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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette


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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette


... Snip ROBBKRT.—Some time on Wednesday night last, Mwr eight o'clock, the cabin of the schooner Pandora, Captain Richards, laying in the ship canal, was entered, and a silver lever watch was stolen therefrom, value seven guineas, the property of the mate, David Richards. There was no one on board but the mate and cabin boy, and the former being Poorly retired to rest as early as half-past seven ...


... A NOVEL SAFB LOCK.—A safe has been invented which locks on tbe inside, and leaves no kejhole or other open- ing. A clock-work within it opens it at an hour regulated by being set before the door is ahat. The Earl of Derby will give a grand banquet on the 2d proximo, at his residence in Sf- James's-square, to a large circle of his political friends in the House of Lords, ...


... GLAMORGANSIIIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. TUESDAY. The Epiphany General Quarter Session? of the Peace for this eouuty commenced in Cardiff, on Tuesday morning at eleven o'clock, before Henry Austin Bruce, Esq., M.P., Deputy Chairman, and a very full bench of magistrates amongst whom we oWrved:—The Lord Lieutenant (C. R. it. Talbot, E'q, M.r.); Sir George Tyler; H. H. Vivian, Esq., M.P.; L. L. Dillwyn, ...


... The Hon. member for Birmingham has published a copy of the intended schedules of his New Reform Bill, which show at a glance the scope and tendency of the new measure. The schedules are as follows:- [Boroughs marked x were to have lost one member, and those marked xx were to have been wholly disfranchised 'by the Government bill of 1854. The number of mem- 'bers at present returned is inserted ...


... STBAM TO NEW YOIII DIRECT.—The following are the times of sailing for the Liverpool, New York, and Phila- delphia Steam-ship Company's steamers, from Liverpool to New York, which arrived too late to appear in the adver- tisement in our first page;- Wednesday, 2nd Jan. CITY OF WASHIKGTOW „ 16th „ The Proprietor of this Paper does not hold himself responsible for any errors which may ...

[No title]

... The marriage of Prince George of Saxony with the Princess Maria Anne of Portugal, will be celebrated in the early part of May next. Upwards of 100 persons have given notice of their intention to apply, in ttie forthcoming Hilary Term, to be admitted attorneys in the Common Law Courts. The solemn demand of the hand of the Princess Mary for the Prince Royal of Naples took place on the 22nd ult. ...


... NEWPORT. THE TOWN COUNCIL.—The ordinary meeting of the Newport Town Council was held on Tuesday. Present, the Mayor (in the chair) Messrs. Homfray, Lelch, Burton, Edwards, Moore, Hyndman, Brown, Townsend, Jones, Knapp, J. Davies, Morgan, and Graham. The police report showed considerable decrease in crime. It having been deemed desirable for the conveni- ence of foot passengers, and necessary ...


... The convocation of the Prelates and Clegy of the pro- vince of Canterbury was prorogued on Friday in the Jerusalem Chamber, Westminster, by the Vicar-General, Dr. Travers Twiss, under a Commission from his Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England and Metropolitan, pursuant to the Royal writ, to Friday, February 4. UNIFORM WEIGHT FOR THE SALB OF CORN.-The movement in ...


... PARLIAMENTARY DEFORM MEETING. A public meeting wat. held at the Town-ball, on Tuesday evening, for the purpose of passing resolutions in support of the Reform Bill about to be brought forward in the House of Commons bv Mr. Bright. On the motion of Mr. Joseph Elliott, Mr. John Batchelor took the chair. The Crown Court, in which the meeting was held, was filled in every part, the great bulk of ...


... THtt CARDIFF & MERTHYR GUARDIAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1859. FRIEND Bright, who introduced his democratic Re- form Bill at Bradford, last week, would fain make us believe that it is the .wisest, discreetest, best at- tainable under present circumstances, albeit be had DO hope of securing it in the ensuing Session, nor without a sevrre struggle. The exclusion of many places with small ...


... WANT OF LIGHT AT CARDIFF DOCKS. THE STEWARD OF THE WINDERMERE DROWNEP. On Friday morning last, the body of a man was found floating on the surface of the West Bute Dock, by Thomas Evans, one of the berthing men. It was taken out of the water, found to be very much decomposed, taken to the dead-house, and identified as the body of George Benjamin Waitefield, aged 23, steward on board the Steam ...