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Daily News (London)

Law Intelligence

... I Iab -nteligence. NOTICES.-TrHIS DAY. 0 COURT OF CHANCERY. LINCOLES--INN. b AT ?? Tax LORD CCANCHSLOU AND ?em LanaDSJuSTICes. RI -AIspca.Io: liavilarad v. Mortiboy-Iladdlisor, v. Oh .pauma. XROLLS COURT, CHANCkiIX'.LA?'fl. AT l.0.-CaU81es. &C. Cabe v. Midlanud Rlailway, part ?? 01 v. ?? v. Bcidger-Stophenuofl v. Censer-De cc Winton v. Mai or, Be * of Breron-Roiscet,,of V. Gmrening-Tongue v. ...


... (Before Mr. Pashley, QO,., Asuistant-Judge.) T'tE PROSECUTION OF THE BENNETTS. Mr. Ribton made an application to the court ren behalf of Mr. Ambrose Haynes. an attorney. The learned counsel said Mr. Haynes had been in the profession over 20 years, had a considerable practice, a portion of which was before one of the honourable magistrates now on she bench, to whom he was well known, and, of ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-KINGSTON, MARCH 28. The commission for the county of Surrey was opened here on Saturday, and both courts proceeded to business this morning, at 12 o'clock, Mr. Justice Wightman presiding on the Civil Side, and Mr. Baron Martin in the Crown Court. The cause list is rather light, there being only 58 causes en- tered, 18 of which are set down as special jury cases. On the crown side ...


... A CHANCERY VI C2TIY. At the Leicester quarter sessions, the other day, the report of the visiting justices referred to a most extraor- dinary case, in which a poor woman, who had been engaged in a chucery suit, was the victim. She had been detained in gaol for several months on account of the non-delivery of certain papers which her attorney had neglected to deliver over, when he ceased to act ...


... THE PHOLIC u RTS. MANSION-HOUSE. Ellene Edwards was brought before the Lord Mayor in the custody of a policeman, who said-I saw the prisoner and another girl of the town fighting in Cheapside ?? night, and pulling each other to pieces. This girl was half-naked, all bhr clothes from her waist up to her neck having beon tbrn from her person; the otter was almost stark naked, all her dress from ...

Law Intelligence

... tab) IntElituvurt. I NOTICES-TH1IS DAY. I n OURET Oi' QUOlF S BENCIH, WESTMiNSTER. hl A r ?? special iu1i6S: lak on v Sl ,ckmt-Ar'hicrtb waE r.-tn ?? d anelher-iteci r. Stillwell and '-othcr-ir.u(0 ' defi COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, WEST'MINSTEL. rha AtlO.-.Middlerex comnmon juries: Spark s. Iairc aid anaDhcr- vwa MBuele a. Bteynoilc-2,e'ocooahe -. Satii-itgn v. Iiune .ied' '1 31!.b, and another. ...


... .ALL.EGKD YRAUJDS OFA SCOTCH IRON COM- I 4PY.AN.Y-BX2R-ioR1J)LVRY V'ASE. The summons issued against the Carron Iron Com.- paty (already alluded to in our columnsn) promises another remarkable case in commercial jurisprudence. It appears11 that the conmpony in question was incorporated in 1773, with S a capital ot 150,0001. in 600 shares of 2601. each, for the manufacture of iron. and its ...

Law Intelligence

... f aw Inte[ltgmnt. 1 NOTICES.-THIS DAY. COURT OF BANKRUPTCY. RASINGIIALL-STREET. ES1O5S a us. ueMIsrOSSE -VA JO.. Utliver. audltand certificate, pill, COURT OF BANKRUPTCY.-OCT. 7. (Before Mr. Commissioner Evans.) IS ILE flEgTRIO.-LARGE MERCANTILE FAILURE. This W8s the examination meeting in the case of Demettio Antonio di Demetrio, merchant, of 38, New Broad-street, trading as Antonio di ...


... TEE CONVICT ABYRT JOKES. This unfortunate young woman, it will be recol- lected, was convicted at the present assizes for the county of Surrey, of the crime of infanticide, and was sentenced to he executed by Mr. Baron Martin, who tried the case. The Circumstances were of a very painful character. The pri- soner was only 19 years old, ¬ she had been seduced and was delivered of the child in ...


... THE POLICE CO UB TS. MANSION-HOUSE. h Sir R. W. Carden handed to our reporter the following ite communication which lied been addressed to him in referenceE to an application by some Yorkshire female flax workers for pecuniary assistance some weeks since, a report of what v took pilace on that occasion having appeared in our coltimpe. at Esaornnes (Seite, and Oise, France), Jan. 22,18,59. 0 ...

Law Intelligence

... lato InteltygrCle, I NOTICES.-THIS DAY. BANKRU1ETCY COURT, BAP1NGHALL-STREET. BOSOO5.X .MO. C t5Ots1sraorn'^ OrrLOtUE-Barkor anid Bcrker, pri- vate, at 11-J. tiut. eh . so of asilgee a, i 1't- C. Carpenter. ltst ex- amlnatiow. at ?? and Refn, audit. 1-2i-F. Sharon. cho ce of assignees, at lit-H. Phelps, last examination, at 1-C. Field. lset ex- amination at 2. Bsrors Mt. CowivTSO1ONE ?? and ...


... 1 WR TBDISBURZY MUZRDE. he On Thursday afternoon, at the Cross Guns Inn, hie Old Bilston-road. (Mr. Brittain'sa), an Inquest was opened 1before G. H. Hinchiliffe, Esq., coroner, on the body of the es unfortunate woman, Jane O wet, 27 Years Of age, who mat ra with ant untimely fate under circumstances detatled in our th iy impreasaon of yesterday. ly We may perhaps be allowed to state here, ...