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North Wales Chronicle


... TALHAIARN-CAMBRIA'S FAVOURITE -BARD. ly Id What's a' your jargon o' your schools, Your Latin names for horns nd stools, If honest Nature made you fools, ii ZWhat sairs your grammars ? d Ye'd better ta'en up -spades and shols, S., Or-knapping hammers. Ig s A set o' dull conceited hashes A Confuse their brains in college classes; I- They gang-it, struts and comne out asses, Plain truth to speak ...


... High Living amongst the Monkeys.-A writer in India expresses, from experimental knowledge, his incredulity nas to the strength of the maternal instinct in the lower animals. This instinct, he says, is no doubt a very amiable and charming thing; very self-sacrificing, de- e lightful to contemplate. But we confess we have never seen it proof against a shot in the hinder parts, nor in- - ...


... T[-IE FASHIONS FOR JUNE. (From the Ladies' Treasury.) Among the most remarkable novelties in the fashions of the present season, we must notice the adoption of birds as trimmings for hats and bonnets. On a recent occasion the Empress of the Fren2h wore a bonnet of white crape, with a humming bird placed on a spray of lilac. And on riding-hats birds of considerable size are placed as ornaments, ...


... MTEICAL, ARTISTIC, AND DRAMATIC: : ?? *GOSSIP. i' .-The~wext oratorio given by the Sacred Harmonic So; the P ciety is to be Handel's Solomon. .amon In addition to the new serial tale upon which Mr Tli Charles Dickens is at work, it is. said that a short was t ~story, also from his pen, will soon appear in doule1wld to de Words. in thi -Mr and Mii Barney Williams hlave entered into Imm, an ...


... Mqr and M rs Howard Paul al~liear~ in London on !Moii I day, inl their comic and musical1 Patchwork, which will be given for the first tine at St James's Hall, The cc entertainment is to be iembroidered with fiew patterns. di A boy prodigy on the flute will probably be a young.. ' lion of the London ?? Drew Dean, ten years cc .of age. He is apupilof Richardson andhlis performedl before the ...


... STRAY THOUGHTS-No. IIL THE DEATIH OF BYRON. He opens now his dark gray eyes, And feels that soon he'll break the ties Of life below-with man I - l He whispers words that none can hear, And now ! he struggles wi'th death's fear,, And down his cheeks there ran Many a salt tear rung with woe From a spirit that soon must go Beyond the earth's dark span But now, he smiles as others weep, And says, ...


... Ar farwolaeth Mr. WILLIADX ELIAS, mab y diweddar te Mr. John Elias, High Street, Bangor, yr hwn a fu ar ce farw tra ar ymweliad a'i chwaer, Mrs. Pritchard, ep Upper Bangor. by se E. 0 fyd tywyllodriusL, mae cledd yn dy wvenau, Ci . Mae'r pigyn yn llechu y'ngbysgod y rhos; iu to Mae storm yn bradychu thvs liwiaui y borau, th 11s Yn dilyn yr hafddydd y gwelir y nos; m he Elias ein cyfaill ! yn ...


... The annual distribution of prizes for drawing to the students of the Branch School of Art, Bangor, was made on Thursday, 26th ult. The following stu- dents received 2nd grade prizes, of the average value of 14s. etdch. Mr. W. Williams, mason, a prize; Miss Ellen Jones, a medal and a prize; Mr. David Jones, painter, a medal, a prize, and a prize student's certificate; Mr. R. D. Thomas, art ...


... (From Le Bollet.)''. . At present it appears quite deied that there will beth ,no great change either in material or make of dresses., Dii ISsleeves are still worn very 'wide and, open,'although the mrea Inumer f ?? during t ile mnontl, edi ?? is always in this wvay that a new fashion is introduced ~the at first hesitatingly, and then, if not at once discounte- ali] S nminced, it gradually ...


... The Rev Canon Mosely has a work in the press en- titled { Astro-Theology. The Bishop of London has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. The friends of Ary Scheffer are preparing an cxlii- bition of his worlks as complete as it will be in their power to make it. The exhibition of new pictures at the British Institu- tion opens on Monday next, and also the Society of Female Artists, at ...


... IOetri ipoetrl) ?? OUR FRENCH FRIEND. It's coining is he ? quotb our JOuIN, ' I've heard that talk before `- And theon his eyes fell straight upon His stick benind the door. 1 wonder if 'twould suit Our Friend (JOSIN'S face was rather grim) For me tb save his coming here, By going there to him. Because you know, old girl, says he, I'm hearty, strong. and hale, And I'd be all the better ...


... The Lobster.-Sturm, in his Reflections on the Dn Works of God, &c gives an elaborate account of the e- lobster, and concludes thus:- The lobster is certainly e- the most extraordinary creature that exists. An animal se whose skin is a shell, and which it casts off every year, an to clothe itself with new armour. An animal whose ke flesh is in its tail and legs, and whose hair is in the in. ...