... PEOPLES LECTURE3. I Last evening, Dr. Linlcester, M.D., P.RS., super. intendent of trio animial produet and food department *nat tlia South Kensington Musieumi, deliveredlin the concert Hall, Lord N olson-street, the first of a series t.of six popular lectures on 1Food. There was a Ls good attendance. His Worship the May~or, T. D. 1. Anderson, Esq., presidei, and amongst ot ler gentle. 1 ...


... In Saturday's Journa we gave a short notice of the rich and glorious-addition which the Poet Laureate has mado to our literature, We do not propose to give any further analysis of this four-fold string of pearls, but merely-to call here and there a few of the exquisite, noble, and pathetic pa3sages with which the poems abound.. Such glorious utterances as are contained in this volume ...


... A PATRIOTIC ODF. O England! I oeuld be so very poetic, And use such long adjectives-two in a line- And spout in a vein that would seetn quite prophetic, Whentelling the glories that yet ehall be thine. But no! rbll e satisfied simply to tell you I think you've a decent old home for your sons- They're not every moment in fear of the bellow Of stark Revolution and thunder of guns ! You have some ...


... M AR Y. Thou art bright as May morning, Maary, Thou art rich as the western brecze, And lovely aud pure as the cowslips Dihat welcome the labouriig bees. Thy voice is sweet mclody, Mary, Thy smile is the play of the sun That brightens the flowers of the meadolws When birds have their wooing begun. Our land has been vcalthy in Marys, Who lighted oar poets to fame; But I am so blest in thy ...


... itt rat Ut t. TEE PERIODICALS.: - nttention is. of course, first dIrectd, In the orderof !Ii' j imprtskth addition to itt comprehensive review of ?? i fitrate in ofrlae ntt Iaag mentaies a sI gets wbut le full ri appagrentbly ?? not adversa °roegatrdsu f~theton of. iUGra3- the Blooh staegryoun olt~gaf thhe disadvant hagoiusrie i tf3 nreoroeolude Artices ?? ?? Plcy oefo Austria, to FeTre ...


... .1-ittraturt. Small Bsginninge; or, the Way to Get On-J. Hogg and Sons, London. A NEATLY got Up and attractive little volumo, containing eighteen biographies of men who, by their own exertions, have risen fron humble grade to positions of eminenoe and usefelness, and the story of whose lives Is told In a style at once plain and popular. The examples Inolude John Walter, of the Times, the ...


... ?? sit tT at lfrt. on' GENlts. By ;. W. JACKSON. Edin- burgh: Maclachlan & Stewart., -mniearkable work professes to throw an entirely 1:liht upflu the biography of emineutmen The ,no of the disciples and professors of the meomerism andf phreology, about which lerned men, both in the departments of letters 3 of sIciece, have expressed themselves sceptical- O-ltnOurs to prove that the great ...


... a X t c r t t t t. TnE WIFE's TEMPTATIONS. A Tale of Belgravia. By the Authoress of The Sister of Charity, &c. Two vols. London: Chailes Westerton. WnETMER this novel will or will not sustain the re- putation of its fair author, we do not pretend to say, the simple fact being that, not having any special interest in purely imaginative light literature, we have not read more than one of the ...

A Wizard Killed by the Bursting a Gun. —Charles Henry Rignold was in the early part of July last, exhibiting

... at Ballarat the Great Wizard of the North, South, Eaat, and West. In the coarse of hit performance be commenced the gun trick, bat the piece would not off. Deceased then put another charge of powder in the gun, laid it aside, and then played one or two more tricks, and again took the gnn and put a third charge into it, and cocked the gun, put it to hi* shoulder, fired, and the barrel burst, ...


... EXTRAORDINARY PROCEEDINGS CATHOLICS AT SHEFFIELD. ALLEGED PROSELYTISM OF CHILDREN. An investigation of considerable local interest took place the meeting of the Sheffield Guardians on Wednesday evening. It appeared that during the last twelve or fourteen months about twenty orphan or deserted children, from five years of age and upwards, had been allowed to leave the workhouse on the pretence ...


... your last number, has not appeared a day too soon, and it is certainly difficult to account for the apathy of our county on the subject At present, this town and county have not succeeded in raising one hundred men, and so small is the sum of money subscribed, that probably the limit has already been reached which the Corpa can equip out of its own funds. Look at the list of subscribers ...


... T 11 1 C O U It T. The health of ?? Royal ?? thc Duchess o Kent is much imnprovetl. IHer Royal Highness stil relmils at Fogtltore. The Veryv Nev. tite Doan of Armiugh and Mrs. Dis ncy httve attivedl at the Deainery llotte, Aritiagh. William Edmnoid Fox, Iisq., ?? arrived at Castle- dillon, from Soutlhgate l1tise, Soutthgate. The ,Marquis attd Marchioness of' Kildare have left Carton Ifouse ...