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Advertisements & Notices

... C OIJ-NTY OF EADDINGTON.| !4An AlcOUNEI) SESSION of the -PEACE for the COD TiADDINGTON will be h~ln -in the Coning B meeTos7, upesa Thursday the 13th January l859. at Twelve ?? Noon. - ,HENRY 3. DAVIDSON, Clerk ofSthePeace. ?? n, 1st January 1859; A ' ERTINTG of the COMMISSIONERS of A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST.EA3V TO LOND N TWICE A-WEEK. GARaoeS ComrANYs SCREW STRAMERS. ORANG ?? ?? Capt. M. DALRYMIPLE. FORTH ?? ANDRi.WN GRAHAM. THAMES ?? ALBXANDER WAy'T. ,CLYDE ?? JAM M WATT. -CARRON ?? a t. - W A LONDON, every SATURDAY and every WEIINESDA and G R A N G E- MOUTH every SATURDA? and every WED- 2 ~ ~ * NESDAY., Goods frons Glasgow are forwarded the night before. Apply to Henry White, Carron Wharf, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Protection of Inventions.-Established 1S46. Practical .Mechanics' Journal. TNVENTIONS of nll kinds may be Protected at L once, on application at the OFFICES for PATENTS, 1(1, 3j.ebalian Strcet, Ghlusgo; where mnay be obtalned(, Goat;e, HINTS TO INSVECronS with U1nprotected Inventions; aunlnumer. ouS other wvorks oil Inventions anlid Patents. Wu. JOIINSON, ('.E. I J. HI. JOHNSON, Solicitor. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .'(Slazzow TUESDAY MORN- JAN 4 ' ?? d In comeetion iwith li'e pubicaof the 3 - LASGOW DALLY HERAT, wtetake this 'oppor.. 'a I tunity II inmtctinyi very -respectftlly,. that -c .cir'rcumwstances have aoison 'which poibt Oust to e . 'mad the-expediency of e'educing the pre o'f the *a 2D - ?? :pcp ~ t -- ' ., I- -l I ID _ : ~~~ONE PENNY IX n.eachnumber, 'unstamped.._ The HERALDS Of ,.-.Monday and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALLEGED CLAIM ?? IRISHEMS.0ONSH ON- I tAD-VERTISEMENT.]_ 9o the Edstor of the:Glasgdzv:Herald., SI -aes do .-sometimes occuq. oficonceited people not khowsn when hey. have; beeni insulted.'. 'In like manner, my oppionentMr.- ALPattesin, agent: in Scotland, for'-the 'Irish Presbyjiteria Church, sceris 'not t: k-no*1that I--ave' already flatly contradicted his assertion, that' the papers 'in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . IJt I-1uiC aetic-(CONTINUED.) .: _I . _ I WATIONAL SECURiTy SAVINGS BIANK OF GLAGW TjHE. TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL ~MEEI T -of this BANKC will lie held inl the Mercliant~ os,7 Hutcheson Street, onl mondlav the 10tb .alaruary next, ?? o'clock, when the Repor't for the Ycar eiidittg'0th. Novebrls will be snhnuitted. Depositors and the T'nl~ic are invited to attend. ?? (Irder of tire D~ircetors. 1 * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. AI MERTING of the CPDITORS -of the late 1- MaE ROBjERT IORT07, Commission Agent, 8 Elder Street, ,.h be held in Mr Iroelmd's Office, 4 Ht;N-TER SqUARE, on MIONSnDAy the lath curt., at Two o'Clocl. Edinburgh. 3d JanuRry 1859. DANCING, CAIASTHENICS, & DEPORT.MENT, ,I ISS SMYTHS CLASSES will REOPEN aiter - the Holidays on WEDNESDAY, ,0TI JANUARY. pRIVATE TUITION and CLASSES in the Evenmsg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P'ROPERTY -FO1IAE.T ?? J. CARSWFELIi9'SUST'ifor -JAN{UARY, . MU of HERITABLE 'PROPERTV -FOR -SALE; .Inlordng Tenements from '£5i00'tb £20,000 'in '.;veluie;' ?? j Wg rm £000 to £2000, may Jo had o'n ap'plicaitio'n. ' h r co forthe S41e, Pi rolsaeand Management of - . - - 'Heritsble'Property'' t - - PROPERTY AT 'HURLET. TO iBE -SOLD, BY'PIIVATE BARGAIN, L -HETENANT'S INTEREST ini the'LEASEV Dc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now Rleady, and &ol1 everywhere, CENTENARY EDITION of- the SONGS~' T H.o~f ROBERT BURNS, Complete, with M1USIC. Pric~e One6 Shilfling; and in Superb Binding Two Shillings. Orderearly, and bie Bure to ask for ` DAVID JACICS COninLETE EDITION.-' Glasgow: DAVID JACK, 174 Argyll Street. London: Houllston & Wright. Now Readly, Price O3s. (3d., f~LIVER W BOYD'S NEW EDINBURGH: XJ 'ALMIANAC, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Piano-Fortes and Harmoniums. WsTOODP& CO. beg to call the attention of intend- yr Il'rellasers to their large andi extensive essortment of PI ANOF'ORTEk, nianlfactsired by Messrs Johin Broadwood & Sons, Collard & Collard, ErIrIl, Iulokinsoini aiid otherominent Londonl Malkerls, in (IlANDS, BlICHORtD GRANDS, anl de- gant BOUDOIR COTTAGES, in Roocewood and Frcneh Walnut WVOOD & CO. are the Chief ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE COLLEGES. I UNTO the Honourable the COMMISSION appointed undern the Act of Parliament Twonty-first and Twenty-second 0 Qucon. Victoria, chap. 73, entitled 1Ail Act to make a provision for the better Government and Disciplinec of 1, the Universities of Scotland, and Improving and lie- :gulating the Course of Study therein; and for thle c1 Union of the Two Universities and Collcges of Abcr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It E A T S A~ L E. Ov The lowin.61 g Ii'o I eln Ilaid 01 t for Ti-i~ Dlty's Sale ltild faihwing Dlafs FIRST. Ail Englisha NanuIf etkercets hie to- of Drawing mind Dinling Room (cc,11it.6tilii i- the fhllowin,!g Bargainis:-. Dravving lmotootzi dte ai Ah1;ai, ti:o Ili, for £I15 l0b. - Drawing 4-unte (i-,ale aidt Ash Pani, £:17 1051, fot 14 Drawxing lt,,rn, Gittto, and Ash Pait, £14 10z, (or ...