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Advertisements & Notices

... 1-TOSEPIINE.-I beg of 1ou to write me. I Ieave Q for P- in ton das, and ask you again to go with me. 14,rlember your promise. MAN AMIS;ING. f FFT his Home, on Thursday MIornicg last, a U MAN forty y ers ofege; hoight abcet 5 ft. M in., hair anti wbhlkers red. As he was ndtlreessed at the time he left his house., anI labouring under temporary insanity, his friends are afraid te miay have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE PROPERTY IN ARGYLL STREET, &c. FOR SALE. To fI HAT Eligible PROPERlTY, 0.5 and 67 Argyll -L Street, corner of Dunloun Shreet. having aI frontage of 150 Feet, andi exteniding, to aboult (lOP Skuare Yards of Grolund This Property is worthy thle at tent ion of parties requiring Shi, Dad W'arehlouse accommondation. as the Buildings could he much 10 j'-)provct1 at a moderate explense, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . IJt I-1uiC aetic-(CONTINUED.) .: _I . _ I WATIONAL SECURiTy SAVINGS BIANK OF GLAGW TjHE. TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL ~MEEI T -of this BANKC will lie held inl the Mercliant~ os,7 Hutcheson Street, onl mondlav the 10tb .alaruary next, ?? o'clock, when the Repor't for the Ycar eiidittg'0th. Novebrls will be snhnuitted. Depositors and the T'nl~ic are invited to attend. ?? (Irder of tire D~ircetors. 1 * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... z0 1~-al t ribate 33aragaiB. : O ELIGIBLE OPENING IN THE CLUTRING BIJSINESS, TO BE DISPOSED OF, BY PRIIYATE BARGAIN, ft' ;A STOMER CLOTHING BD5INES where o, .thers is a1 safe and profitabh) trate done. Book debts reay be token or not. o d For further particulars, apply by letter addressed Retiring, r Herald Office. pris y ?? a TO THOSE ABOUT TO FURNISH. Ial ni FOR SALE, and B HIE FURNITURE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BONUS DIVISION. ]1 B E I N S U R A N CE - O COtiNHILL AND CHARING CROWS, LONDON. EsrAnLssuED 1303. Gapik, ONE MILLION. All paid-up~and Invested. The following, are examples of the Proftioacmeaing on Globe Par- ?? Life Policies under the BONUSSdeclared as at 31st De- cemuber,.lISS:- atdate;ginl Original Complete- ?? applied- at d Sum Annual Years. By By paI- Policy.. -snred. Premium, in forcsa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at. TO LONDONDERRY, PORT-RUSH, AND SLIGO. ?? ,hMe S p THFE Magnificent New Iron Steam- - cy Ri W~q~agaa IlOfSE SHAMIROCIK, lie ?? IGARLAN-D, and se ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -E, H I G E LA ) COACHES. I GLElXCOlE aiid GLSINOIIGHV andi i S A R Q U 1S of BR!EADALBANE 'CuACHES Are now.funning Daily to OBAN, FORT-WaLLLAM,Vq.VZRNESS, and ABERFELDY. Offces ln Glasgrowv- JAS.. WALKEIZ; ,haibridge Street and ANDW. MENZIES, 124 Argyll Street. EDINBURIGH AND GLASCO0W RAILWAY HIGHLAND TOURS. cl- a )p -AUSSENGERS BeGked Daily from- EDINBURGM and GLASGG)WStatibns, for vario.s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T OST; on lon& 29th inst., a Ligh-BronW'TER- . ItRIEB PUP, zb#? a s xlmonth old. Wh e.mturns it to 74 ?? e;riet~'flI be Rewvarded. OUND, or1 ~Monday *Afternoon, in Eitohanan ,F Street, a G TL1IMAN'S 'GOLD WATCH KlRY. spplv-at 3IMsStewart's, 432 Parlismentary ltod. ,7ONEYZ YOOUND.-A Small Sim'i of -'ONLEY _ FOIIND in the Lobby of the Cl'yde9dalc Bank last week. Alplyy at the Bank.' rr',iR3E~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T,~ 'OST, T s Afternoon, ill Saeuchiehall Street,-be- -*ttween Kielvingrove ald Elsbenk Streets a PURSE, con- 'edn £ci in Notes. The finder, by resourning 'the. same to Mr. 1 {;rI ChrDg CTS,will-be Rewt~ded. , *ody3October. b0. c I OST, Th3is Foreraoong-betiyean eleven and'tbwelve L o'dock-, in Savwblehalt 9weTi,' from Rose Street to St. George's Road, a £lj BAltK nf:I;SLkND NOTE, supposed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .mu 6ibvr it bate, 3Na in u. 1 OR SALE,i a GRO!IERY and PROVISION. - -SHOP in a thrivig lecb1ityS where a good business cn be done. Present occupant 1eWng on acount of bad health. Address Thriving. Loclity,! Herald Office. .TO FLESHEERS. F pOR BALE, a Fit t-ila3s FLESHERWS SHOP JL aned OOOD~L, iru; thriving locality in the West End. * Average Draiing tknd Bbaking £Erom et £80 per weel. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a, a-e dc re' GI EgXTENSIVE PREMISES' AND BUILDING GROUND IN THE IMIEDIATE'NEIGHBOURHOM) 0O' THE HARIBOUR,1 AND) WITH FRtONTAGE TO F1NNIES~TON QUAI, Fo)1 SALE, BY PRIVATEk IIARGAV~ THE Y~~1nable'aid, Extensive WORKS, kiitown by T t~he: namneof the- CLYDEIIANICPRU1NTWORII.S, employed il for'Weaving, Bleachring, and Calico, Printing. The 6UOUND extends to abofit 13,000 Square Yards, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GONE A1ISSINCG, A YOUNG MAN, tmwenty years of age, five feet A eight inches, dark complexion; Ive-li dressed in black clothes; walks quickly, and is rither shy in his manner. He left hoe en l; 1ondlay 1.3:t. and was heard1 of att Duinbatrton oi;Tncsday. Sc Please kindly communicate any ioformation that may lead to N; li being found, to Mr. Mac'de,- Bookseller, Queen Street, E1 Glasgow. , S ...