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... BULIX}NGDON DIVISLO.N.-Couwity lieU, Or,;:i;s0,Jan. 1, Present; the Right l1on. J.:W. Henley, M.P., the Rev. Dr. Wynter, J. S. Pliillip-r. Esq. Guy Thonisor., Esq., the Hon. and Rev. F. Berlie-, and G. Ganniie, E~esy JolumsPike, baker, of Cowaley, was fiued 4s., rad Ge. costs, for taking out bread in his eaot for sale without having scales and weights, as law. A case against ?? ...


... CIYT COU)T T-uli.slzv, S~ulr. (i - ?? 11 - - IP- Before N. Ct'istles, Iqs(. (Mayor), Aldermen Butler, Thorp, Sadler, Ward, Spiers, Too i, anid Grubb. WVillnam Roberts, a stranger, wt l chiirged with attempting to pick pockets in the 31igh-strect and Corn Malrket-street, ; oa Mondalily the 5tb iistant. The principal witness in this c:lse Wans :Mr. John 13ickle, of Bath , win 'tated that lic ? ...


... TlE MURDER AT LEDBURY. We briefly stated last week that a horrible crime had been perpetrated at Ledbury, aud that a respectable wooman wa's the victim. It seems that her name is Baker; her husband only ldied a few weeks ago, and she has since then becu living in a house, part of which is used as offices by Mr. Masceflld, a solicitor. On Wednesday morning, the 16th inst., Mr. Masefield being ...


... Promotions. Surgeon «T. Rae (1858), to Deputv Inspector of Hospitals. Appointments. Captain*—R. J. J. G. Macdonald, to the vice J. Moore ; T. H. Mason, to the Cetsar, viceC. Frederick; A. Phillimore, to the vice Mason. Masters—A. Thomas, to the J'it lean; F. Tavlor, to the 5 Asia. Second Master—H. Aguilar, to the Grapples. Lieutenants—G. A. Brine, to the Donegal; C. N. Streatneld, to the Clio; ...


... Agent—Mr. J. Tucker, Printer, High-street. Southampton ending February 10th Patients admitted, 20 ; discharged, G. —E. M. Ramlall. Secretary. The Hanoverian Quadrille Parties' Bali came off on Monday evening last, at the Koval Victoria Booms, Portland-terrace, and was in every resjieet eminently successful Nearly 300 persons attended. Mr. 11. Faulkner's quadrille band was in attendance, and ...


... The above Sessions were held Thursday last at the Town Hall, before C. J. Gale, Esq., deputy for E. Smurke, Esq., who was unable to attend on account of iUness. 'lhe Deputy Recorder briefly addressed the Grand Jury, congratalatng them on the state of the calendar, for though it appeared 17 cases had been dealt with by the Magistrates under the Summary Jurisdiction Act, which left but two ...


... The Madrid journals of the Ist state that the last accounts from Morocco set forth that the Moors and Spaniards, after the combat of the 30th tilt., remained within three-quarters of a league of each other, hut that the Moors had taken up a strong position on some heights. Another detachment 3 wounded had arrived at Algesiras. The despatch of troops from Spain to Morocco was continuing. The ...


... ST1RATFOIID-ON-AITON. BOROUGH PETTY SESSIONS, MONDAY, MAY 30. Before J. B. Freer and F. Kendall, Ecqrs. Walter Horton, alas Hartley, charged with having ob- tained a situation from Mr. Thomas Meadows, by means of a false character', was fitted 201., and 10s. costs, or, in de- fault, comminitted for three months' imprisonment in the common gaol, with hard labor. The prisoner's condutct during ...


... BULLINGDON DIVISION-Counts 1Hall, Oford, Dec. 17. Preselnt, the Hon. arnd Rev. F. Bcrtie, Dr. AMarsham, the Rev. Dr. Wynter, J. HI. Ashhurst, Esq., J. Weyland, Esq., and Guy Thomson, Esq. Robert Gosling, beer-seller, of Marston, was charged by the police with keeping his house open for the sale of beer unlawfully on Sunday morning the 11th instant. The case was dismissed. Richard Evans, ...

Mrs. Smethurst's Petition to the Queen

... Xrs. Smethurst's Petition to the Queen. rn _.L . 3 ?? L-f ;, JUWtfl .. U .- In The following is the petition of the wife of Dr. he Smethurst to Her Majesty as The humble pletitioll of Mary Smethurst, the wife of lis Thomas Smethurst, doctor of medicine, a prisoner, 10OW lie lying under sentence of death in the county gaol of Surrey, ve which showeth that your petitioner is now in the 74th ...


... CrIY COURT-FiTmkuj, Juxi, 17. .. .. .. . . I. . .. .. Before N, Castle, Esq. (Mayor), Alderamen Butler, Thorp, and T\,\ lc. The Mlagistrates w erC Cli aged fell) ci% enl ill tile morning un1til past lixe o'clock il tilhe aftc nrlloln ill alnliii appl'i- cation niaole by Mr. B1 i uicr fr thle coni iitimlent of Jane Carter, ;ervant to i ir Woolf, if l Lr dixe-sqli rc, on a eharge of pe rjry, for ...


... CITY COURT.-TUESDAY, AriTL, 26. ?? . . .I .m Before N. Castle, Esq. (Mayor), Alderenil Spicis, Thorp, Warburton, Butler, and Towle. MORE WINDOW-1tLEt.1AiNO IX P.tttA!)ISt-5QUANtE. Harriet Haines, servant to Miss Edinunds, was chaiged with wilfully breaking at square of glasa at the house of Mr. Levi Woolf, in Paradise-square, on the 20th instant. Mr. Mallam ap. peared for the prosecution, and ...