Birmingham Police Court

... Simainf Ae Acert. SATURDAY, Before Messrs. T. C. S. Kvynersriee and P. L Welch. FOuAY AOAINST STREET BEGooAs.-The annoyance occasioned by the pertinacity of the numerous class of beggars wvho infest the streets of this borough, and more especially those of .the suburbse, haring latterly increased to a great extent-in several instances threats having been employed on refusal of ?? Superin- ...


... POLICAMEN OUT ON THE SPREE. Two prostitutes, named Miry Ahn Davis and Mary -nn Edwards, were brought before Mr. Hall, at the Bow-street P'olice-cossrt, on Satlrday, on a charge of stealing a purse containintg £14 ttid. 61. fronu the person of P'olice-constablle Bennett, N 501. Dtavis, on being placed at the har, inquired wbether she uighlt not. have soume one to speak for her ? Mr. Hall : ...


... THlE POLICE COURTS. MAiNSI1ON-HOUSE. b enry'Bui2, who lately carried on the business of a grocer -i in Union-street, Borough, was brought before- the Lord Mayor chlarged, ,with having committed a variety, of frauds upon agents for the sale of augar, under the circumstanced .nd disclosed in the subj6ined evidence. Mr. Brand apisred in'support of theprosecution, and Mr. G. Lewis for the prisoner ...


... MfIDDLESEX. LS.SONS-SATLUn DAY. Tble Court sat at Westminstter to hear appeals against convictions. EXTIMAORUDIXA15Y CAt;E- W3iltiam Yorley the youniger apptaled against a cOnl- viction of Mr. BIroughntoun, tbe poliee magistrate, for linde- cent exposure of his pers-on, under whicli he was coionssitted to the House of Correction for three rsomuths, with bard labonr. Mr. Sergeant Ballantine ...


... CJTY POLICE COM31II TTEE-SATULDAY. MOTIF OMSNII-S Nt;HSIN0. ?? Irolses, thc drivcr of tire London Genemla] Onmnibus Conulony's omnibus, No. 6,l15, badge 0,61.5, arid 1F' F. MharthL, the driver of Kite's oir~nbibs, No. 7,210, arid badge 3,525, vwere sumnioned before Alderman Cubitt for furiously driviv., to khle commnill danger. Thonasliichirls, 62, saidl te wasonduty ahouteight o'clock p. sn. ...


... MUNICIPAL RE.ISiON COURT. | The Lord Mayor and the assessors, Messrs Coffey and de Tnyrlmar, resumed the revision of the burcess roll at WI the usual hour on Saturday. wI Mr. O'Brennan Clinch, who appeared to sustain his to claim to be returned on tho roll, complained that he m' had been objected to. uc -Mr. Martin (Fitzwilliam Ward) said Mr. Clinch bad Fi been ol-jieted to by the Liberals. hi ...


... COURTY' OF BA.VK;IUP'TC '-SATLV.DY. 1fliuftre Mr. Co inmisvieiner FANK RE NV AuxN)Et55 - 5110RE tiXTitAORINIAIS ?KOCinN ?? If the liroceelitige, of ''l'hirdaty lasg, in tilie CRe Of Waltoi anid Widttin, were extrassititiary. those (Of to day were c'r. tainy lcresoand the ntalmer ii: which they t,.rmitiojitd Wasmos. 5xtrorinaryv, The sitting was for the exsilltila- tao, of Iiihliid Wesll, ...


... CHARIBE OF MCRY)ER (,A INSTT A CAPT.AIZ. Gere 17att, of tile ?? I.Glyde. of Stocktoan, ' r chre t hll], withd causing ithe dio Lth of one of his a milen.I name',dj Ge rge Davis, alias Scott. Petur Sarens ari mit :I ant living at Mr. IPeter-sire,, io. L'l eket' row. Dmnta i~ac by birth, and 'asa latelv a e- mnanl onl board the 0'pyle, cii a vnrysgo frumr WO'rrr to I Hull. Plrisirrier was the ...


... (From tie Montrose Standard.) The Justices of Peace for the county of Kincardine met in Quarter Sessions, in the Court House, Stonehaven, on Tuesday last. The presiding Justices were -Sir John Stuart Forbes, Barn. of Fettercairn (in the chair) ; Sir Thos. Gladstone, Bart. of Fasque; Major M'Inroy of The Burn; Hercules Scott, Esq., yr. of Brotberton; J. Badenoch Nicholson, Esq. of Glenbervie; ...


... A Q UESTIO-A BLE CA SE]. it A. cace occurred at the latle quiarter are-ions for the ?? county of 0,urrey wlticit rez ulti'd in a pi ifoier, nalitod James Clink, cliv,' Mack-, ltwitt' convicted of roolbery), and senttenced to thi roe yoars' peon1 servitwde, bitt tole circuin- 10 tancc, wvete to Pecuiar, toil there wvas so geneoral an opi- le nItio, evonl atitoit the ittitistrates onl the ...


... SUERIi'.'J' O9.SA UltlYAi. n A FolEIGN MATRIMONIAL OPFFCE-S8MONS V. JACOBS. t This was an actirni brought to recover a suan of £1 corn- rmission dim: to plaintitil uf ler tbe ?? peculiar and extraordinsary ciicumrtanees: |Plaiintiff i8 a Dutchman, aiid, altbloughl be bad been in le England 14 years, profesred hiluiself totally ignorant of our iiost pizzlirig lang'une.g IAn interpreter, who ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSIONS (Before Mr. Pashley, Q.C., 'Assistant-Judge, and a full Ok Bench of Ju'ices, at Westminster.) The Court sat to-day to hear appeals against convictions William Vorley, junior, appealed against a conviction by . Mr. Broughton, the police magistrate, for indecently ex- ld posing his person, under which he was sentenced to three I months' hard labour in the House of Correction. ...