
... -itX at r. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. dilto The October number of the EDINBURGH gives a and marked testimony to the stillness that prevails in the political atmosphere by its appearance without the chiel customary political article. The series of essays ad which are strung together within the historical sp blue and vellow contain nothing which could offend the sensibilities of the most thorough ...


... ,J'iII xzYT 'PAI VJI (V 9'11,.171'.:z: Pliciral to ; li. ,nrirsc ?? li liis uicier Ii i tli''atre ocl Satirdia rig;il, 1i ll1 is ?? irrrilsairte Iby so ox eellcila ire aeiye. Ai ter tie lisol rI l'ei -, tih giee cil rtrlin irsceiuiling li.o.rvu'e a rew ret ul-op, tlii, detigri iiiof re c1l hbd beeln fuirnished bv Mr. (iljl)r*, tilc eeerltii:I devoivihig Oil si leSrs. Wriiliht irriri Wilson ; ...


... T H E CO UR T. P WINDSOn, TunnsDAY.-Tlte French Ambassador and the Duchess of Malakhloff, and the Earl and Countess of Malnmesbury, arrived yesterday on a visit. C Shortly after their arrival, the Duke of Malakitoff and the Earl of Malmeslibury (Principal Secretary of State b for Foreign Affairs) had an audience of her Majesty. The Duchess of M1nalali0olY was presbnted to the Queen by the ...


... I FASHIONABTL INTELLIGENCE. I - _ _ JLof'We Bland, Esq., Q.C. and AT.P., Mrs. Loftirs f'3and, and family, have arrived at their residence, 33, MerrionIsBuare North, froll Blandslort, Qvieen's County. EIBERNIAN HOTEL,-Arrived-Lady O'Don- neil from New Port Ilouse. Departusre-CaptainfiLeslie for London. GRESHAM HOTEL,-Departure5-The Mayor Of Melbourne, secretary and suite, for London; the ...


... F' . D ~;~I .rAMA. SADLRR'S WELLS. The idt4iigent audience of this theatre, whom its a_ manager has faithfully taught to appreciate the sense and pre spirit of01 .Bhsk s~poetr, independently of thattauptuous the magnificence of scenic display and that elaborate reproduction MO of antiquarian details which may be found at another esta- ov( blishinent, have during last week, since the ...


... FA 'IYoyS f j)ll N. NO v.p Wlith renpect toI jiiiat..ilj l atid wariner textue-P r k iV Plaids nre Yeiymuh Y woollen fabric.4. Sn ! i worn. Thie skiii'naettl are iuiade quit li ~'intyit 1 niure tiunces;andinkir. ' as discarded.AOnve. rI very nrro IIne aeyni j)t Both double sk irts and, IIAl, with that plaitn, either qfu .v colour from' the i ldt are frolnently il:ld n nittolt'i Wit, froiit. ...


... 1 .Dives and Lazaru~s; or, the Adventures of of t~ Obscure Medical Man in a Low Neighbourhood, can Judd and Glass. Do(c We confess to having risen from the perusal of -yfgj this unpretending little 'volume with feelings very tku different from those with which -we had at first we measured its diminutive size, or glanced at its ar modest green cover. From its title we expected to rem find it a ...


... THEA TRICALS I.V GE VEIAL. [CPlOM THE~ SUNDAYTVS- The fine old lnd truly regal Opera Ilisuse in the }Iey- moarket is to be let, but it is doubttd if a capitalist cc:: be found to undiirtake aso heavy and ?? a ps~lcilatio'l- We believe it, is anno11nc,'iea th~at tlia p'yie anti H1arriSon Opera Conipany go to tlhe RoYal Italian Opera Ifoilie: af tir Ic lying DrurY-lane , at thle end sf the ...


... STP-.I SD TIIEATRiTIE'. A neat, smnart couiedietti, entizitkd, 'Wrsi ill J'est inl Loving in Eariest, fronm tile pen of Ni. A, ?? T'nl,ig !hr , av thor of Leading StringS,' &o.,N ai pi 'dicAt at this theatre, last evening, with ?? .IICCe -R It is nolt often that a pieco is ploced oil tbe !;t:lgl o00 tilh first night in such form a5 to lrecjqlir lit) Cdluiillsnalion. hut it uiy fairly be ...


... music. K. JULLIEN'S CONCEHTS. M. Jullien, our musical readers are already aware, has had recourse to the Lyceum as his domicile this season; having been prevented (as he says) by a oombinatior. against him, from obtaining access to any of the three great theatres, Her Majesty's, Covent-garden, and Drury-lane. He has, however, turned this disappointment to account, by reducing his orchestra ...


... ?? Jullien gives his promenade concerts this year at ?? Lyceum. Tney are to be, he de lrirr, his fareivell, su that tbe mosr8t popular promoter of this species of enter- tainrent ends wlhere it began; for the first attenpt at promenade concerts was made at tire Lyceriri, under tire auspices of Mr. Allcroft. Tlhe arrangemuenits were of the usnal kind, the .atage being very tastefully adorned, ...


... LITERA T&RE. 1 Life of 3IarY Anne Schimmelpenninck, Author of Select Memoirs of Port Royal.' Edited by her Relation, CHRISTIANA C. HAtxIN, Two vols. l London : Longmans. 'It is a duty, says Benvernito Cellini, of up- right and credible men of all ranuks who have per- formed anything noble or praiseworthy, to record in their own writing the events of their lives; yet theyI should not ...