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Advertisements & Notices

... CARRIAGE-CAR FOR SALE. A FOUR-WHEELED CARRIAGE-CAR, 0 F A modern build, by KENNEIDY, not mulch used, to be sold cheap. Apply at 41, WARING STREET. Belfast, 5th Oct., 1858. 3C61 NORIIT UNION COURSING CLUB. TIIE MIEMBERS WILL MEET FOR COURSING L at ANTRIM, on0 WEDNESDAY, the 13th of October, 1858. No admission to tbe Park, without Tickets, for wbich the followving cbarges-will be made: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... itake bu 3xctinu. SALE TIIIS DAY. TEA DIRECT FROM CHINA. r'CLURE, FINLAY, & CO. WILL OFFER FOR 1 Sale by AUCTION, at tenir BonLcd avarehloise, Corporation Street, on THURSDAY, the 28th inst., at Twelve o'clock, 400 Chests, 100 ?? Tea, all faults, L'z Spirit of the Deep. Catalogues can be had, and tle Teas seen, on and after 'Monday, the 25th inst. Belfast, 19th October, 1858. 38G8 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARE ROY AL, DUBLIN l H E;r of MR. AND MRS. BARNEY WLLIAo for a limitod periodl.-TIIIS EVENING )~ ^0^tobOt 26;h, the performance will commence asd~s)jlic Ilrai of TfHE IRISE1 LION.-Tim. Mr Barney Williams ; Miss Cornula Williams. To be followed by the *ae wnittoni for Mr9 B Williams, entitled THE eJOiabIsOF TE C)UNTYRY.-Mr Pliant Manners, clv' ?? ,j r21hrtimer Sparkle, Mr Price; Mrs jl %atseRl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THfEATRE ROYAL, BELFAST. M] V IRST APPEARANCE THIS SEASON OF THE Sh 1 celebrated Tragedienne, Miss MARRIOTT, Who Be is engaged for Twelve Nights, Engagement of the Re PopilaFr Tragedian, Mr. J. C. COWPER, who is en- gaged fbr Twelve Nights. Re-engagement of the distinguislied Vocalist and Actress, Miss E, 'WEBB, iu for positively Six Nights only. TIIIS EVlENING '(Mondav), October 4, 1858, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, BELFAST. THlIE BENEFIT' OF hlISS ELIZA WVEBB, AND T last. night but ono of her appearance. Fithi night of Mliss M1ARRIOTT and iMlr. J. C. COWPER. THIS EVENXITNG (Flridavi, will be acted ROME() AND JUlI.1ET. Romeo, Mliss Marriott (as played by her inl London, Liverpool, D)ublin, and Glasgow, with tile greatest enttltosiasni). Mercutio, Mr. J. C. Cowper. OvEiT'U lI, by thu B13and, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ROYAL, DUBLIN 'eA t of MR. AND MRS. BARNEY E V fISeTHIS EVENING (Monday), October WL~LUAi. .ermaa will commence with the Coraic 26th, tf sf TO GOOD LUCK: or, THE IRIIH. ,aer%)pORTUNEPoddy O'Rafferty, Mr Barney ISS (in wbieb he will sing The Flaming O'Flan- 1000 an~d dsnce an Irish dig); Count Malf, Mr Ro- 'ndt iMenfredi, Mr Alexander; Count FloreoDi, f~o; . C5Unrte sMolingar, Miss Rawliugs; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND ¶0ANDS. D ~ tt~ -f TX TI~ 0 BE^~T, ti'&5.House No.. II, COBURG- Cle U PLACEI~5I Contains two Parlours and two Alt prawingroome, KitchaePantryIc.; italso baa Pipe- at water, and has beeu latelg papered and painted, and Fiv is now fit lor immediate occupation. Applg at 10, _ Coberc-place'r or 8, Cecilia-.Breet. OR SALE BY PRIVAl; ¶1btATY, the Interest F in the Lease, for au unexpired ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lD RI3~~~B B Y L, 'D UB.L I X! E E3 F JVENIXG (TiiOsd y), October 19tb, the ,[ Vill .comnce with second tims here), the i maac Ds 3 ,tbrcaacts, entitled ROBESPJERRR, dc& O5S-Ob THE REVOLUTION.- obee. WtiV I) b itgomry; Dumont, Ur lHodnett; ?? ie 'racchus Guzot, Mr Brinsley; B'j3,u Mrejr Xis. Aniderto¢;, The Citoyernue Do, J? , B li~gs. To be followed by the Comedy, fosiv, entitled TjIE LITT~Li ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1:.A1'RE ROYAL, DUBLIN.1 -11i Jjs EVENING (Saturday), Oct 30, will be T lli, gECOLLETTlON OF O'FLANNIGAN ?? F FAlRIES.-Phelim O'Flannigau (with au iris .; 5nd meg), Mr Barney Williams; Billy Go- DI, j J Illithews; Mary O'Flannigan, Aliss leF3 Bridget O'Flannigan, Miss J Wood. To be fol- B b lihO Comeri~tta (written for Mrs B Williams) lo7,1 I'TpAV;FOR LADIES.-old Graspa11, Mr Ro- .ptia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TflE BLESSING OF BEALTH BY L £ OW W A Y'S r I L LS, a WHY ARE DISEASES FATAL?-Yerily ecause we prescribe for their efreet, iusteati of thtir asunse and try to relieve symptoms instead of strieg it their root. Tlie actlon of these Plils fs preoisely tie ro verse. They expel from the secretive organs and tte alrulation the morbid matter which produoes Iioteem. lion, pain, fever, debility and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~X~1~LICATIONS4. Pdcain 4seoFO Teby Post 4th 2d. Cemet, eJLacSSIC FOR T.E USE OF ?? iCATHL W C OLEoot S AND SCHOOLS- Seeng Extra d in from T..E H .STO , FATiis, and other WRerrcac OF THlE CasusR011 PART 1, GREEK-Edited by GEORGE W. ABRA- HAM, A.Mt, L.LD., Barrister-at-Law. Dublin: JAMES DUFFY, Wellington-Quay. Now Ready, price 4s., y Post P4s. 2d. - HNBRISTIAN CLASSICS, for the Use of Colleges ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONti. ?? th opn' far s ehd n owo li MOST IMPORTANT PUBLICATION. In thePress, and will be Published in a few days, HIE CAiTHKOLIC C&SE STATED; or Princi- --ples, Working, and Results of the Sytem of Na- tional Education, with Propos cia for the Final Settle- mentof theEducationQuestion, mostrepecfully dedi- cated to the Catholic Archbihops and Bishops of Ire- land. Jut Published, priea ...