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November 1858
47 27




Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... > ESQUIRE, M.P. FOR HEREFORDSHIRE. On Sunday forenoon the funeral sermon of Mr. BOOXER BLAKBMORB was preached in Whitchurch parish church, to a very crowded congregation, the sacred edifice being filled in every part by persons whose exterior gave evidence of great respectability, and deep sympathy with the family of Velindra, in their late bereavement. The attention to the service was truly ...

[No title]

... ORDEIl OF THE SONi OP TEMPERANCE.—The past and acting presidents of the Merthyr, Aberdare, Dowlais, and Cardiif divisions of the above order, met at the committee room, Temperance Hall, Merthyr, on Monday evening, Nov. loth, for the purpose of forming a grand division in Glamor- ganshire. Mr. James Wm. Gordon, of Liverpool, the chief officer of the national division of Great Britain and ...

[No title]

... THE LATE LORD DUDLEY STUART. Thursday se'nnight being the fourth anniversary of the death of the late Lord Dudley Stuart, a meeting of the Polish Historical Society was held that day at Sussex- chambers, Duke-street, St. James's, to commemorate the loss of Poland's best friend and benefactor. In the absence from London of the President (Colonel Szyrma), the chair was occupied by the Vice ...


... A CASUALITY AT —A very large iron steam, fillip, the ilellona, arrived a few days ago, chartered by the Tredegar Iron Company, to take rails to the Black Set. 011 entering the lock gates the bow came in con- tack with the end of an old pile, which made a larsre hole through the plates—fully five-eights of an inch thick. Unfortunately this was not discovered until about five hundred tons of ...

[No title]

... REPRESENTATION or, BnEcoNSHiEE—We extract the following from the Morning Herald: — It is generally supposed that the vacancy in the represen- tation of the county of Brecknock, which has been occasioned by the death of Sir Joseph Bailey, Biirt., will lead to a severe contest; and already there have been mentioned the names of several resident gentlemen of influence who are ambitious of ...


... The committee of the Guardians for investigating the contrac- tors' conduct, and that of the master of the workhouse, as stated in our last, met on the 17th, and we are sorry to find that the charges against these parties for imposing upon the union in furnishing the master and his family with articles of grocery and also cheese, of better quality than for the paupers, were proved the present ...


... I The late Stanley Len G nar.t. Esq.. LL. D. birrister-al- qw of the loner Temple, who died at Folkestone, of cmcer, 6th ill.t., in his seventy-fir-t yesr, was le-9 known as layer tban u a man of letters nd apotrt'eisn of the Tory acbool of Liverpool and Sldmouth, having been 6cIltor of the Standard newspaper for upwards of a quarter of **ntory, in its palmy day* of anti-catholie relief ...


... In August last a public meeting was held in the Welsh Chapel, Bakery Hill. The object in view was to draw the attention of the Welsh inhabitants of Ballarat, and neighbourhood to the propriety of having a new place of worship so as to keep pace with the improvements which continually take place in the metropolitan gold field, the present building being too small, and also too rude a structure ...


... It is our painful duty this week to record the death of Sir Joseph Bailey, Bart., M.P. for the county of Brecknock, which much-lamented event took place at Glauusk Park, on Saturday, the 20th of November, aged 75. His health had been gradually failing during the last few years. Of a man who occupied so very prominent and influential a position in these districts, it is needless to write any ...


... The news of the present week is rather limited in ex* tent, and but very few events of actual importance have have occurred since we last wrote. The Iron Trade remains in much the same state, few fresh orders having been received, The demand for rails is pretty good, and for the Continent a good supply is regularly required. Pig iron does not sell quite so freely at present. For steam coal the ...


... THE RBPHESESXATIOS OF BRBCONSIIIRE.-The demise of the lamented Sir Joseph Bailey, Bart., which we notice in another part of our impression, causes a vacancy in the representation of Breconshire. It is with much pleasure we state that GODFREY CHARLES MORGAN, Esq., eldest son of the Honorable Baronet of Tredegar, is in the field, and has met with a most flattering reception from the freeholders ...


... PORT OF CARDIFF, CARDIFF IMPORTS. | From Ronen, in the Corine Augustine—700 sacks flour, to order. From St. Brieux, in the Gaorgiana—100 tons potatoes, to order. From Nantes in the Lady Seale (s.s.)—500 sacks flour, and 45 bales rye grass, for Jenkins, Smart, and Co. From Jersey, in the Onwavd—262 bags bran, and 40 bags pollard, for James Maryehurch DUTY PAID ON HOME CONSUMPTION, Hugh Bird, 2 ...