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Leeds Mercury



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR E L'F AST TIME THIS YE kR RT iY P H t L I.IP S aind -- f~~ L0'~~'Iot will repeat their jimputuir Enttertakitment, _ ?? LIFt I in the 7ttosic-lhall, this (iSa',lr- fi tjKEN an64,. Is., atol Vs. F 47; TtIh [Pt(lrtV,6etry, and Public of Leeds, are N rod' ?? , is-e aMIS0E13LANEOtUS READING, i * 0 ~ t h ovloing thr0:- F eeot. itn ~col~i;~rrolooarHoodCatebell, Long~fellow, Loilint, .N. P. f ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... () of WSLEY4OACE OEIAPEL and PENOI'NG15of W TE ?? &c.. in connectlon with the featnag of theo above piue of worship a ESa, OMIo E BofBth, on5 saly(TO.rOJilRO ji. the Iev. JME BOMEY o ~~?555s-h in the Morning in wesole t for Ubapel, land in the j r in thoats lepl rld~ the iceseionni; and VVE NWlI I[es. of shieffield, will Preach in Weeloy-Placo ?? Nai veing. 03191u'sd li Qen5c5 -Ieth the Rev. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERT31S21FENTS. Adulteration jR thi addeeg to an article some other subsetauce to increvee qutantity, and it is elralae tbhoith true that Tea i-* 1etely tillee tfeit Jl: , ' v-;I lite ?? ee, l:;WQV. r. 101p GeC 8;eL;C oif e oreneeinv the prilnl, talke the late grewvq oearse and brown leavesn which are unsuited to foreign ruppir. nod artidfiially fane thense ith lowdenl coinetr, three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6tC('MM(IN MI1Y1ST' KES AUPYI -RELIGION. By the 11 0. ?? . ' ,, Prie14031 - 1.0100 .9e citi, or I1 le, 00 mWINTY TEANPY E~XPEIEN oTOA T..ABS'tNFS0NC 1, ?? IN .OXICAT1NG LIQUJORS. Le~0oV. ocele.277 Straoid ol ?? ~ e olSons. ?? flbitoh-Iel, ricre 4d. -L-NLIZABErII c;uI ilbi, successively a SundaY _oJ Feb011, , earvoOH. onIII, inv100.111. li er itro, I0 otrreepowllCIt. jDovic.tettiI to'tthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .nales bip auctiOfl. AUMO~ONEEL1S1' R(OMNS. TIIeN lTY..STREY-,T, LEElDS). IMPORTANT SALE of SOX''CI P'lCKLlNGi WINES, 0Oil 1ITTliID) POIITI~, FINE PAtI SHII 4lOY. and PALE nod M, BROIWN 11NAINDY.I bMes',N. IO-LIDOlN CIlv irecriveit in'tructlona from OR eminent f-r Jliupi~rter. to,.ainetIiec- for 8ala10 b Alection, oil 11t`oodao, the A'ilt1'til iep f O1' tc~,at theirlonoms. in Trinity-atreet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RECKITT aud cos OSBORNE BISCUIT, AlHsO'U be ha or l aee atabl~e Grocers, . With tuw6ulv otheor obor a~eiS D0078 a ~NTS -A GI~i~ O IVN TOR S cry e adfre 0appliectitn to Mr.Willa iron e Patent ?? Aon (Of uiswalide of 2O yose rratc, ?? the O n~s e w iuenne bco P uretea the or. nto icvreas wthe colour ?? of hatrente~ to nhusd Tsec O antathy p ommis Iporner ictO n / e Coec coer of coilour, it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JJEFEDS AUXILIARY BIBLE' SOCIETY.- PATROON-The LORDE BISROP OF R.IPON. A.Ori4In ElE11NLO of this Auxiliary will be held in the TOWN II ALL, jfored,, FVelitti'0, OCtObg) an'nsnh rtrcnidOA 0toe1ru Society. lao kindly vonsented to take the 'InotrelI-tRIiioYt AD-DISON, CIA., Iecrtrof Collyhiurst; the ?? 6iT( Efl, LL. A., of Mancheeter, Canon of Cheoter;I i,. 11 YV N( tI.TSS, B.A.. of East Parade ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rcpnotitory. Ring (harlot' -Croft, lf,nt-s. Ir tnR ARtNOILDW'll sell by Anotion.s onl Tuesday. the Fifth ALr quantity of Pack and Hammsir SF A FITSI fl ;tcrrraWoah0iizMachinesl GrfltlstovesL~hO5. Stack tag ~'fi~~dttpprs.,elhethernCvfii ?? 'no nuetorors to olt-tail. Ayiii ~.--'slimii~5N--itC at ?? tic -f uree. D = r ifARVOLI,) i hosnour '1 sttoit, ti,tjntioti from Minors. Web. in 7dr. j~I. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g~o be ~let. a good HOUSEa~nd _BUTC-HER'S- 8J1OS1op, itoat -al ileyawn, Birley-a.r C 14182 t LETatBesto, (oodHOSESHOPI T~ Oa B~F101.18B, with ansacre of Laned. Applyri 13uet1. 13i arLoeeilr. D 106131 PAXWN~BROKERS. - To LEaT, a g~ood T ~'jI~?oVSE an S P sutal for tbis buins. No vaoit or filtttres; to b'Y- Alhoe, Two good ll110SE8, suitable for reaseetabla ledging-1list&w Apply to Won. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0WXUAlEEDS.D-THH8EE 1AiUSIOAL orp ?? of tics LF,.rS9 DIS;PENSTY i Vil bepyn o te 2).21nj.and 23Srd at ocloer,' insiteadl of the Hoe ?? plib,~ ondth of October, as pwroi-circt adlvertisedI.) thk. pattlion- 14th ?? apirearl, a future ac1vsoeteenrut. The ticketj ccili be ,~a ahwekl by the Sec retary at the Town-Hatll, at th e flt-( lo hf a~lrery ?? )tyo-IIIDts ?? A. Is.N Ton al A ?? ?? 110T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TiE LOND 1; 3MiSSIONARY SOCIETY.- Fer jet) D TI I I'o1 Ii,-cneto ?? AUXILIARY. mryl' fol tu bv Au.I' ry ill t1l? town0 of Loolte. OII Lordl'bo y, A C ITO t IODI'' ?? Aro~ ll,i',i l'S1 UM~NI willibe loro~ched j~i 61 Oh 1T-P t C II k I'JL-iu I 1 lia lorarllg at 10.30, hy the Shv.' 1 jos m~1l ,I U.LLF:NS. l.A., f~'oo r oin Calcutta; inl thle even- I1),( Ingeat 6:10 hey t~ll Her. I1 I D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )AGAQO0D R E SOLUTJT ION.~ inI A ~~good reoolution, resolved and performed, ire Se~~~cured a long time ago, To thefriends of reform by prices rsformed, RIinh dress at BRIANrrc'S depOt. No good resolution his fricude have withstood, ince fashion hoe canto to p)romote; PAlitnosagain ha's resolved again for their good, A.. ~~~To pr,.vids a stoust winter coat. f-ts god to ;!5olve good coats to ...