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November 1858
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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette



Glamorgan, Wales

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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette


... GENERAL NEWS. Sir James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, was attacked with paralysis at the Manchester Athenaum last week- Sir James is recovering. We are requested to state that there is no truth in the report that the Government intend to create three new Indian Bishoprics.— Times. It is stated in the Dublin Evening Post thst Lord Naas, the Chief Secretary, is to succeed Lord Elphinstone in the ...


... LITERATURE. MOMOS'8 NEW FARMER'S ALMANACK.—This Almanaek for 1859, hils just appeared, and the adoption of its contents to Ule wants of the class for whose 8pecial use it is got np, exceeds, if possible, the former editions of the work. Of the NEW FAKUKR'B ALMANAC for 1859—36 pages are occupied by ai Agricultural History of 1858—20 by a Calendar of Operations for the Farm and for the ...


... POETRY. AUTUMN. Why do ye droop to see the wither'd leaf ? Why do ye mouru to mark the fading flower ? Why ilotli 110ft melancholy o'er thee creep In quiet autumn hour? Is it that beanty has so short a reign ? And perfumes sweet thou canst 110 more inhale; It is within thy sinking heart thou feels't That loveliness is frail'! Well be it so—for truth is in the thought, All things are passing, ...


... 1 George Williams. Lewis Rets, hay dealer, was charged with having committed wilful and corrupt perjury in an affidavit made in an action pending in the County Court, in which Mr. D. G. Owen sur- geon, Newport, was plaintiff, and Mr. Rees the defendant. The case was dismissed. Charles lviley was sentenced to three months' imprisonment for having assaulted his captain, James M. Richardson while ...


... CORN-KXCHANGE, Mokday. Last week's supplies were plentiful of all grain and Eng- lish flour. The exports were 286 qrP. oat 10 qrs. belt 23 qrs. pea*. The lecetpts of English wheat were 6,276 qu. ¡ of foreign, 13,571 qrs; of foreign, 13,571 qrs. A oente fog prevailing tilli late, business was much hindered. There wag a moderate show of tamplei fiom Kent and Eaves, which only » ...

[No title]

... THE PROPOSED ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FOll SOUTH WALES. The Eisteddfod is doomed. Like the Donny-brook Fair (If Otlld I/eland, the Lord Mayor's Show of Old Englaud, *d other such national celebration, it cannot but grow R^»du»liy out of date. W'th one roll of its mighty thunder Times has said it. ■' Wny do you net take more of tl. great festival of the Principality ? a-k« an in tint). ...


... litov-Baro, Wels)), in Lttiidon ..ton 7 0 0- 0 0 0 Ditto, to arrive 6 15 0- 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 Bars, Staffordshire, in London 8 10 0 9 1 fj Nail Hods ditto 8 0 0 9 0 0 Hoops ditto 9 3 0—9i5 0 Sheets (single) 9 10 0-1013 Pig, No. I, in Wales 3 13 0— 4 I) 0 KetiueJ metal, ditto 4 10 0— 5 5 0 Bars common, ditto 6 00—6)0 0 Ditto, railway, ditto Ii 5 0 6 7 6 Ditto, Swedish, in London 12 15 0-1;) 0 0 2 ...


... A DIABOLICAL ATTEMPT TO MURDER THE REV. ALEX- ANDER NIXON, was made in Donegal, on Sunday night week. Nixon was returning from church, accom- panied by his wife and daughter. The party travelled in a cl >se carriage. When about a mile from Falcarrah, Mr. Nixon's attention was attracted by three persons on the load. They were dressed in women's apparel, but there was something strange in their ...


... CARDIFF POLICE INTELLIGENCE. FRIDAY. Before the Mayor, C. C. Williams, Esq., and It 0. Jones, Esq. John Matthews and Ellen Matthews, of the Forester's Arms, were each fined 5s. and costs for having been disorderly iu Bute-street. Ellen Matthews was then charged with having been disor- derly in the Town-hall unler the following circumstances, which we witnessed:-On the previous day she and her ...


... AN ORIGINAL THINKER —ALL CLASSES ARE HIS COSVEHTS. It has been well said, that those who have filJillhed by makiog all others think with them, have dually been those who began by during to think for Lbemøelvel. A striking example of the truth of this fcionj is to be found in the career of Ihom^s Hollowuy, Xvhom a distinguished medical writer has pronounced as of the most successful men ...


... There was a very large supply of beef on or.ler, the num- ber of bead of cattle Cu sboiv being 5,t>J8. The trade was alow, but making a lillle more money than la-t week, the best description of beef fetching 4'. lOtI. per stone of 8.b. Of sheep there was a fair supply, say 22.000. The mutton trade s'ightiy improved, fiae meat making 5' and even a trifle above ibis quotation in tome few ...

[No title]

... CARDIFF BOAHD OF HEALTH. The monthly meeting of the members of this Board was held on Friday last, the Mayor (C. C. Williams, Esq.,) presiding. There were also present Aldermen 1). Lewis; C. Vadiell; T. Morgan. Councillors, W. Alexander; John Batchelor; R. W. Williams; Langley Lewis lleece; Grover; J. Pride; Owen; Evan Thomas. Dr. Edwards. Absent Aldermen \V. Coffin, W. Vachell. Councillors 1) ...