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... I THE ALLEGED MURDER IN WESTMNISTERI On Wednesday, Iseac Hcrmindv forty-fevei, was indicted at. the O'd Bailey for the wilful murder of Eliza Farrll, by throwing her out of ca widowi Mr. Bodkin, for the prosecution, in opening the rase to the jury9 said it was one Of a serious and extraordinary character, the prisoner being alleged to have caused the death of the deceased by throw. irg her out ...


... IPMURDER I 1 IRELAND. The Daij Epreftoof Monday hes the following:- It is many years since the- -annals of the Queen's County have been stained by suctr a cold-blooded-aiasws-- nation as that of Mr. Ric~hard Ely-a murder of the foulzst character,, of a ma-univeraally ?? by all cLmses. A kind -friend,- a generous neighbour, a warm-hearted, good fellow, in the fulleat acceptation of. the term, ...


... At.ELATD. THE MURDSR 07 MR. SLY, The. Irish .papqrs, stillccontihue to discuss .tbis horrible 'sffair, and some aditional light is thrown upon thie state of agrarisa society. in the. neighborho.. We re&i Saundera's News Letter ?? The mnderer 'otflf. Ew7 still CObtfue to. receive succour sad eoncealment: sincq up to the edpbent 'he has .escaped. arrest,' and alll _ir Ptiont atmijlt -lead to ...


... ('lOR ONE's JNQ )UEST,. Yesterday Mr. Bedford, the coroner for ?? held two iiitlests ill St. (corge's Hospital, Hyde-park- corner, one on the body of Georgc Tcorhy aged three years; the other on the body of Jenlilina Young, aged ll, the wife of a pminter residing at No. 19, Veoolnan's-row, Ironmpton. Thi evidence in the lirst caeo went to prove that a day or two ago the deceased wails payilg ...


... COURT OF BA NKRUPT'CY-YESTERDAY. [Before Mr. Coullnissioner GovULnuiN,] IN RE DIOLTON. This wavs a ecrtificate meeting. The bankrupt was described ais a hookseUer, of Dane's- inn, Strand. For somne years lie obtained a respectable l livilihoist as a woodcut engraver, but in an evil bour was indneed 4O start a publication called The Phe totugiphii Art Jou I al, and not being possessed of ...


... TBBE ANDOTER MURDER. An inquest was held on the body of the deceased, WI1- liam Parsons, in the board-roor. of the Uniou. No clle Iwhatever to the perpetrator of ?? horrible crime has yet been gained. Mr. H. Loscomihe, solicitor, appeared to watch the pro- ceedings on behalf of the dece.msed's family. The jury being sworn, the Coroner addressed them, and they retired to view the body. The ...


... COURT OF BA.YKRUPTCY-Y ESTERDAY. [Before MJr. Commiscioner HOLROYD.] JN lE LOUtS 1T.ICIiTENSTHIN. The biankrupt, Hungarian, W3S described as of 56A, Wood-street, Cheapsido, niercait. Tbis was the exmli- nation meeting. Mr. Doria, Mr. Lswrance, and Mr. Lindo appeared for the parties interested. Tbe bankrupt absconded before the bankruptey, and during his absence certoin Scotch creditors ...


... (Before the Recorder.) The November session of the Central Criminal Court was opened yesterday before the Right Honourable David Williams Wire, Lord Mayor, the Recorder, Aldermen Cubitt, Lawrence, Moon, and Mechi, Mr. Alderman and Sheriff Hale, Mr. Sheriff Conder, Mr. Under-Sheriff Jones, Mr. Under-Sheriff Surr, &c. The first edition of the calendar contains the names of ninety-eight prisoners ...


... MIDDLESX SESSIONS. MONqDAY. Dsauonxv.Swz&-ames-Uod, 82, and Jrisqp/i W~ 27, chimneyylwospers, Were iiadictee for sitealling a eweeping, machine,.the~pr~operty Of.Tosep~hWa~tts; aud iaso for teal. log a ?? the p roperty of, IJaiiel RBoewrtb Ur. Cooper prosecuted;- The evidenoe made out the chiarges, aimdboth prisoinera were found- GdIity Sergeant Potter' D division, proved'a former convictieg ...


... . IfDDLESEX SESSIONS. -4 MONDAY. ROsnEuY.-WWiam RPobinson, 52, a gentlemattly-look-i man, wearing three military decorations, as i ndged f having stolen a ilazier's diamond, value 2, 10, the pro- perty of Robert Winter Thompson and another Lol3 Baker deposed that -s was a botikeeper to the pro cutors, photographic aritists, at 312, -Oxford street, and o the afternoon of the 18th of. October, ...


... ieding- lal as COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH~-YnsTER]tAT. Eq,[Sittings at Niel PriuB at Westminsiter. Before Lord shire, CAM PBELL %nd a Special Jury.] trnder- 'ATHERTON V. ATHEiITON-SINGULARt CASE. ibitor This was an action by one brother against another for Great assault, in ha intg searched his pockets and ?? him of eeder, his liberty under a false charge that he was insane. Lrden. The defendant ...


... COURLT OF RAVAR-UPTCY-YEi'rEwD,4Y. [Before Mr. Commissioner EvANS.] R E3 HUMPHRET BROWN. This was the ?? uueeting under the bankruptcy sof Humphrey Brown, shipowner, of Tewkesbury, and late j P. for that borough, and a1so late a director of the Royal British 3ank. Mr. Linkrlater appeared for the easignees; and Mr. Bagley, with Mr. Tucker, of St. Swithir.'6-lane, for the bankrupt. The following ...