. Baron Watson. John Baker Backnell was indicted for the wilful murder of John Bucknell, at Creeke St. Michael, on the 14th of April. The prisoner was also indicted for the wilfal murder of Betsy Backnell, on the sane day, at the same place. The deceased, John Backnell, was a farmer and small ...

Birmingham Police Court

... Nirlllhlg?nlll plict aurt. YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. Jr. Sands Cor, H. Wrsighit, and S. ThorsItot. A D0SORDESLY JuiRoR-Thsssas REvans, a paviour, living in Fezeley Street, was charged with assaulting Police-constable Hid- son, Coroner's Summoning-officer, ouWednesday. Evans had bean summoned as a juror at an inquest. He attended the enquiry in a state of intoxication, and was committed by the ...


... THE SHOOTING CASE IN THE HAGLEY |POAD. We have already given the brief facts of this very serious matter. On Saturday last, at the Public Office, West Bromwich, before A. iKenrick, T. Boddington, and W. Sharp, Esqrs., John Arkinson, the watchman at the Lightwoods, H1agley Road, was placed at the bar charged with unlawfully wounding one John Male. Mr. W. J. Reeves attended to prosecute on ...

Birmingham Police Court

... Prilliggliala Witt Cuart. YIETERDAY. Before Sir John Ratcliff (Mfayo) aed AMr. S. Buckley. TanH OLDEST INCosRRIIoesLE.-Barbara Coemta77, of Fox Street, Bged sixty, wlen has been before the Beach no fewer than slxty-f Ye dlines, on charges of drunkenness, and who Was only released from prison on Monday, after seven days' coinemlerent for a like offence, atgain made her appearance before tine ...

Law Intelligence

... 3??Clll Alto IlIttIlipict. EXTRAORDINARY CONDUCT OF A CLERGYMAN. HOME CIRCUIT.-GuruDrnoD, AuGusr 6. HAY V. VANSITTAiRT. This was an action to recover £58. 17s. for board and lodging, and necessaries supplied by the jplairtiff to the wife of tile defendant. Mr. E. Janies, in opening the case for the plaintiff, said that the defendant, Mr. Charles Vanisittart, was a clergyman, very well ...

Birmingham Police Court

... girllliq?alll VUlict dourt. YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. T. Phillips and B. W. Winfield. Sun-AoENTS IN THE BOOK.PUBnIcHING TeADE.-A well- dressed and respectable-looking man, giving the name of John Fellows, was brought up, by Detective Kelly, under the following circumstances: Mr. W. F. Butter, of Bennett's Hill, Birmingham, agent to Messrs. Fislarton and Co., of London, book publishers, stated ...


... B:,IQ TX. AND.XUBDERS IN RIELAND.. The Kilkenny papers give full accounts of -a series of rather alarming Riots whidch broke out there on Sunday last, aud 'continued. throughout the following day, when it was found necessary to forward a requisition to the military authorities at the Cdrragh for the assistance of troops to suppress the disturbances. The jnetute is described by a local paper as ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CHARGE ARISING FROA THE FIRE IS PERMHORE STREEr. A most extraordinary cnse was calledI oil for investigatioe at the Public Olfice, Moor Street, b fore Messrs. W. Sands Cox, H. Wright, and S. Thornton. The charge was brought against Mrs. Elizabeth Brookes, wife of a respectable tradesmen in Pereleore Street, and was for feloniously detaining a cash-boK, belonging to Mr. Gregory, ...


... AN EXCITING CHASE AND CAPTURE| Yesterday we announced the fact of the arrest of Mr. Elliott, late of Weedon. The Hew York Tribune gives the following interesting details: James Subton Elliott was senior military storekeeper at Weedon, near London, ranking as Lieutenant-Colonel, receiving nearly £2,000. a-year, and could have retired at any moment on half-pay, having served about thirty-five ...

Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... Nitilligg4lin N, altiallptcy 61 ourt. SATURDAY. lee re John C. Zlfoe'geee, Hereford, ieesckCelCcr.- This was ane adjourned meeting for last examination, attended by Mir. tiodgoon, (of the firer of Hodgson and Allen,) for tise assignees, by Mr. Suck- ling for acreditor, and by Mr. Sill forthsbanbrispt. Mr. Ioelgicn stated that ties evideesce of Morgan had boos, very sunsaeisfactory on ?? points ...