... A :. k ,I , -. , ?? 2, - , IE - -, ? t: , ?? Ilit dio, i -, I . COURT OF' (OH-A.CERY-AT`URDAY. [Before. the Lonos. JutSTIols. id IN Lt5NAcY-.IN RN VACy. 9, The petitioners in this case were Msr. Ssnuel Norway, Isurgeon, and Maria Vacy, spinster, the trustees of so in. 3_denture of the 13th of July, 1858, by which, the supposed. lunatic conveyed and assigned all his property to the peti- ly ...


... C OURT, CABINE AD ESg . ITi. Mo kor . 1 -i -I a HEir Majesty held ?? priyoouil on I - ed ?? V. cluncoll Tuesday afternoon, The ponyiven by Queen Victoria to the Prince Imperial. b wasmountedonld a'dd, r thein rsebyth*ll - nte, in the? reser edgarden at the Tsuleres, and attiracersuchn to crowds of idlerso that an extray guard- had -to be ful-d'to H I, day . eekie i o hcah ontains a letter from ...


... FRILDAY, JANUARY 21. A Dtesuiro aT .HwavAeor.-Mtr. Block appeared to progecute a msiddle-ased female naanr(.1 Sarysh Kennedy. wh'lo sias cliaarg-. Nvith Iniviisi ?? sonic wear~ing apparel belonginlg to her, emupltoyer, Janes Campbell, koepur of a coffee house sit Hothaia-street. and in openingL the ease said that thle woman hadl taken a little girl, eleseun ye-asnof age~tothepolice of1ice to, ...


... I l BEFOIRE EDWAR)D JAMES, ESQ., Q.C., ASSESSOR. This court commenced its sittings yesterday (Mon. at day) morning in the Nisi Prius Court, to erg' Hall. The cause list contained 2 special arguments, 2 demurrers, 88 issues, and 4 writs of inquiry, Which will be taken before the registrar on Thursday next. ILLEGAL DISTRAINT. fc RUSHWORtTH v. HUuIIEs.-This was an inter- ai pleader action, in ...


... LAW AND POLIMC fMrROPOITAN. OorrAGV ON M aS SELBY AT Til a SMRAND Tman~TaE. -Mr Selby, the wellbknown comedian, at present en- gaged at -the Strand Theatre, applied to Mr Henry, at Bow-street, for advice as to the means by which he could obtain-redress for an outrage committed on Mrs Selby last evening, by some young gentlemen (officers lhe' believed) who occupied a private ?? Henry: Did you ...


... POUaOE ITELIaG ONC Bow STREET- DEPLoEAB;E CAS,&,-On Monday, Kr. Rankin, the relieving Officer of the parish of St. Gilss-in-the-Fields, wsaited on the sitting magistrate, Mr. Jardine, to ask ad- vice wnder the following ?? :-Kr. Rankin stated that a girl about 10 years of age, now in court, was. iorought to the workonae that afternoon by a gentleman, who bad found her begging in Holborn. She ...


... EXCMION AT LIZ UPOOL. auriry. ksd, the unhappy man who was convicted at the last ssizes of the murder of hiswif*, wee -execated at noon on Saturday .wek, -at the -north-west corner- of. Kitkdali Gael, LiverpooL. When the wratched man, along with Auguste Wilhelm, who was. also sentenced to be hanged for murder, was left for exe'ation, a general feeling pre- vail that theextreepenalt~y would not ...


... POL:--IOR IIN Yf I N c N . ~~ J~~ . ; I . ?? ;ME . ?? KANSION HROUSZ.: MIsrAzM IDsTiTX.-Ofla Monday, Arm .Wdeh' and Jane Beaty, the former described Be the wife- of a commaerI cial traveller; the latter, a chandler's-shop kesper in a re- spectable way of business, were brought before the Lsrd Mayor (who sat for the first tme since hi re nt es) charged with having robbed Mr. E 1- C9ok, ...


... EOI?RIBLR T?Y?NEWYOR?. DytMe'fl186 Oocaioned by her moiher bursting in thbs bed;. ioonih door, &sid, listening attentively. for a few monaents head t~he soreams of' her binothe'r ansd sister and the lou c~res of' her reienjleful brother-in-law. Hastily creeping 2, out of, bed, shd mdade her way to' the cellar, and there& eoa- 3ee'aled herself among some old jieaes of. furniture. While L lying ...


... OL: iT DBTOS INSOLVENT DBBTOBS VIOURT-BTu^DAY. [Before Mr. Commissioner PmuLus.] IN RE GEORGE DURMAN. This insolvent, who oad been an eating-hoube keeper in South-street, Manchester-square, was opposed by Mr. Dowse for two creditors, named Elliott and Pearce. Mr. Macrae was for a 31r. Hoason. Mr. Sargood sup. ported. The case occupied nearly the whole day and disclosee seme peouliar features. ...


... POLICE INTELLIGEN'CE. ~IIAN9104N. ;l.-9USE--YESTERDAY. Ann Welch and Janc B;csty, the former described as ths wife of a commercial traveller, the latter a chandjr's shop ke eiir in a respectable way of business, were brought before the L.,rd Mayor (who sat for the first time since leis recent illudss), charged with having robbed Mr. E. J. Cook, ware- hollscllean, of 44, Chlcn1,tdc, of his gold ...


... As NMAGISTBRIAL STRICTURES ON ST. YANCRAS ATBOMrTIRS. INVESTIGATION BY THE VESTRY. Yesterday, at a special meeting of the representative vestry of St. Pancras, held in the Vestry Hall, Camden Town, Mr. Churchwarden Cameron in the chair. Mr. Ross said certain reports of observations alleged to have been made by Mr. Tyrwhitt, the magistrate at Clarkenwell Police Court, bad appeared in the public ...