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Warwickshire, England

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... YESTERDAY. Before ,1. D. HiU, Esq.,4Rceorder. CnAMOE OFs PURCHAoslNG A HOrSaa WITtr BATD BASK NOTSt. -Joseph Thompsons, a horse dealer, was charged with defrauding one Edward Gtallagher, in the purchase of a horse in Birmingham Market, on the 12th of August last. The evidence went to stow that in part payment for the animal the prisonergave to Gallagher two £6. notes, which appeared to be ...

Birmingham Police Court

... Nirnftgtam 7 t ?? SATURDAY. Before Messrs. T. 0. S. Kpyanersley astd F. L Welch. STEALING A SET oF STErs.-Thomns.S Willig.s, a labourer, was charged with stealing a set of steps, from the shop door of Thomas Johnson, of Dale End, on Friday. They were afterwards found at the bazaar of John Snell, in Dudley Street, whom the prisoner per- suaded to buy them, by representing that he was an ...

Birmingham Police Court

... Airm?abgtam valict (bal. YESTERDAY. Beforc Sir Johns RBatelil Ml/ir,tajr, Messrs. T. C. S. Kynnersley, (ttid F. Vint Wart. ClIARGF OF Pocicer-Picnrioa.--Jates Nevevy, alias Eyland, gun stamoper, Cross Street, and Jhln Andi reia, alias Planti, brass founder, Broad Street, were charged with attempting to pick pockets at the London and North Western-Rlilway Station, on Mondy night. l)etective ...

Birmingham Police Court

... NiIW?Hm v*f goal. YEST9RDAY. Before Messrs. William Salads Cox and P. Phillips. CAUTION TO THE BxNEvoLENrT-Charles Baker, aged 51, of decayed respectable appearance, though evidently got up, who said he was a paper stainer,from London, was charged byDetective- sergeant Manton with begging in NeWball Street, on Wednesday. He accosted Manten for alms; the Sergeant watched him, and saw him ...


... YESTERDAY (TUESDAY.) These Sessions commenced for the trial of criminal offenders on Tuesday, before the newly-appointed Chairman of the County, the Right Hen. Lord Ward. After the Grand Jury had been duly sworn, his Lordship addressed them, and recounted the principal heads of the financial business, which had been transacted before the Magistrates on the day previously. He said one of the ...


... WORCESTERSHIRIE MICHAELMTAS SESSIONS. The following cases, disposed of since onr last report, concluded the business of these Sessions :- 1oliza FaRiudslty, against whom three previous ?? Were proved, wvs found ?? of 1lving, on the 23th of July, at Kid. leruoinster, stolen it pair of lvomel'ss boots, a pair of slippers, two brass candlesticks, nnd other articlcs, from the house of Johu Bensett ...


... Both Courts opened yesterday (Wednesday) morning at nine o'clock. Thle following were the principal cases tried:- ROBBfERY B3Y A FEM5ALr SERevA;NT.-Einlnti Joncs, aged 23, indicted with stealing £il. ls., G., the property of Saniuel King, her master, at IKingswinford, was found gnilty by the jury. A previous conviction was proved against the prisoner, and she was sentenced to twelve calendar ...

Birmingham Police Court

... girming4am 'Pulict oLourl. YESTERDAY. B;jforc Messrs. T. C. S. Iipiner*ey, T. Phiillai, ansd. TV. nWiltfield. SrOPPA GE OF A PPe1ZE-FIGIITr.-An event of this nature was prevented from taking place by reason of one of the wconld-be combatants being taken into custody by Detective Palmer. His name is Isaac Atkins, of Pailmer Street, striker, and the fight was to have come off yesterday, ...


... WARWVICKSHIRE SESSIONS. The trials of prisoluers at these Sessions vwere proceeded with yesterday, anid We sebjohin a seminary of ?? results. In the course of the day thefollowing gentleiten ualited as Cosnty Magistrates: -John Peel, Eiq., Middletotn 11111 Cha1rles Fetherstone Dilke, Esq., Mrsxstoke Castle; John D ghy Winlgfield Digby, Esq., Coles- hill; Abij a ll1ill Pearo, Esq., Allesley ; ...

Birmingham Police Court

... prmiagam gaiia affurt. YESTERDAY. Before MAr. Kyniursley andl Mr. Middtoeasre. A DRUNKEN TnTAVErLER OUT IS His RgcecoNING.--A1 Irislmnane named Jamzes MAlfligan, one of a pretty numerous list of drunk, disorderly, andincapable, was charged byPolice-con- ble Burley under the following ?? five that morning the officer found hii in a court in Coleshill Street quite drunk, and naking a great ...

Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... N? n1traptcg (Dart. YESTERDAY. BEFORlE MAt. REGIsTRAR WTERVFIELD, I1s re John and George Sitses, S'`Ct1`loViK, ?? bankrcrpts eams lip ou their last examination, supported by Mr. J. Smilith (instructed by Mr. E, Docker). They were opposed on behalf of the nassignees by Mr. Knight (instructe1 by Mr. Wain- wright, Dudley). Tire senior bankrupt wits subjected to a short examination by Mr. lKnight, ...


... STAFFORDSHIIRE MICIAELMIAS | SESSIONS. THE COLLIERS' STRIKE. The trials of prisoners commenced yesterday (Tuesday) momsing, at ten o'clock. The Magistrates present were P. Twerilow, Esq., Chelrman; H. Hill, Esq., Deputy-Chairman; the Hon. and Rev, A. C. Talbot, T. F. Twemlow, Esq., H. C. Vernon, Esq., Captain Butler, H. J. Fye, Esq., R. Kettle, Esq., M. Gaunt, Esq., Dr. Holland. After the ...