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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette




Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette


... GENERAL NEWS. Sir James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, was attacked with paralysis at the Manchester Athenaum last week- Sir James is recovering. We are requested to state that there is no truth in the report that the Government intend to create three new Indian Bishoprics.— Times. It is stated in the Dublin Evening Post thst Lord Naas, the Chief Secretary, is to succeed Lord Elphinstone in the ...

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... THE LATH REV. JOlIN EIGLES, A. M.—A memorial has been erected in the Bristol Cathedral, during the week, of this lamented gentleman, whose life was passed in this city, and who won the love of his fellow-citizens by his estimable, social qualities, and fame by his writings. The memorial consists of a plain mural tablet of Carrara marble, bearing a profile likeness of the deceased, and the ...


... > ESQUIRE, M.P. FOR HEREFORDSHIRE. On Sunday forenoon the funeral sermon of Mr. BOOXER BLAKBMORB was preached in Whitchurch parish church, to a very crowded congregation, the sacred edifice being filled in every part by persons whose exterior gave evidence of great respectability, and deep sympathy with the family of Velindra, in their late bereavement. The attention to the service was truly ...

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... MANCHESTER ELECTION.—On Tuesday se'nnight Mr. Bazley addressed his committee and the electors of St. Jotlll Ward, in St. Matthew's Schoolroom, Liverpool, road, which was crowded. The following resolution wn then unanimously adopted.: That this meeting desires to express its thanks to Mr. Bazley for his visit to the electors of St. John's Ward, and, hiving heard the ex- position of his ...


... Snow has fallen in Strathdon, Banffshire, to the depth of 5% inches. An inexhaustible bed of pure rock salt has been disco- vered at Stansfutt, tieur Steitin. The funeral of Napoleon 1. has been taken to Boulogne. Mr. L. S, Magnus has been elected Mayor of Queens- borough, and is the first Jewish Mayor in the provinces. The man Council, who attempted to murder Inspector Budd, of the Woolwich ...


... LITERATURE. MOMOS'8 NEW FARMER'S ALMANACK.—This Almanaek for 1859, hils just appeared, and the adoption of its contents to Ule wants of the class for whose 8pecial use it is got np, exceeds, if possible, the former editions of the work. Of the NEW FAKUKR'B ALMANAC for 1859—36 pages are occupied by ai Agricultural History of 1858—20 by a Calendar of Operations for the Farm and for the ...


... BaBcoN AMD MERTHYR-TYDVIL JUNCTION RAILWAY. In our eighth page will be found a very interesting report of a me; held in Merthyr on behalf of this newly- projected line. A number of highly influential persons were present, and everything passed off most satisfactorily. The provisional directors are at work in right good earnest, and their notice to apply in the next Session of parliament ...

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... ORDEIl OF THE SONi OP TEMPERANCE.—The past and acting presidents of the Merthyr, Aberdare, Dowlais, and Cardiif divisions of the above order, met at the committee room, Temperance Hall, Merthyr, on Monday evening, Nov. loth, for the purpose of forming a grand division in Glamor- ganshire. Mr. James Wm. Gordon, of Liverpool, the chief officer of the national division of Great Britain and ...


... CARDIFF TOWN COUNCIL. A quarterly meeting of the members of the Town Council was held on Tuesday last, the; Mayor, (C. C. Williams, E>q.), in the chair. There were also present, Aldermen W. Coffin, C. Vachell, W. Vachcl!, T. Ilorz in, D. Lewi* and Coun- cillors R. W. Williams, W. Alexander, C. K B-rnaid, E. Thomas, R. L. Ueeee, J. Bifelielor, J. Pride, M. (;-over, K. Cory, W. B. Watkins, J. ...


... REPRESENTATION OF BANBURY.—Mr. Sergeant Pigott, of the Oxford circuit, and Mr. Bernhard Samuelson, of the Banbury Britannia Iron Works, are candidates in the liberal interest, and Mr. John Hardy, on Dunstall Hall, Burton-on-Trent, on the conservative interest. The Hon. J. F. T. Fiennes, son of Lord Saye and Sele, has abandoned his ii,tention of offering himself. It is ex- pected that Mr. Yatt ...

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... The subscriptions to the Worcestershire testimonial to Sir John Pakington, limited in amount to E2 2S., already exceeds the sum of JLMO. COST OF GETTING UP A LADY FOR A BALL.-A came bafore the Bail Court on Monday, in which a Misa Leverson alias Rachel brought an action and recovered iamages against her landlord, for summarily turning her out of her lodgings. According to the statement of the ...