Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY DANIELS & CLOUGETON. POSTPONEMIENT OF SALE., T E SALE BY A.tCTION of Materials in Water- O house-lane, Pews in Christ Church, Land in Church-street, and Houses in Worship-street and Bath. place, advertised -for Two ?? on THiURSDAY, the 26th April, at Messrs. DANIELS and CLOUGsHToN'S Sale. rooms is 'POSTPONED until THURSDAY, the 19th May next, at the same hour and place. JNO. JOS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOURISTS AND TRAVELLERS. VTISITORS TO THE SEA SIDE AND OTHERS V Exposed to the seorching rays of the sun, and bented particles of dust, will fild Sli ROWLANDS' EALYDOR every a mostrefreshing preparation for the Complexion, dispelling the cloud of liolgour and ielaxcation, alla3'ill all beat and Irrita- 32, C bility, and immediately affordling the pleasing sensation attend- Sole iag resterod ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM TO ST. PETEBURG. =HlHE magnificent Screw Steam-ship T GERTRUDE, 700 Tons, Cslptain R. H MARTIN, wil leave Hull for St. Ji ke Petersburg on SATURDAY, the 27th August. The above Steamer bas splendid accommodation for passengers. Goods taken at through rates to St. Peters- t burg Town. a To be succeeded weekly by other first-class Steamers. a FOR STETTIN, - Seamer ?? to a Z. C. PEARSON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J7 OOLO GICAL GARDENS, 14 - LIVERPOOL. I coesct pursuant to Act of Parllameat, G and 7 Victoria. Iemee-JouN AgN9%, 80, Wet Derby-road. GALA DAYS EVERY DAY DU-RINw THE WE:EI EXCEPI' SATURDAY. Immense succers of the talented VAUDEVILLE COMPANY, Introducing the followinu Artistes- Mr. Y. OALHA&EM, from tho Roya Lyccum; Lonidou and Dublin Theatres Xr. J. e- SllORE, *rom the Rtoyat Lyceum, Lodon- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SATJiDAY! E6VENING CoNOERTs, ALL, LORtD NRLON STRIr-. . OPEISINfNIGHT OF TUE SEASON. Tild (SATr' DAYT) EVE5NING, OCTOBER 1, 1859 1E1 SI8TERS SOPHIA AND ANNIE Will give their New Entertainment, ESQrtr4LrD ' E BR Y ME ETINGS. SIXOGXG (LAWI AND ORORA.L UN ION, under the ?? Of Mr. HENRY LAWSON, every TissbgAY NIclc at Eight dt O0 Eight o~ol. The firab balhosurwill be givei d~i -ddimetaia, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STBgA51 COMMUjNICATION B-TW23EN LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW. GiltATrRD-UilONiN s4ANNS Oli* I7R1i1tT. , Uulces Prevented by an uniforeeecin occur- s l ' ears rence, the tuleinuott or other lteaniern 4 ,. itx\ naN Intended. to sail lwith or withoat LltoUt4 tween LiVERPOOl and A _ gilviGOW ?? and rnueugere. Caa under:- VA2ito ?? ?? HAIDID. ?? ?? ?? and stenago' Captain BaYoxe LEOPARD NRWIOM OLAuRENO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rub¢c ^sIlmenS. SATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS, m110ERT HAL, LORD NELSON-STREET. SIXTEENTH 8HE.AON. ON SATIURDAY EVENING NEXT, Inr 24TR INSTANT, MR. DUNCAN MACMILLAN Will give lida celebrated DrernatlC Sketch, the ?? of Ventrlloquieu. entitled THE HAUNTED INN, OR THE YORKSFIIRE WATEHR. A4misslon.-BOdy S1; ldeo{alleries 6e.; B r1ede Soa Is. TO sominice a ta 'iglht o'clock. SINGING CLA6S AND CHORAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AtbXi lazw; Cm jell to,. 8ATURDAY EVENIN(O CONCERTS, CONCERT ILULL, LORD NI:IcONY-STRFET. S1XTEENS±fl SI: TSON. ON SATUrZDAY LVri-NrZti NEXT 1OVEI0lR 12, MR. GEORGEF BUCKLA'LD WILL (IM. IITS NEW MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT, rStoT~tED YE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF YE ENGLYSSHE. - A new hunmorous Entertainment, showing how ye Frnglyshe kept House, and how they divi-ted thoenselves in ye Olden Tille.___ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Waveriree E'~SRS. BYPORJJ & SOT aer f'avoured M ihirl~tmtr'tou to) BILL by AUCTION. ?? dayinJ. tba V!th instant, at Eleven o'clock precisely, uoln the Prenises No 2 Oive vai ionse-tvrountm. Wavortr.?e, the V~ vhoie, f the excellent and mr-aon', HOUSlWfOLl FURNI. TUK& altoiec paintings. sater-coloor drawl. gP. plate, E pltedl articles. cut clss hina, ?? o tta~ie p1500.~ ' for~tc (by tiroade -od ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S4tU3 Y EVENIRNG CONONrT3, § OTOXTRD MA A BETTER MB FIFTEENTH SEASON. Wi198 1ois 'T E RINE& CONSORT mm WOOEPHTH .ro Mr. THIS (SATUEDA) EVENING, Ti 2%na n. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT JY THE C -aD NATONAL SWEDISH SINGERS. kAdmlulon: Body 3* 85uer5ia, td. ?? Seats. P*cein,, 1. &% o e Inamine s aight eoicl OL Sigig lees uer the direction of Ml. Harry LAW6012. peveryT dee. at ght o'c in d FRENCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YALENTINES, VALENTINES. An Exte vea Assortmvit, of VALENTINES may be relected fromd .1 1 A-T- RILE Y'jSo WflOESALss LISrd O0NE APPnLIATION. e TO LADIE8. 1UlADAME E LAhtt res8etfully invites a Asortment oo HYGIENIlfOOt which hery obta'ine pN FO equidto newjtol' V0D a AP the a sr^e a'na AND SON'S ?? LIVnRO at LONDON CAYE, DA-STRlEll AN HIGIE-SlTlPlM2 IS -NOW -OOPEN. SANDWIHSOfc FifSy Dollereat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, ILIVERPOO~L, GRAND MILITARY FETES CHAMpETRE. MR. EDWARD Wv. IOIAS 11 IISO ?? to m %0 to the ?? tatbe eas tid arrangee iM t Mr Atkin toki. ?? THIREE MON,'R CON CERTS at the absove Gardens. on MOpDAY, TUESDAY; and WEDESDAY NExT, the 8th, t, Od tch of Augu insstant. te 1 AND widl nurrooer ONE HUNDRI!:D POofRIIIERS, ,ad compr5e the nanmes of the following artates I' Fe T CIAR ...