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Daily News (London)


... NORTHERN CIRCUIT.-Yomi;, DEc. 21. ; (Before Mr. BaronWatson.) THIE BRADFORD POISONING CASE. t Charles .Hodyson, 36, was charged with the manslaughter of Elizabeth Nary Midgley, at Bradford, on the 3rd of No- vember last. Mr. Price and Mr. Middleton prosecuted; Mr. Foster de- fended the prisoner. Mr. Price, in stating the case, said that the prisoner was charged with manslaughter, in ...


... THE POLICE COUBTS. MANSION-HOUSE. William Clark, and William Edward Clark, father and I Eon, who had been remanded upon the charge of forgery x and uttering a cheque for 731. 4s. 2d., with intent to defraud the Bank of London, were brought before Sir R. W. Carden, tI for further examination, in custody of Hayden, the detective el officer. * a] Mr. Mullens, solicitor to the Committee of Bankers ...


... THE POLICE COUBTS. MIANSION-HOUSE. Jolin ffopkins, a ferocious looking follow, 50 years of age, I was brought before Sir R. IV. Carden, upon remand, charged s with having committed a desperate assault upon his wife, and breaking her leg. I Harriet Hopkins, the proscoutrix, who hobbled into court I supported by crutches, and remained seated during her ex-I amination (her evidence being given ...

Law Intelligence

... I Laim *lBe itaflZ. NOTICE$.-THIS DAY.E COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN13.INN. Ar 10h.-B31'oRE Tam LOaD CHAteCsLLoR. - Appeal: Wythes v. leboucehre', Parti heard. AT ?? rum Loalis Jusreies.-Bankrapt petition: Riley and Riley. Notion: Griffiths v. Thomas. Appeal Motion: StidoiphI v.25ilesnsi. AP=ei Wallis v. Bell, part beard. Petitions: Ligbtv. Ligh-Blldle v.ackson, BOLLS COURT, CHANOERY-LANE. AT 10 ...

Law Intelligence

... tab3 ?? Judlici NOTICES.-THIS DA.Y.wa BANKRUPTCY COURT. BAs1xnOHLIMZZET. after Bastoan Ma. Comms~essoriga Y&N&a-W. L. Oliver. -liaste, at 11 P How adjourned examlsnation. at 11-J. 11113. cert!,1l-HailfIou and ha]), audit. atill-H. W. Saunders. adjourmed examinationl, at l1t tic al -G. L.. ticbeannsn dividend. atltji-G. Chmsend, lasit e-snhluti~ton, at ru I- GRogerV,0eiotceofawlRnees ...


... JDifmCIAa,$TATISTICS.-No. Ill. -1 I . ?? I.. ?? I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iPRISONS. X The last hed uder which Mr. Redgrave arranges i his 8taticstiso Ceirinal justice is that of Prsons. , The '5 th tihions, the number' of -prisoners, the estaitimhhents neeessar to be kept up, withthe CO~dst~lfmaiiuhiw Bn re all brought unaer the- view of the public mind. To us, who live ins free country, such ...


... THE POLICE CO UB TS. MANSION HOUSE. William Clark and William E&dward Clark, father and son, of the respective ages of 60 and 19, who recently carried on the business of commission agents in Water-lane, City, were brought before Sir R. W. Carden, by Haydon, the de, tective officer, charged with forging and uttering a cheque I for 731. 4s. 2d. upon the Bank of London, on the 26th November last. ...


... THE POLroC GO UTS. * MMANSION HOUSE. Lieutenant Rimgnon, whose name a few weeks &gO w88' prominently before the public n 'consequenoe of several applications which he wade before Mr. Alderman Salomons, at uildhall, for a summons against the dircotors of the t ' Atlantic Telegraph Company, whom he charged with de- 1 caivlg and robbing the public, appeared -to: answer the charge of having ...

Law Intelligence

... l. Inab nelltaculf I NOTICES.-THIS DAY. EANRUPTCY COURT. BASlI.GHALL-STBRET. B fd MB o CMIo MoNsa EvAiB.-Evans and iloac. dividend, at nd co. IStrachan), aalit and dividend, at I1-A. Cock- ll audit anld exainiatl~zofl. at 12-F. Besar, choice 9S acotgneeoa, at lit _.Si vcnCbles. choice Of sasisnees. at 12t. ?? 1-- MB C,;aioaieER Hotoaore.-Lawtord and C,.. audit, at wtos adjounod * isdend. at 12 ...


... rep MANSION HOUSE. Wic ?? Rosetta Meyer, wife of Mr. Meyer, fishmonger, of cen ~.jwy-street, Aidgate, apreared before Sir R. W. Car- Stce dei nwrto a summons charging her with being in o .c sesion of a quantity of salmon taken from the river co we, in violation of the Tweed Fisheries Act, 1858. Sto( Mr. Humphreys, jun., appeared in support of the prose-latt Cution; and Mr. Sleigh (instructed ...

Law Intelligence

... ?? Intltsgeact. NOTICES.-THIS DAY. BANSRUPTOX COURT BASINGHALIIr8TR1EXT Earolte AIa. Colmigssiossa oorLBRaN.-G. Hunt lastexamloa tion, at) Bis,.Cl llaney, la.,t examilnation at 12 T. Lix-r~ione, Isat examtinatica, at I-W1. kiunt, aejoarnedceratificate, at 1-as. B. Iiayli .t lat exaninatton, at)2. JSTItOPOLITAN OOUiNTY COURT8. ~znng aysajjelkd or bs rasntweek.' W~lltosvfse0Mgrdra ean St. Dirt ...

Law Intelligence

... LaW f tnlltgence. COURT OF BANKRUPTCY.-DEC. 24. (Before Mr. Commisaloner Fans.) IN BE WILLIAM LEMON OLIVER. The bankrupt was a defaulting stockbroker, lately San- tenoed to twenty years' penal servitude. A private sitting was held for the examination of witnessee with respect to the removal of a large box at the time of his apprehension from the bankrupt's premises. Sufficient was disclosed to ...